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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Best places for ale, in the last couple of festivals: Avalon as mentioned, but they do bung on a premium - which im reasonably happy to accept considering how beautiful the bar is! They often have 3 or 4 on tap, nothing of specific note that i recall, tending to focus on approx 4.5% brown stuff (whereas i'd prefer 7% dark stuff, but thats just me) Tricketts - had 6-8 ales on tap, ranging from light pales to slightly heavier bests etc, still nothing kickass but beautifully positioned Cockmill bar by acoustic - about twenty ales on tap, and im sure i saw summer lightning on tap here, which is a right bloody result! They tend to open at midday thursday, and you'll fairly reliably find me there about that time 😋 Cornish bar, in the marketplace between pyramid and west holts ish - this is a regular stop for me cos i do like a pint of Proper Job. tribute will often be on as well, and that aint bad as well. Thank christ they dont have Doom Bar, dreadful muck that it is! Pretty much every bar will have some kind of ale on, last time it was often Bath Ales Gem, which is about 3.8% and is a light, refreshing and not bad at all pale. They might have called it Pyramid ale or something similar, but its just rebadged Gem! I can imagine there might be something of a revolution with the beer choices there this year, because crafty stuff is proliferating ever wider, and people are a bit more discerning - there's less enthusiasm for deeply average pints of cooking lager like Tuborg or Carlsberg, and more for slightly more interesting stuff. If Tricketts can have a couple of kegs of Deya - steady rolling man then to be honest happily i'll bring my chair and pitch up there for a good pint daily!
  2. have they doubled the amount of dosh the Glade has to put on acts? that seems ridiculously stacked, even to a bloke who isnt really all that about dancy stuff!
  3. 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻 I’m truly honoured! I’ve not been to the Hawthorns, away tickets are such a ballache to get hold of that my ground hopping tends to be non league these days. One day I’ll write a pie review of all 92 league clubs inside a season, when my lottery numbers come up - then I’ll do Scotland as well, and the full non league scene down to step 6, and then perhaps die due to overconsumption of delicious pastry products . . .
  4. they could transition from breakfast stuff to lunchy/dinnery haggis, neeps and tatties quite seamlessly as well as getting the fryers out and doing some haggis pakoras etc. Plus irn bru slushies with a bit of Buckfast? smoked salmon bagels too? highland toffee vodka shots? so many possibilities
  5. all of this, but with added ONE OF US
  6. i love schofferhofers, theyre beautiful - and while theyre obviously great cold, they dont need to be - pulling them out of a bag youve been lugging around all day theyre still lovely!
  7. FFS, Vault City are ridiculous with their sours - i had a bash of the Coffee poached pear praline tart sour and its very Willy Wonka, you can feel each flavour rise and fall and come up with the next. Incredible! They're going to struggle to can them though, cos fruit + heat + cans = explosions, if they havnt sorted out their yeast . . . Ive not tried canned sours at tent temp before, i tend to stay with darker beers (imperial stouts, basically) or really light grapefruity beers if theyre not going to be chilled - more research needed!
  8. I do, and i predominantly leave it in me tent for mornings/nights - i think its ventured out twice in the four festivals its been to 😆 its primarily for shoe/boot removal and attachment, and for sitting down with a tea.
  9. The problem with showers at glastonbury is: being all nice and clean after a couple of days of rolling around full of smells, you really notice how other people are all of a sudden much more stinky by comparison. There's a lot to be said for holding on til you get home on the monday before having a great long shower and cleaning off a good week's worth of stench - that initial moment of getting under the shower and cleaning yourself - oof, its blissful. That said i'll be in the Oxfield this year so i can have showers if i fancy em 😊
  10. balti-pie

    Volunteering 2022

    It feels like one of those disastrous missteps that gets revisited (hopefully before the festival, like now, so people can change their plans) or at the end of the summer where they apologise profusely, realise theyve dropped a bollock, and change it back for next year and going forward. Its a really idiotic thing to destroy everyone's goodwill for the sake of the price of a couple of coaches.
  11. That’s a really deep pie filling 😍 how are they on macaroni pies?
  12. Ooh, tacky cravings - I’ll have a couple of veggie/vegan days and generally tend to eat pretty damn well when I’m there, lots of salads/fruit/smoothies/veggies every day - but I have to save room and calories for a huge great big roast pork roll for Sunday lunch as well. Love em. An extremely drunk mate of mine once ate three in a row at Reading one year, he was absolutely floored by a food coma for a good couple of hours afterwards the detty pig
  13. balti-pie

