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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Yes! possibly! i'll be working it, so can probs bring along a couple of crates. Hit me up nearer the time! Its entirely down to which footy team you support though 🤣🤣
  2. Get your money's worth! I'd want a suitcase full of cheese from the Tory bassist knobhead
  3. balti-pie

    Jack Johnson

    I've had a couple of spectacularly good naps at the acoustic stage - a combination of the ale bar, the sunshine, the breeze, the placid crowd perhaps? dunno. it all adds up to a nice place for a little 3pm shuteye
  4. balti-pie


    Absolutely word for word this 😁 would like to, never seen em somehow, but wembley is shite and the gold circle nonsense is bollocks. Anyone who does that should be ignored. I'll wait til glastonbury 2024 then
  5. I use cake for this, notably the cake place opposite the entrance to acoustic, typically after headliners and before the late night stuff - I’ll sit in a circus tent and munch on a couple of cakes for the sugar, watch a bit of crazy stuff, and wait for the crowds to die down a bit 👍 (but that’s cos caffeine turns my guts a bit, I can’t really deal with it) I’ve huuugely cut down on alcohol too, I love beer but only really want a couple - I have absolutely zero interest in being drunk. And all the benefits that other people report are there in spades - remembering more, spending and weeing less, not having to write off great swathes of the next day, not feeling like absolute death when you get back home afterwards, all ring true. I really can’t see me getting shitfaced at a festival ever again, it’s just such a waste of everything.
  6. Id rather see Rihanna than Taylor Swift, but wouldnt want to see either. Itd be a proper McDowell/Clockwork Orange/forced eyeballs kind of situation, and i'm not sure the pyramid stage has this kind of set-up for the audience just yet.
  7. Oh christ, yes - im so on board with this its untrue. I lock my phone into the lockups and ignore it til monday morning (well, to be fair, apart from one check of the AFL scores when Fremantle are playing 😆) but the last time i put that idea forward on the 'how would you change glastonbury' thread i was castigated for being a child-hating monster who wants them all separated irrevocably from their parents! So perhaps a throttle on the 5g signal where itll allow telephone calls of below 30sec, and text messages - all social media is delayed til monday. MUCH more fun and immersive!
  8. It pleases me greatly that Windinglake Farm, £10k a pop glamping, is absolutely right next to the Oxfield - free and full of volunteers 😆 they have the same stroll into the festival site as us lot. There's something very egalitarian about that - yeah, loads more money has got you this and that, but in the grand scheme of things there's a muddy path to get in, and we've all got to get down it, so get your boots on and muck in a bit
  9. I cant imagine i'd ever have the money to go for that sort of thing, unless i win the lottery - but if i did, i'd quite happily drop a grand or five on something pretty damn comfortable. Canvas bell tents, decent beds, nice showers, parking quite near, all that sort of shebang. What do you have to spend to get a tent fridge? thats what id very much like, a lovely cold milkshake of a morning, perhaps a peach ice tea! i dont really begrudge anyone doing that if they have the money and want to spend it on something they really love, its all relative. People think i'm nuts for shelling out £15 on a can of some insanely rare, barrel aged imperial stouts - 'you can get a four park of Carling for £3, its all just beer!' well yeah, but i want what i want, and i only have to justify it to me.
  10. got a new car to make the drive down a lot more comfortable! (from small hatchback to SUV type thing, surprisingly loads more frugal on fuel too)
  11. Oh yes! already planning another trip to Brighton with the missus so she can give it a bash as well! Happy Maki just round the corner is a bit of a haunt for me too, its basically mandatory to eat amazing vegan nosebag when in Brighton 🥰
  12. if i can use any excuse to have curry goat for breakfast, then im bloody well taking it
