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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. my hallway piles are more or less ready, aside from clothes which need cleaning - i'd say im about 90% packed. which is a nice way to be!
  2. you must be punching the air in happiness 😄 im glad you got a happy ending!
  3. i tend to open all the mozzy net flaps inside to brighten it a bit inside, and i have fairy lights hanging from the inner/outer gap, but agreed - at nighttime it really is bloody dark! Looking forward to further testing out the fresh element, with the mixture of sunshine and showers we're almost certainly due - i love that sound of rain on a tent when im all cosy . . .
  4. 10am thursday - ill have showered and preened myself, and i'll be probably tea in hand, perusing my second breakfast options
  5. i typically take a few nice cans and will spend £50 on them, then have a drink as and when i fancy one, and eat whatever i like whenever i like it - four meals a day isnt unknown - and i typically take about £400 with me, and return with a good £150 of that. its a holiday, so i dont want to scrimp, and i dont - but i still dont really spend that much money somehow
  6. balti-pie

    Best Bars

    I’m hoping for a fair bit more craft floating around this year, it seems like such an easy thing to have some big fridges with some kickass cans
  7. balti-pie

    Best Bars

    It’s mega sweet and really isn’t the kind of thing I could drink in any quantity at all as well. I only have one pint a year and that’s purely for nostalgia reasons
  8. balti-pie


    Not too bad a distance at all, I’ll be doing the exact same thing! 🤝
  9. typically half man, half burger are on the path down towards beat hotel/san remo, and while i dont eat a lot of red meat at all, ill forego that for one of their burgers 😄
  10. Can confirm. I went hiking in Aberdeenshire in late march, and we had about six inches of snow over two of the hiking days: shorts were pretty much fine for all of it, aside from the last hour of the day, when ill admit it got a bit brisk around the ol nether regions. Shorts are the choice of champions.
  11. cor bloody hell, i really want a skewer of that tikka right now
  12. Friday night Truth stage at present has Dutchie on from 22.10 to 23.30, but now Earache have announced Dub War from 22.10 to 23.10 (suits me right down to the ground tbf!)
  13. Dub war being solidly pencilled in right now 😃
  14. i saw people in the queues outside Gate B at about 6pm on the tuesday in 2019, dunno if they parked up and hiked in from elsewhere, but they were very much at the front of the queue the next morning . . .
  15. balti-pie

    Best Bars

    There's a bar in Unfairground that sells those big pint cans of Arbor ales, theyve got 2 or 3 different ones (including a Gluten Free) and theyre deliciously cold and absolutely majestic. For that alone its become my favourite bar
  16. balti-pie


    More car parks funnel in to C, so you'd presume that B might be better- but there's no real way of knowing, its dependant on so many factors. I'd probably lean towards B but expect massive queues no matter what . . .
  17. Yeah, but war stories afterwards, you can bore your mates to tears about how it was THIS deep but we just all cracked on and danced while in ankle deep slurry
  18. Two sacrificial lambs out in the rain! (both needing pints and pies)
  19. i'll be onsite from sat 18/06 onwards, so it looks a lot like i'll be the sacrificial rain lamb that gets soaked for a couple of days, so that all you punters can swan around in the balmy sunshine from weds onwards. Are you lot happy with that? Are you not entertained? (i accept payments via pastry products and long cold drinks, some of which can feature beer)
  20. Its Glastonbury. If its not muddy, im not even sure that it counts. At some point you have to mutter under your breath and hunker under a tent while it smashes down with rain. rain on a tent is one of the greatest sounds in the world, whereas being baked out of your tent at 7am because youre being boiled alive sucks and is shit. I'm team misery on this one, i dont like hot weather much at all. (now seems like a good time to point out i lived in australia for a couple of years, but it was Melbourne primarily, so if you dont like the weather you just have to wait a bit and itll change)
  21. Southampton services are exactly halfway in terms of driving times - two hours down the a/m27, then a stop, then up the a36 thru Salisbury and down the a303 etc. I have my last porcelain poop there, and then on the way back i have my first porcelain poop 👍
  22. balti-pie

    Volunteering 2022

    Someone will be along with the ABCDE pattern thingo soon, or go back a couple of pages - last time I got pattern c, which involved a night shift on weds night, a late shift on Friday, and an early on Sunday - it all worked out quite brilliantly, cos the late ended just about half an hour before Gojira played the Truth stage so I had time for a wee, a can of imperial stout or two, and a dive to the front of the stage . . . I was on a vehicle gate in the SE corner, which had a workers gate next to it - basically eight hours of zapping peoples wrists as they came in and out. Fairly dull, but quite easy, and I should think a decent representation of work duties. A bit hard on the feet, being stood for that long, but it made a post-shift sit down with a pint an absolute delight 👍
  23. balti-pie


    Obligatory stroopwaffel mention dry roasted peanuts, snickers bars, fizzy cola bottles, lollies and great big piles of fruit for me - and peach iced tea. Bloody love the stuff, could drink pints of it quite happily.
  24. balti-pie

    Food prices

    I save money up through the year so I can have a bit of a splurge on decent food as and when I fancy it at Glastonbury - given up drinking to excess, so that makes greediness a lot more affordable 😂
  25. Me too, i have absolutely never seen that name, heard it, their music, anything. And theyve got five or six albums out ffs! i'm VERY out of touch, you'll find me in shangri-la desperately trying to find a DJ to play some Motley Crue 😆
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