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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Flags should definitely be banned in the pit areas in front of stages - that’s quite manageable, couple of stewards either side of the pen entrances and signs up as well telling people. Flags further away are fine (6ft 2, thanks for asking 😊)
  2. balti-pie

    Volunteering 2022

    🤣 being on a gate where nothing happens is both a blessing and a curse - it’s nice to relax and chill, but it also crawls by and you end up clock watching all the time - having stuff to do definitely quickens up the pace. I was on a vehicle gate that was shut, so the majority of my time was spent telling people to go to another gate. Pointless, in the grand scheme of things, I could have been a cone with a sign and done just as good a job 😂 but it’s easy to forget it’s for charity, and we have both raised a good £300-odd for oxfam, and that’s a very good thing 👍 it’s just so hard on the feet. Walking to get to your shifts, being on your feet for eight hours, and then finishing and wanting to get amongst it without at least a good half hour of sitting down, Is physically taxing. I hike and walk long distance paths and half of me doing that is to train for the physical demands of Glastonbury! edit; hey blue6field, nice to have a pint with you mate 🤝
  3. I know it’s all subjective an all, but Robbie bloody Williams? Taking aside my dislike for his music (and his smug grin) I just don’t think he’s old enough, legendary enough or storied enough for the legend slot. (Thought the same about Kylie too, to be honest) Billy Joel is a great shout, Carole King would be amazing, I’d have nominated Art Garfunkel but he played acoustic a couple of years back and was great - I don’t suppose he and Paul Simon fancy a sunny afternoon at the pyramid? Now that would be legendary . . .
  4. balti-pie

    Volunteering 2022

    I did the early shifts with oxfam, so was on-site from sat 18th onwards; camping for that long is absolutely knackering. I had three 6am starts on sun, mon, tues and it was hot and sunny each day - the work was fine, and I was then off for the whole festival which was a right result, but each night of camping takes about 10% off my ability to be up and at em, and by the Sat of the festival I had the slowest of slow mornings and didn’t get into the festival site til 2pm. I had a decent bed set-up, and don’t really drink to excess (3 or 4 beers a day, no more than that) so it’s just the cumulative effects of camping for nine nights. I actually feel pretty damn good now I’m home, I think stopping getting shitfaced drunk is definitely the way forward! All in all the oxfam experience was excellent, but I’d think on about signing up for earlies again - the normal shift pattern during the fest is absolutely fine (for me, who isn’t too fussed about the lineup)
  5. I was about to say he only played a couple of years ago, but then realised it was 2010 and that was twelve years ago and I’m really old 🤣 he was good, but I’d rather see Dre or Ice Cube
  6. Worked it this year, will have priority to work it next year, so yeah 👍🏻
  7. balti-pie

    Crowd Etiquette

    It is normal, and it isn’t. Bigger crowds will inevitably have more knobheads, it’s just whether you’re near them or not. Weirdly I think heavier acts have better behaved crowds: Turnstile and Amyl & the sniffers had great crowds, boisterous but friendly - pats on shoulders, helping each other up, respectful and decent from young to old (me!). It’s more about the immediate people around you. If I see a group of fellas doing keys and generally looking like berks then I’ll not stay near em for long.
  8. balti-pie

    Crowd Etiquette

    Don’t be a dick, basically. Don’t shove people out of the way, don’t piss on the floor, don’t talk incessantly during sets, engage strangers in brief pleasantries but don’t bore their ears off and don’t grab them for a fuckin dance unsolicited (that’s been a problem for me, a big ugly bloke, so Christ knows what it’s like for women) and yeah, just don’t impose yourself on others
  9. I was expecting proper norf London thickarse salt beef, and got rubbery strips. Unimpressed for £11. Should’ve looked at other peoples servings really
  10. Le grande bouffe and Manic Organic were both missed by me
  11. balti-pie

    Sober times

    No suicide Tuesday! Woop! It’s really nice to have a clear and concise memory of loads that happened, including setlists (not completely, but mostly) and info, etc. it’s just so much nicer not having to deal with hangovers at all. Good work us 👍
  12. balti-pie

    Sober times

    I found that my legs and feet ached at the end of the day, but that can be countered by cake and sweet things 🤣 and in the mornings, I felt a hundred times better physically. I had maybe 2/3 beers on the wed, thurs and fri, and nothing at all sat and sun. This was absolutely perfect for me, I just can’t see how I would go back to drinking to excess. But it’s what suits each person 👍
  13. I had a completely vegan day on the Thursday, featuring; vegan brekky at the fat belly puppet cafe, bloody lovely masala daal, rice and salad at the goan fish curry stall (I already knew this would be excellent though) big stack of fruit VFC ‘fillet’ burger - really bloody decent, my mate was so addicted he was there daily from weds onwards all things considered, the food was great, I very much enjoyed being vegan for the day; but oh my good Christ alive the wind 😶 apols, TMI, but it was my main finding 🤣
  14. Dub war were great! Not many of us in the crowd but man, we were spoilt 🤘
  15. You must be made of steel/be wearing a beer jacket, I was bloody freezing at sundown each night and had to have hoodies/coats on
  16. balti-pie

    Car parks

    Left at 7am, straight and clear run for 160 miles til ten miles from home 😂 lying on my bed all clean now, waiting to put another wash on. Glamorous
  17. I’ve been thinking about it on the drive home. Roundabout: speed up; overtake; change lane; think about that mango chicken; the jerk fries; salivate at wheel
  18. The Only Jerkin Caribbean fried chicken stall in west holts was absolutely bloody magnificent - had a bit of me mate’s on the weds, and was saving it for maximum deployment which came when I was bloody starving on sat lunchtime. 10/10 could not be bettered
  19. People are, on the whole, selfish twats. This is often worsened by hangovers/comedowns/lack of sleep. I’ve always been most annoyed by the hairwashing crew, who could quite literally scrub while queuing again for a rinse off, it’s perfectly set up!
  20. Typically if it’s a Jack White set, he’ll just play Jack White songs - expect very little white stripes, raconteurs etc, if any at all. (Source; me, who’s seen him at Glastonbury in every incarnation I think!)
  21. This has been a particularly strange time with the delay between getting tickets and actually getting to go - a fair few people I’m sure got tickets before actually having a kid, and then deciding whether to plough on regardless, or give up the ticket. I love seeing kids around the place, but when it’s rammed it does seem a bit scary for them. Kids running around t+c amazed at everything will never not be cool to see though.
  22. balti-pie


    Don’t drink so much, then you won’t need to piss so much. It’s your bladder, control it 👍🏻
  23. My go-to in 2019 was the unfaieground bar which had pint cans of Arbor, they were glorious in the heat; just went past, don’t have em this year
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