  13. One of the great things about glastonbury is its division into little tribes and areas, which people follow almost without even realising. The pyramid is for your instagram/social media types to take pictures and hang around, with the music being something of a background - the Park is for your hipster types with oh so exclusive and rare taste in music, dance village for the ket heads and 17yr olds, Other stage is yer NME/indie nobs, west holts for people who have been a few times and seen a few things and fancy far more vibe than photo, and the avalon and acoustic are for the ancient ones 😆 and the t+c fields are for the very best of folk. (This may or may not tend to feature me quite a lot)
  14. I did sign up solo. And the people I did my shifts with were solo too. And the ones who I took over from, and who took over from me, apart from one couple! Your theory holds a lot of water, yknow . . .
  15. Seems to be, and there’s always cancellations in the couple of weeks ahead of the festival itself, for a variety of reasons I guess. Someone on here (I’m sure I read it on here?!?!) even saw a spot on the Tuesday of the festival a couple of years back and nipped straight down to take it - so get the days off work and prep like it’ll happen, and I’m sure it will!
  16. Yep 👍 I think the most important thing is not to get downhearted by not immediately getting a place when they first go up: be persistent, keep checking the site a few times a day, and you will get a spot as they get cancelled by people, particularly after the resale. Might take a couple of weeks, might even take a month or two, but if you keep checking you will get in
  17. The main festival site doesn’t need the sight of me trotting around in a towel 🤣 I’ll save that delight for the oxfamily
  18. its completely pot luck, i think there's a couple of hundred spaces out of the 2,500 people who apply - i seem to recall it being about a 10% chance. The shifts are a lot quieter than the normal ones ofc, its checking ID and passes etc for workers. I was on a vehicle gate which was locked shut at the time, so my job for 24hrs was telling people its locked 😆 oh, and stopping the security guards from kicking off at each other. fun and games! You tick a box on your profile to say you can come down on the sat, instead of the normal mon or tues - but it really is a bit of a ghost town til monday lunchtime really, no food stalls, but theres a few staff bars so you can have a beer. I'd recommend it but be aware you are going to be camping for nine nights, and that can get a bit wearing.
  19. I got the dream early shifts with oxfam this year, Sun, Mon Tues 6am to 2pm before the gates even open - i have to say, its not really the dream, its a hell of a long time to be camping and three shower tokens for that period of time is a bit mean! There's not much in the way of food before monday afternoon really, though its great being there before the cider bus (before the cider bus!) and seeing everything slowly coming in, its a very long week and i was quite looking forward to monday morning and heading home for showers, clean clothes, sofas, carpet, all of those lovely things . . . i'm glad i got the chance to do the earlies, but think i'd probably request normal shifts next time
  20. Saw Zeal & Ardor at the Concorde 2 in brighton last night - hard to describe them, but if you can imagine chain-gang gospel with a slab of black metal, then you're not far off at all 😄 the singer fella has such a powerful, soulful voice, he's all deep growls and plaintive roars, and then he speaks and he's a little sweetheart, all full of energy and positivity, he seems like the nicest fella. They were great, very recommended, and i'd love to see them at the big G - they'd tear the Truth stage clean off yknow, nice 2am slot friday or something edit: finally took @Quark's recommendations and went to What The Pitta beforehand, absolutely magnificent and portions that ALMOST defeated me - one more chip and i'd have burst 🤣
  21. I think C is the best pattern - get the overnight out of the way as soon as poss, headliners and late night stuff friday after working, and then all day saturday free and the bliss of finishing at 2pm on sunday, grabbing a pint and having a time of it that evening is great. im all in on C
  22. take more socks than you think youll need - its amazing how clean socks feel on knackered feet. Leave a set of warm fluffy clothes in the car in case its a mudbath and you need to drive home in something comfy. i leave my driving trainers in the car so i dont have to worry about mud etc on my boots as well. Future me appreciates thoughtful me from the past!
  23. FRESH AND BLACK BE ONE OF US FRESH AND BLACK ONE OF US it’s bordering on the cultist these days, but I’m fully on board 🤣
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