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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. GWAR next month, and quietly tempted by the lemonheads playing 'its a shame about ray' in september
  2. Its really early doors and a slightly unimaginative recommendation, but the fresh n black tents really are very decent. Staying a little bit cooler and allowing for afternoon naps/lie ins/decent quality sleep is a gamechanger, particularly if youre working and need to maximise your rest. I always want a porch in which i can sit in a chair, other than that im not too fussed by capacity etc - its good for storage, comfort, clothing, taking boots off, all sorts. If i have that, everything else is fine.
  3. And I nod in recognition that you, too, are a pie man - a man of pie
  4. I’ve had a pie barm, though admittedly it was called a Wigan kebab - very decent, but does necessitate a bit of extra moisture - mushy peas, gravy, perhaps a dollop of jerk sauce? Marvellous though. I made a three course pie dinner a couple of years ago for national pie week (normally mid march, fact fans) and I had a pork pie and salad starter, steak and ale pie, mash and peas main, and apple pie and custard for pudding. (I have a breville pie maker so make my own pies. Yes, this is a brag, I’ll admit it)
  5. I am from down south. That doesn’t necessarily make me a southerner, though. I have a full and deep appreciation for the pastry arts from lots of areas of the country, from up hill to down dale, from highland league to Devon county
  6. balti-pie

    Neil Young 2023

    Neil Young and Pearl Jam on the pyramid would be absolute 100% dream stuff, best possible headliner, fantasy league pick, double live gonzo.
  7. Meat and potato is an ok pie, I don’t mind it, they tend to be excessively heavy though - I had one at Stoke away once and there’s no way on earth you could eat two, it was an absolute stomach full of stodge. Obvs it was the best thing about Stoke 🤣
  8. I was happy for you to pretend to rob people happy to tolerate the hard man act willing to go with the drugs/hedonism nonsense and for you to slag vegans off in the name of comedy but now you’ve gone for balti pies, and you’ve made an enemy of me, dammit 🤬 curry is a perfectly cromulent filling for a pie, and on this hill I will die!
  9. I’m fascinated by the parentheses around hummus. Are you doubting that hummus exists? Or that he is into hummus at all? I must know what you’re moaning about here.
  10. 😂 I take great delight in singing solo and looking like a right knob, I had bizarrely loads of chances to do that at Paul McCartney, the crowd around me were enthusiastic and nice, and all good, but they really weren’t down with anything but the most famous of Beatles songs - I’d have presumed everyone knows the words to ‘she came in through the bathroom window’ but no, it felt like it was just me (and him, obvs)
  11. balti-pie

    Neil Young 2023

    Oof, I know this would take about seventeen miracles to even nearly take place, but would he be the best possible headliner for the Park stage imaginable? He bloody would yknow. give the programming over to him as a bargaining chip and he can choose the bands for all three days, headline on his own on Friday, and with crazy horse on Saturday, and a ridiculous rare b-sides/full play through of Trans on Sunday . . . right, someone get some contracts written up and sorted before he changes his mind!
  12. Noel Gallaghers’s midget eyebrow men were subs on the pyramid, but if they were headlining the Other you’d have heard the moaning from space. Its a slot for meh bands, the pyramid sub, not for actual excitement. (Nb - I haven’t seen an Other headliner for yonks, whenever it was skrillex headlined - 2016? Maybe?
  13. What would you like to see on tap in a Glastonbury festival bar? Three different beer taps, absolutely anything you fancy from anywhere;
  14. Seemed as good as 2019, you can pretty much always rock up and find seats (in the times that I went) and that’s what I’m after for a staff bar - a decent pint, a seat and a bit of time away from hullabaloo (until such a time as I want back in, obvs) only criticism is the beer choices ran out early doors, the crafty stuff in tow&hitch and broken Britain went quite early . . . As in by Thursday, quite early
  15. Youve got the wrong Ian Watkins, mate
  16. i'm more obsessed by football - i''d conservatively estimate at 50% of the thoughts coming into my head on any given day are about football. Well, predominantly Spurs-specific, but wider football as well. Music probably operates at about 30% of my thoughts, i permanently have one earworm or another - and that leaves 20% of my brain available for day-to-day goings on and happenings, including full time work and a relationship 😊 My music thoughts are in trying to have a decent understanding of pretty much every band or artist that may appear on a lineup but if i make a big playlist and that one song isnt really indicative of their qualities as an artist, that concerns me a bit - i might be missing out on gold. What i like is my early recognition of a band being decent - i feel all smug and happy when someone says to me 'oh, you told me about them last year, and they're great!'
  17. its not that its controversial, its just not fairer at all, its a little bit snipping the bottom of the ladder so people cant climb it. Pricing people out to lower demand is a fiscal decision, but not even this current tory party would paint it as fairer. (besides anything else, i volunteer so it absolutely doesnt effect me, other than i leave a bigger deposit in feb when i secure my place, and then get it back later in the year!)
  18. My vegan mate is hopelessly addicted to VFC - that's two glastonburys in a row he's eaten there a minimum of once daily. They don't even take his name any more 😄 if you're wondering where he might be, no point in texting him - just breeze on by VFC! It is a very satisfying greasy treat, and cos its fresh as possible, its not sitting there smouldering in wrapping, getting soggy. I got quite partial to it meself, though obvs not daily - so many potential alternatives wiped out - but i can definitely see the appeal for late night salty greasy goodness, its the classic
  19. I had a completely vegan thursday at the festival, and it was banging - vegan brekky from the fat belly puppets cafe in the greenfields, had tikka daal and rice from the goan fish curry place (which is a regular i have every year, cos its gorgeous), a vegan box from one of yer street indian places, and a VFC from the markets area - all good, everything i ate was delicious, would vegan more often - EXCEPT - and forgive me for bringing the conversational value down a wee bit here- the farts were absolutely monstrous 😇 i had to share a tent with my own bum, and it wasnt fun. I can only presume this was an adjustment thing and itd settle down? i could not be that windy all the time!
  20. How does it make it fairer? I’m confused. Lobbing a £50 deposit down makes it far more egalitarian than lobbing down the full £300 in October; the majority of people have a spare £50 floating around, or can make steps over a month or two to get it. This seems fairer than the full amount eight months before a festival.
  21. i saw Billy Ocean at a Hop Farm festival in Kent, and he was bloody great. This might be about a decade ago (ish) but yeah, hes really engaging, has a pile of bangers, and would be very up for the kind of camp atmos that sunday afternoon entails. If Billy Joel doesnt do it, id be very content with Billy Ocean, of all the other Billies (Piper can naff off, obvs)
  22. i think the major issue is that he's not disabled, and he finagled a way onto the disabled platform by flashing an AAA pass and being an insufferable bellend. Which is many things, but is definitely not a disability.
  23. FFS don't give the bear a guitar, he'll start smashing out Wonderwall and then you're in a world of shite
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