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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Absolutely excellent way to look at it, oxfam etc will be doing even better out of us 👍
  2. i'll be working it, which looks like a better and better idea with every year that passes
  3. I thought he was dreadful at the AFL grand final, even worse than Buddy Franklin 😄
  4. Fuck yeah, they were excellent!
  5. Im very aboard the Judas priest train - their 50th anniversary was (kind of) in 2019, so i thought they'd have been a shoo-in for the Glasto 50th in 2020. But, yknow, worldwide pandemics, delays, all that jazz . . . Rob would absolutely fancy the pyramid stage, and i think they'd be ok with an afternoon slot even though they still headline metal festivals all over the shop. They're great live, too. Basically, Leppard can support them, and Priest can headline the afternoon rock slot 😄
  6. I'm far more concerned with supporting my own team, rather than moaning about the unfairness of others winning. other teams have always won far more trophies, and by and large its been by unlikeable shitbags - whether that's been by methods deemed fair or unfair, it doesn't really make a difference to me. City or Chelsea aren't inherently any more likeable or unlikeable than Man Utd, Liverpool or Arsenal. Basically every team who isnt Spurs are a bunch of twats. And yes, before you say it, i know that Spurs are also mostly a bunch of twats too, but they're my twats 😊
  7. a 'woke agenda' attacking pundits who are absolutely bloody terrible, and miserable while being terrible too: its outrageous! 😄 When he did the predictions thing on the bbc football website, which was notorious for being a massive crock of bollocks, he once went two and a half seasons not predicting a single Liverpool defeat. By all means be one-eyed, but ffs thats absolutely ridiculous. . .
  8. Yeah but its not what i, specifically just me, want 🤣
  9. it seems glaringly obvious to me: there's absolutely buttloads of dance stuff to do after about midnight, and it all appears to my uneducated ears to be more or less the same, just in a different place. Yeah, you can drone on at me about the difference between hard house and techno all you like, but i could not give a single shite. There's just too much of it. (and little jungle or kickass drum n bass, which i could quite happily get into!) I really liked having the Earache express because it was a little haven of metal among a festival that scarcely recognises it exists, so losing that as an option this year really fucking sucked: so lose some of the dance stuff to save money!
  10. 😆 i completely agree. I'll book the longdrop stall next to you
  11. Cut their kids legs off and count the rings. Its the only way to be sure
  12. 🤣 at least you respect the integrity of the first can ONLY being permitted after full erection - i look at those souls smashing the cans in the queues and wonder why they aren't following the rules. Delayed pleasure is the absolute best! Plus sitting there in my camping chair, tent all tidy and perfect, bed made up and ready, while i drink a lovely beer and watch at everyone else wrestling with their own polyester nightmares - absolute heaven
  13. Comparing the price difference between the pole and the air versions is tricky: £200 is a lot of money, but when youve lugged stuff across two miles of fields and its lightly drizzling, lobbing a pump into it and getting it all shipshape and perfect in about five minutes flat is worth a lot of money to me. The classic frustration of two people wrestling with poles and little holes is no way to start a camping holiday, i've sworn spectacularly at my previous tents before getting an air one and itd have to be one hell of a magnificent tent to tempt me back!
  14. 'respect' is going to be a term used to justify all sorts of ridiculous shite over the next couple of weeks. There's absolutely no reason to cancel football, other than to avoid bad press from demented news organisations (that funnily enough havnt moaned about the rugby and cricket carrying on!). Sport shouldn't stop because of a 96yr old woman dying, people can withdraw from watching or participating in events if their grief is really that all encompassing. My dad died in 1997 and i can only too easily recall the sickmaking nonsense at the end of that year, with endless talking heads, newspaper articles and hoohah over the nation losing its sweetheart in Princess Diana - when thousands of families were dealing with the loss of an actual person in their lives. I absolutely hate people speaking on behalf of the nation, and its absolutely rife at the mo.
  15. £20.00 camping 'convenience fee' 😄 that can fuck right off
  16. *googles bad bunny* hmm, i was expecting some kind of dayglo Doja Cat style cartoon nonsense, its better than i expected
  17. Those Amazon documentaries are really strange - didnt want to watch the Spurs one at all (because its my club, i absolutely hate/d Mourinho, and i'd rather not ruin what little mystique there is by looking under the hood and potentially finding out half the squad are bloody idiots) but i did watch the last episode of the arsenal because LOLs 😄 - i just think it doesnt ever come close to unearthing anything too insightful, cos its PR'd to the max by the clubs. its essentially pointless.
  18. Yes! Horny teenage me was significantly disappointed when I found out who the voice was 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Dunno! i'm off to scotland on holiday tomorrow, so i'm officially off the clock and mentally checked out, my brain is decompressing 😊 Dog is a most cromulent choice, but i'm going for one of those monkeys with the big sticky out lurid bums - a Mandrill
  20. when making all those buys, Forest were always going to look a bit scattergun - but some of them have been really decent sensible signings for what looks like good value (Dennis, Freuler, Kouyate) and some speculative buys (Awoyini, Lingard) are always worth a go when going into the Premier League, but this is the first thats made me think WTF? Its just so . . . . unnecessary!
  21. In short, its someone who has a big interest in anthropomorphic animals. Giant human-sized foxes etc. Think Japan, manga, wearing tails, all that sort of thing. Its a fascinating subculture, i think it's a kind of escapism from the human form.
  22. Its a good point! There's friends and work colleagues who's opinions i really rate, and there's others who i would pointedly ignore 😄 it doesn't entirely boil down to 'i have to respect their opinion or it doesn't matter' but thats about 75% of it. But then you're just some person on a forum, and so am i. The internet/forums/twitter etc etc both hugely dilutes opinion, and also paradoxically amplifies it, because there's bloody loads of people out there with different opinions on thousands of different subjects - but its also easy to come across people with huge interests in absolutely niche things. The classic example is furries - for forever they've probably sat on their own wondering if they are the only person on the planet getting their sexual kicks from being a dog, or a squirrel, or a fox, when in actuality there's hundreds of people out there who want to wear tails, lick things, sniff stuff and generally consider themselves to be the animal of their choice. Nowadays they're validated by others doing it, and included into a community that just would not have happened twenty years ago. I'd best clarify by saying i'm not saying all Coldplay fans are furries 🤣
  23. Why would you care about other people's opinions? i like what i like, and i dont have to justify it to anyone! if thats searingly uncool, then fine, im really not bothered at all. Ive been listening to metal for about thirty years and its been extremely uncool for basically all of that time, and due to Stranger Things its currently slightly fashionable online - and thats amusing - but in a couple of months itll be something people scowl at again. Fine by me! I dont really have an opinion about Coldplay, they just sort of exist - they lit up the pyramid quite pleasantly in 2016, from the thirty seconds of footage i saw on tv - but ive never seen them, never wanted to, cos its just not for me. Glad other people had a lovely old time there, though. The wristbands etc are quite an innovative touch. Edit: ive just remembered loads of people in the crowd at Earth, Wind & Fire had the wristbands on in 2016! so for that alone, thanks Coldplay 👍
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