    Nick Cave

    well, fuck. Thats absolutely horrible news.
  14. i bloody love a white pudding supper too, thats just FYI 😄 a scottish food van would be great actually, lorne sausage and tattie scone in a morning roll with a pint of tea and i'd be ready to take on the world!
  15. Yes i do, and yes i will. Pie updates will be placed on these very pages. Its the true champion of pie fillings, balti pie, though i was in scotland a couple of months back and theyve a fine way with a pie up there- steak and black pudding was riotously enjoyed, and i also love a macaroni pie with a really good chili sauce. The scotch pies at Clachnacuddin FC were also particularly notable.
  16. I'll be there on mon and tues, as im volunteering this year - i'll be combing the highways and the byways for pie (ways)
  17. i dont think Pieminister have been at glastonbury since about 2014. i miss em too. The veggie and vegan pies are absolutely top as well. There's a pie bakery near to me, Piglet's pantry, who supply Brighton and Hove Albion (and Leicester, weirdly) and while i dont support them, i have a few mates who do - and when there's a spare ticket i'll go along. Perhaps 50% for the pie and 50% for the football 👍 they have a wonderful way with a herby pastry!
  18. My man. This is my subject. I miss the square pie stall, they were excellent - further back i was a big fan of Pieminister when they had a stall next to the brothers bar in west holts, they did a cracking breakfast pie with mash, gravy and crispy onions for i think six quid last time they were there. It went delightfully with a cold pint of breakfast brothers and the first act on West Holts at 11.10am etc. This year we have yet to set our pie adventures in stone, the world is our oyster!
  19. The welsh oggies are lovely, but they will fill you up for a long old time - as a greedy person i both love and hate massive portions, because i want to push more delights into my face!
  20. balti-pie

    Vegan Traders

    I don't think she means to be demeaning or dismissive, i think she's just being a bit woo and naive. Its not an experience she's had to go through, she's a bit sheltered on that front, and she's come across a (dumb) explanation that works for her. It evidently doesn't work for the people she's talking about, which is crass. Its not too dissimilar to Glenn Hoddle's idiotic comments about disabled people being punished for 'karma' in their previous lives: if you want to think these things, fine, but be careful about where you air those views, and don't be surprised if people think you're a twat for them.
  21. People were saying the same about la grande bouffe last time as well, but i think a lot depends on when you go there, how through the cooking process they are with the colossal pans, and how quickly they're churning stuff out as well. I always want the burnt bits from the bottom of the pan with tartiflette, its more flavoursome and umami - its great. and yes perhaps its a little middle class, but i dont think thats necessarily a bad thing 😆 particularly when discussing a very cheese heavy diet!
  22. balti-pie

    Vegan Traders

    😅 this is the most Brighton thing ever! Trans people, vegans, spirits, its all a bit Nathan Barley! Dumb comments from the owner perhaps, but not nasty - they wont preclude me sourcing some lovely vegan eats at Glasto . . . Edit; this quote is worth reserving for posterity, because: blimey. She said: “I have done a lot of research into spirits, spirits are just people who have died, no demons, no entities just people. “They can and do affect everyone in different ways, positively and negatively and to varying degrees and this depends on the existing feelings we have inside of us and how sensitive we are. “I feel I have seen enough evidence to know all of this as fact.”
  23. balti-pie

    Vegan Traders

    why were Happy Maki cancelled? i love them dearly. As long as theyre not gunning down minorities in the streets, i'll ignore the cancelling.
  24. bad choice was trying the other raclette place (the one in the yellow school bus) in West Holts, having always really loved the rac shack opposite the cider bus i thought id give the alternative one a go. It was crap. Terrible catering chips, three mini cocktail sausages, and a fairly bland tasteless melty cheese on top for about eight quid. Rac shack have lovely fresh cut fries, proper herby toulouse sausages, and you can see the melty raclette as its dolloped over the lot of it - its brilliant. I tweeted them after the fest and apologised for being a turncoat twat, theyve welcomed me back with open arms 😄
  25. christ, looking at this thread when im hungry is really stupid. Everything looks and sounds incredible. Only Jerkin look great, i wanna try the chicken strips and the cauli, to compare and contrast
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