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Posts posted by whatmidlifecrisis?

  1. Thanks! :) (Hope youre not taking the piss! ;) )

    Had a conversation with some "non believers" before who could not accept that I get a genuine physical response from listening to great music. Be it hairs standing on end or tears welling up... This is the "feel" I am referring to.

    The best music (regardless of genre) resonates deep within but also almost always makes me look around to view the reaction in others... to see the ripple effect in a crowd, to experience that "oneness" with strangers that a special show can generate.

    I could of course be utterly wrong about Paul Simon. I hope I am. The feeling cannot be denied or ignored.

  2. Getcha on the "weak music" correction. Thus my raised eyebrow with the love for Paul Simon's brand of singer songwriter dross.

    Great lyrics? Thats as weak a defense of an artist as i can cunjur. "Oh he's a great lyricist!" Always been more about feel myself. An instant intangible connection that is impossible to explain or evaluate. A focus/appreciation of lyrics takes time and concentration to take on board - whilst this is a rewarding and noble pursuit it takes some of that surge of pleasure out of it.

  3. To add weight to my theory outlined above - Monday 27th he is in Bournemouth. Which is also in the South of England. I would say with all this evidence he is nailed on.

    Now if we all think hard enough we will make it happen.........

    When I was a little boy, (when I was just a boy)

    And the devil would call my name (when I was just a boy)

    I'd say "now who do,

    Who do you think you're fooling? " (when I was just a boy)......

  4. on the Rolling Stone website he confirms he is doing a "couple of festivals, maybe more".......

    A quick look at his website and the only festival listed is the HangOut in the US. So one festival is not a "couple" and is certainly not "maybe more".

    Therfore I deduce that on a sunny Sunday in June we shall all be singing along to "Diamonds on the soles of her shoes"

  5. This would be absolutely fantatsic. One of those artists that for some reason you know most of the words to his songs. Bigger than McClean I would have thought (albeit American Pie is true classic).

    Can't think of anywhere other than Pyramid Legend's slot. He is too big for the other venues surely?

    DISLCIAMER: I rarely know what I am talking about however.....

  6. This is what sets Glastonbury apart! That whole corner of the site never fails to take my breath away. Walking thorugh and being part of what must be one of the biggest art installations in the world.

    THanks for posting and raising the anticipation another knotch.

  7. For what its worth I don't belive the hat story...and I'd heard it was sunglasses from New York.....

    Love the slow hand clap sotry as well (but I hope that one is true).

    Sure he is irritating. Aren't we all sometimes? Perhaps he uses his accountants wisely. Wouldn't we all? Does he do a great deal for 'charridy'? Probably. Will they blow the Pyramid field away (if you like that sort of thing) - definately.

    I hope they announce soon so we can put this to bed and get on with arguing about another band. (I have a sneaky that Scroobius and Dan will be back...discuss)....


  8. Glastonbury is your first festival ever? Wow, that’s cool. Its like watching the Godfather films or listening to the Beatles or something for the first time and discovering them from scratch. Its one of the few things that’s certain - It will be as good as you expect it to be! :)

  9. Completely agree with the first part of that - even Coldplay Sunday would be better.

    Think you're wrong on the Pyramid field though. Check out the crowds that swarm there for the Scissor Sisters and the other pop acts. It will be packed enough.

  10. Freinds of mine went to see her recently (O2 I think) and are both fans (ish). They walked out halfway through as she was awful.

    It is an odd choice (if it comes to pass) to close the festival for two years and taking a straw poll amongst friends indications are that the Pyramid field may be the emptiest it has ever been for the last act.

    But hey, this is the best Festival in the world by a mile and one act will never make or break it. Now put the Fun Lovin' Criminals on Holts up against her and I'll be happy. Actually I'll be happy anyway - it's Glastonbury.

  11. Ampersand - completely agree with your points - one of which is then well illustrated by dakyras diagram.

    More artists - especially new ones - are embracing the piracy world as a way to popularise themselves. Will it lead to higher and higher concert prices? We have already seen the shift from gigs to promote albums to albums to promote lucrative gigs. (What will that mean for Glastonbury I wonder? Perhaps another thread....).

    I will continue to buy music and borrow some - and hope that one day my conscience can be cleared.......... ;)

  12. I have never downloaded any music illegally. However I have borrowed Cds and stored copies and it amounts to the same thing. I also buy a fair bit. It is odd isn't it that most people seem to be comfortable with this sort of theft but mention someone nicking a slab of warm larger from your tent and some people are all up for a lynching. Like parking illegally it seems that it is a law most people are happy to break. I am not judging or knocking anyone (that would make me a hypocrit), just curious.

  13. Impossible to name one thing. That for me is the beauty of it..... The excitement of getting a ticket. The night before departure. First meeting with old festival friends. First beer after tents up. First cheer on the Wednesday. First hangover breakfast on the Thrusday. First random converstaion. First dance with a stranger. First explosion in Arcadia. First sunset. First sunrise.....etc.

    Damn you OP - I vowed I would not get schoolboy excited again this year and this thread has ruined me! ;)

  14. Personally I think it is one of the most impressive sights I have ever witnessed.....Standing at the back when the field is packed and the whole crowd is doing something in unison (We Come One - Faithless for e.g.) is quite incredible. It doesn't matter who is playing - witnessing that still takes my breath away.

    As others have said is is mainly down to the acts that feature (with an element of 'too mainstream for me because I am cool' thrown in). The accoustics are pretty good, the natural slope makes for great viewing (and I am short!) and the stage itself is handosme beast.

  15. hmmmm. As with a lot of 'green' ideas this may be misguided. The carbon footprint of manufacturing is never taken in to account for e.g. Can't see the seed idea working as the site cleaners will just pick it up and throw it in with the rest of the rubbish (albeit perhaps in a recyclable pile). Potato pegs - we all know how good they are.....

    The photos show other pitfalls - the peg holes have been ripped at the front, can probably say goodbye to your tent in a stiff breeze.....

    10/10 for trying and a nice idea but the greenest way to camp, as others have said, is to take your frigging tent home - not difficult is it?

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