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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Itd be fascinating to see where glastonbury would bung the new stage! get rid of pennards and put it at the bottom of that field? That could be quite good!
  2. weirdly, my trippy post-fest dreams have been postponed from last week (when i expected them) to this week - was up at 2am wondering why i put my bedside cabinet into my tent, and how the fuck i was supposed to put my mattress into my car and drive home. Took me a good minute to realise actually, im at home, and im being a donut . . .
  3. revolver or rubber soul. But abbey road and the white album as well. So four best albums, basically, i'm not gonna pick a winner!
  4. This isnt the place to have this discussion really, but ac/dc are really spectacularly specific about their sound and image rights - when they played download they had their own stage (not set-up, i mean actual stage) that no other band were allowed on, with their own PA etc etc - and they even negotiated so that Download couldnt use the ac/dc logo on the tshirts/hoodies etc. Kind of part pointless nonsense, and part creating spinal tap style hilarious demands . . . . i'd be hugely surprised to see them playing glastonbury. While it'd draw the kind of headlines they want, it would mean them sharing the limelight, and thats not really their thing. plus $$$
  5. i've seen the Strokes twice, and both times they were really shit. This is a few years ago now, admittedly, but man i was disappointed.
  6. Returning headliner: Blur New headliner: Pearl Jam Will never happen headliner: Beatles Legend slot: Simon & Garfunkel bit of a sausagefest, and im a bit worried about going to the pyramid three nights in a row, but there we go - four artists ive never seen (well, Art Garfunkel at the acoustic, and McCartney this year, but you know what i mean)
  7. Id like to see Sade fronting Slade, seeing as Noddy doesn't think he's up to it any more
  8. Only if he's playing with Art Garfunkel, obvs
  9. FFS, i can barely think of anything worse. Thankfully due to badgers its very unlikely 😄
  10. Didnt see anyone queuing outside on the monday, the earliest i saw was about 1pm tuesday on the route up to gate b - one group of about 8 people, and then the empty zigzags behind them, and across the road from about 5pm the hardcore were queuing by the green fence thats at the side of the oxfield, towards the car parks. I was camped in the oxfield listening to them all night while in my nice comfy bed! It got moving pretty steadily from before 8am, and was right up the hill for a good couple of hours. It was fascinating viewing!
  11. Admittedly i dont tend to float around the pyramid/other main drag very much at all, save for Paul McCartney, but i cant say the crowds were very much worse than i recall from previous years - the worst bits were attempting to meet some mates during the Libertines (that was daft) and wandering through west holts while everyone was amassing for TLC - my bad for not knowing what was going on really. I thought the SE corner was a bit quieter than previously, and the greenfields were as they always are, a great oasis away from the madding crowds. I've been to the football and perhaps got a bit more used to huge crowds than others? dunno. Interesting to read everyone's reports though.
  12. I completely agree with this. I saw him about twenty years ago in one of those very staid Hyde Park shows, he was and is a great frontman and it’s a very professional and well done show (I bet it’s barely changed in twenty years) but it’s really not headline stuff as far as I’m concerned. He has stacks of great tunes but they’re all quite singalong, there’s no benefit to them happening in the dark at all, it’s very far from danger and excitement. The best possible afternoon legend slot, or an underwhelming headline spot? I know which one I’d want him to do. But he’s Elton John, he has an ego the size of the moon. He will insist on headlining, and will scoff at the amount offered, and I don’t think he’ll do it.
  13. Definitely better live than on record - they’d have been on the pre-festival playlist and most definitely didn’t stand out even a little bit to me. Not a surprise considering the genre etc - but things are always better live
  14. I’ve volunteered with oxfam the last two years, and it’s been a good experience - getting on-site early, access to staff bars, showers and food tokens, shifts that are about as reasonable as you can expect, etc etc - you can register on the oxfam festivals website now and if you do two events a year, you get priority for next year - so my Glastonbury place is already guaranteed. Which is great! Water aid and Shelter also have volunteer places, and are worth looking at. but I do quite fancy the recycling one year, camping at Tom’s field is very central and good, and their T-shirts are the bomb 🤣 and the internal stewarding for specific areas also looks really good, but quite hard to break into - it’s primarily local groups who recruit internally so if you’re not in, you’re not likely to get in. This would be for SE corner, green crafts, JP tent, campsite stewarding etc etc. there’s a fair few areas that I’d quite fancy, I need to identify exactly what it is I want, I think . . .
  15. balti-pie

    Much Thanks!

    Oh, i dream of a day when there's a Russian River and Sierra Nevada beer stall at glastonbury 😊 itll be a short day if they're dishing out pints of Pliny or Torpedo though
  16. stuff that doesnt fit into one rucksack and a day bag. clothes and toiletries can easily fill a rucksack, then theres sleeping bags and mats strapped to the outside with a pillow, a separate tent and a camping chair - so bringing in a decent amount of food and drink is pretty much not happening. I guess people on buses are wearing wellies and packing boots etc in their rucksacks? ive got size 12 feet, thats 40 of my 80 litre capacity just on big ugly footwear 😆
  17. id have a bit of travel just to get to the coach point, the two nearest are twenty and fifty miles away respectively - it just doesnt really fit. If there was one from my hometown then id be a lot more likely to give it a go because sitting down, listening to tunes and daydreaming out of a window is exactly what i want to do when im driving 😄 but then i quite like road trips, can set off and come back when i want, and i can use the car as a storage for unused wellies etc etc as well. . . no coach sale for me until there's a setoff a fair bit closer to me.
  18. Confidence Man. I had absolutely no idea what theyre about at all, genre, anything - and i typically like heavy stuff, of which there were very slim pickings this year. Happened along the side of Confidence Man and thought id give em a song, and they were superb 😊 they're very far from what i would normally be interested in, but the enthusiasm and the dancing and just basically everything made it ace. Perfect for festival daytime!
  19. Thinking about my volunteering options, and whether to try and tap people up now or wait until early next year!
  20. Shitbags, I was there that year, I thought it was a year I wasn’t there! I have no excuse for not going then 🤣 I’ll have to have a look at the lineup and see what I was doing . .
  21. I’m sure they played the Other in about 2015? Very leftfield booking!
  22. The most recent Glastonbury band gets taken off in one piece and put onto my bunch of keys as a keyring, while the one it replaces goes onto my hat, courtesy of my Mam’s millinery skills. This hat is a big and beautiful cowboy-style tarp hat, and as it’s quite so big and unsuitable to be rolled up and bunged into a pocket, it’s saved for special occasions only. It lives on top of my wardrobe in the meantime, looking ace.
  23. I wouldn’t head back to Sussex during Glastonbury weekend, let alone bloody Switzerland 😂 it’s a no from me. I’d pick one and do it properly, and not try and fudge both
  24. Kind of - i went to the Big Day Out in Melbourne in 2004 (where i saw the Flaming Lips for the first time, seen em 11 times since then) but thats a Lollapalooza style touring one day festival - no camping etc. It was 35 degrees and people were dropping like flies, not just the europeans among us! My primary memories were of separate alcohol areas, and of it being really really fuckin hot . . . very eclectic lineup, from Black eyed peas to Fear factory - not just on the same bill, but next to each other on the lineup 😆
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