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Posts posted by whatmidlifecrisis?

  1. An awful situation that has brought out the best in people. ME and GFL step in and all the disgruntled customers vow to not let it upset their week. Nice warm feeling......

    Just a small point that I am not sure has been mentioned...MyHab have obviously handed over full details of who paid for what to GFL and/or the Green Tent company. This would point ot the fact that the owner has not done a bunk, otherwise I would have expected him to do/say nothing and just slope off with the cash. It may mean he has been stupid or naive rather than downright crooked and point to you all having some chance of at least a partial refund.

    Enjoy the festival!

  2. Seen live countless times. Always been good (I think I may have been lucky as he certainly has had some well publisised shockers). Biggest venue was probably Ally Pallais and it didn't feel as intimate and connected as he did at Brixton for example. Be interesting to see if he can pull off the huge Pyramid venue.

    As I have seen him a lot I may slope off early to C&S at West Holts......but part of me is dreading that I miss "having buried the hatchet I would like to welcome back my old friend Johny Marr"....but there is probably more chance of Hendrix popping up on the Bandstand.....

    If you are new to Morrisey and he bombs don;t judge him by this one experience. Get to see him at a smaller venue and I am pretty sure you'll have a good time.

  3. Please do not mock this stuff.

    At every Glastonbury festival I have been to I awake in the morning with the devil dancing around inside my head causing great pain.

    Only by cleansing my soul by embibing fortified juice of the fruit of eden am I able to lift this dark blanket...only for it to return again the next morning...... :ph34r:

  4. All good advice on here. I will my experience if it helps...

    This will be our forth Glastonbury. The first (in 2008) we requested leave for my youngest who was 13 at the time. It was refused and we were told if we went ahead that it would be recorded as unauthorised absence. It was and on his end of year stats it showed as such. We have done the same ever since with no repercussions. Both of the kids had excellent attendance apart from this which I am sure helped. Some teachers took a dim view but most were very excited for him and asked lots of questions on his return. We made sure he caught up (as with my daughter in subsequent years when she was then in sixth form). We have of course always worked around exams if they have clashed.

    For my two Glastonbury is now part of their life and I expect always will be.

    As for the comment about education is more important than a music festival - I agree. That is why I take my kids to Glastonbury...


  5. BB King 42

    Elbow 51

    Laura Marling 28

    Metronomy 48

    Morrissey 13 (+5)

    Paul Simon 51

    Stornoway 41

    Tame Impala 22

    The Fisherman's Friends 24

    The Gaslight Anthem 47

    The Low Anthem 26

    The Master Musicians of Joujouka 18

    Two Door Cinema Club 45

    Wu Tang Clan 40

  6. Liked them since the viral of Thou Shall Always Kill went around a few years ago. Caught them at Glastonbury 2 years ago but had to leave early last year so missed them. Glad they're back - I think they are a Glastonbury staple now.

    Great live - can understand why some would see them as patronising but they cretainly do not take themselves seriously. He is a good poet and the beats are excellent imo. Great audience connection too. One of my very few 'musts' of the festival.

  7. Hi guys

    Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

    1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

    Went first time in 08 under duress. It is the first thing we put on our calendar every year now. I have spent some of my happiest times there.

    2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

    Tough one. Paul Simon for the warm afternoon sing-a-long. BB King as he is a legend other than that I try not to plan too much (after our first year of rushing around too much

    3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

    Commercialism is a fact of life but Glastonbury gets the balance right IMO. The most common banners you see are the various charities, there are no real big name brands there and the diversity of food and other stalls/shops is fantastic.

    4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words


    5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

    I talk to more strangers in 5 days than the rest of the year in total. That may soemthing about me but the warmth and friendliness of most people at Glastonbury is very special. Sadly last year I witnessed a little more 'me,me,me' attitude but I think I was just unlucky. The lack of rules helps I think. No limits on what you bring to site, no 'arenas', no beer token system, no 'put that fire out' all adds to the feeling.

    6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

    Being with my family and friends. My kids actually enjoy my company at Glastonbury!

    7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

    The walk fully laden form the car to our camping spot. Really hate it. Would happily pay for a sherpa! BUT this is more than made up by the first cold pint after tents up and the buzz from the first Glastonbury wave of noise that rumbles round the site on Wednesday

    8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

    I can't compare. I do know when I speak to people that go to others that Glastonbury pretty much has the lot. I am sure there are better ones, where you and your stuff are carried shoulder high by dusky madens, your tent is pitched for you and has an en-suite jacuzzi, that you can pick the bands yourself and has a teleport system to miss the traffic - If Carling did Festivals (oh they do? But it is only V......)

    9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

    Go with the flow, do not over plan. If you miss a band so what? It was probably beacuse you was having a roaring time somewhere else. Oh and DO NOT MISS THE ARCADIA FIRE DISPLAYS

    Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

    I asked my daughetr what she wnated to do after her GCSEs. SHe said GLastonbury and thinking we would never get tickets I agreed. It was the Jay-Z year and we got tickets no problem. I seriously had sleepless nights (I hadn't camped for 25 years even). I was dreading it, even on the morning we arrived. Love concerts, have diverse music tastes, etc but not a festival person. I fell in love with the place within about 15 minutes of getting to our camp site. I knew then that I would return every year. I would not got as far to say it is a life changing experience but I am a little better a person having been. It has made me more likely to try new things at an age where I thought work, golf, eating out, the odd concert and pubs was about all there was from here on in.

    Thanks :)

    Hope it helps!

  8. TBF it is horses for courses. I know people that go to V for the day and love it (around my age). They would never dream of going to Glastonbury so I suppose this does give them a packaged festival experience and amongst the pop there are often pretty good acts to see.

    Lumping all festivals togther is a mistake. If the article was about motoring it could read "KIA have brought out a new car with an engine and wheels....Ferrari - you have been warned!"......it is not comparing like with like.

  9. The odd random meeting point "Official Flag" is an excellent idea. I don't like the "ban" idea - it doesn;t seem right - just hope that people would understand that it can be irritating and stop doing it.

    Most poignant flag - 2 years ago I think. Photo of a young lad (early twenties I guess). With RIP.....his name....Forever at Glastonbury. Thought it was nice of his mates to carry around his memory like that.

  10. nope, not at all, not ever.

    The smart economists always knew this would be the outcome of Thatcher's doings, and so it proved.

    Sadly, the thick economists had won both the talk battle and the talk war around two decades ago, so that the smart economists were no longer listened to or even given a platform on which to speak.

    Which is precisely why those thick economists like to present things as "nobody could have known" or lay the blame at the regulator's door, to hide their own knowledge of their own culpability for it all. ;)

    oh, get out of here. ;)

    It was not entirely dumb of the govt to work on the premise that any business - and particularly banks - wouldn't be so frigging stupid as to think they could magic risk away. And along with that, if the "smart" (PMSL) bankers couldn't understand the most basic of economic principles, why does anyone think that those considered from every angle to be significantly dumber than those bankers would be listened to above those bankers? ;)

    It was an emperors new clothes scenario. Some people were actually smart enough to give the warnings of doom, but nobody wanted to listen to them - exactly as you're still doing now by repeating the lie that the 'city' banking sector was and is of economic advantage to this country.

  11. we don't. We should increasing the borrowing some more, so that the cuts can be made slower, while growth can happen in the private sector to pick up the slack.

    Maintaining tax revenues is as big a part of the whole situation as any extra borrowing. It's no good cutting borrowing for expenditure on services if the borrowing still has to be made to cover benefits for huge extra numbers of unemployed - which is precisely what happened when Thatcher tried doing exactly as Dave Moron is doing (and hence why borrowing was greater in the 80s than it is now).

  12. I refer to the fact that robberies and burglaries make up a large proportion of our GDP. Where's the difference? There is none.

    GDP means f**k all by itself. What matters about it is what profit is earned by it, and not merely turnover.

    And just as robberies and burglaries are non-profit from the point of view of UK plc, so is our financial sector - over thirteen years the losses from the financial sector are about £200Bn, more than a year's deficit.

    We need to cut the deficit, and just as that required the reigning in British Steel and the National Coal Board in the past (tho - and here's a recurring theme - not as much as happened with them ;)), we need to reign in the financial sector now. The deficit cannot be ultimately tamed without doing so.

  13. Banking goes back to the 12th or 13 century I think , possibly even earlier , so I guess we have always had em.

    I am sorry but a society based on cash and sticking under the mattress is not the way to go ! , I will pay for 4 Glasto tickets on Saturday knowing that the money will not be lost or stolen on route so to

    speak , which is better than sticking in an envelope and posting it to Somerset !


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