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Posts posted by whatmidlifecrisis?

  1. I agree that the advert is not misleading...it quite clearly states what the product is however there will be some (stupid or not) that will buy the ticket believing that somehow it will gain them entry....hence the £100 plus price ticket. If these were to be sold as "memorabilia" then sell them after the event.....if people truly wanted them as collectors items then they will still be happy to pay. I am suspicious of the short sale time that would allow people to purchase them before the event. Warnings are in place but it is a bit like telling a child not to drink the bleach under the sink.....most will listnen but there is always one that thinks its pretty colours will taste nice. I would love to see how many of these turn up at the gates on Weds.
  2. This is getting people quite worked-up. I guess it is the ethos of Glasto which is broadly anti-capitalist which is at the root of the angst. It is a hard call now with multi-millionaire bands, commercial stalls and even the way that charities operate to get cash.

    I think it is harsh to say it is un-ethical. The seller cannot be much clearer that these do not gain you entry to the fest and if someone wants to pay £100+ for a piece of paper than who are we to say they shouldn't. Anything is worth what people will pay for it - as long as the seller is not mis-leading.

    As the seller is obviously going to Glasto they are probably just raising cash to spend there. What harm is there in that?

    I would not do it myself but I find it hard to knock the fellow for trying....

  3. 39, 40, 41 year olds - Glast is attracting a younger crowd hehe!

    Posted elsewhere about this - apologies but it fits here too. 2nd Glasto and at 42 I have the same feeling I did on Christmas eve when I was 10. Difference is I have had over 300 nights like this since I left last year and instead of a bike I only now need the company of friends, some good music and a drink or three....

    For 360 days a year I have to be a business man, home owner, bill payer, father, sensible and sound. But for 5 days I just get to be at Glastonbury!

    Never grow up - it ain't all it's cracked up to be....

  4. I'm Phil and so is my wife..... :P

    I am not sure I know you OP but if I am the Phil you are talking about then I can only apologise.....

    I have not thought about much else since leaving Glasto last year and even amongst those that I go with (including my kids who forced me to go last year) I can see I am a bit of a Glasto bore...

    But hey-ho - it is better than talking about MPs expenses, credit crunch, swine flu or that unfortunate lady on Britain's Got Talent......

  5. another Marmite thread! Cool!

    Those that have been hurt by surfers are bound to have a different view to those that do it or not been hurt. I don't really like cats due to being bitten by one when I was younger but I am not sure I would ban them. I don't think cats should be brought to a festival though so I am not sure where I am going with this......

    I have never done it and can see that if you had waited for hours with your partner and kids to watch a fav band only for some tw@t to bounce off your youngest's head and take his teeth out that you would be more than a little p'd off. But then you probably wouldn;t be at the front with your family during Prodigy or some such band where the mosh pit is definitely not for the squeamish.

    I fall in the live and let live camp. I would not go to the front unless I was prepared for a little rough and tumble but then again would be mighty aggreived if some d1ck decided it was fun to rip my ear off - in which case he can expect a little back - quid pro quo. The argument "why did you punch me in the kidney's man - I was only surfing" does not really wash does it?

    As I say I have never done it but from afar it looks good when done right and for the right band.

    On the anti-social thing - an act is anti-social if the people around you do not enjoy it or find it frightening/offensive so surfers just need to pick their moments!

    (Imagine having your ear ripped off by a surfer and then being caught by a warm pint of urine - another anti-social thread - how much would that sting?) :rolleyes:

  6. OK, I'm playing more the hurrumpf brother here.

    We have 2 weeks to go, it could happen.

    Now, if it happens when we are already there, if we get a case onsite, will they make us stay for a week or more extra? Just to stop us spreading it around the country (which will seem sensible). :blink:

    Will this be forever known as Glastonbury 2009, the long one! :(

    (And do they have enough beer/cider to sustain us!)

  7. It doesn't matter how you get rid of it, JUST GET RID OF IT NOW!!!!!

    That's bad juju to be leaving around your house man...

    Send it back to the band in the mail. Explain your situtation and apologise to them for misunderstanding their credibility on the grounds they are playing Glastonbury.

    I'm sure they will understand, and hopfully kill themselves...

  8. I am now feeling a little foolish.

    Didn;t know anything about the Script and after the line-up was announced I nipped in to HMW and bought 1/2 a dozen CDs as a bit of pre-Glasto revsion....... and the Script was one of them.....

    anyone want a 1/2 price CD? :huh:

  9. Excellent - you will both have the time of your lives! My first time last year with 16yo daughter and 13yo son.

    We were with friends but spent lots of time going our own way. Texts were OK but a little bit hit and miss - the walkie-talkies sound good but have a back up plan. If you intend to let your son go off on his own - or with other people the same age that he will meet - then this worked for us.... Every morning a few of us laid down a loose plan for the day (only one or two things that we would definitely do as you do not want to plan too much). That way everyone knew that they would be able to meet up with at least one of the group at specific points (usually the Brother's tent in our case!). For the main stages we always pick 'our spot' and it was surprising easy to find each other.

    Your son is very lucky - I know my two are now hooked (as am I) and will go for many years to come. They also score 'cool' points at school form their mates and many of the teachers! Certainly worth the wrath of the school when you ask for the time off!

    Roll on June :rolleyes:

  10. The coolest man on the planet that afternoon.

    Glastonbury, Cohen and the sunset with a warm cider. Heaven on earth. And to think I wasn't a huge Cohen fan until that point.

    Def one of my Glasto moments from last year (Jimmy Cliff - Many Rivers is the highlight BTW).....

    Thanks - you have raised my excitement level to "Threat of Intense Pleasure Imminent".

    Roll on June


  11. Craig - this has been done on other threads in different ways but never with a graph! :unsure:

    I have to pay for four tickets plus spending for all and it does add up to an expensive week. Having said that I am sure Disneyland would be more expensive and nowhere near as much fun! I look at it as a holiday rather than just a festival and think it is amazing value for money. Take 5 days in Ibiza with a top class club (are there any anymore?) every night and it you'll burn through far more cash.

    I do feel for students, those that are on low incomes and those that are now out of work and do hope that they do not price people out of it. It is possible (ticket aside) to be frugal when you are there with no restrictions (other than glass) on what you bring in.

    I can see the £200 barrier being hit soon though but it is still only a fiver a week to save. They have gone a long way to helping out with the instalment thing - perhaps eFest should set up a Glato Club along the lines of a Christmas Club :lol: to help out.

    With O2 tickets being at £50 a pop and camp sites charging around a tenner a night in the summer it puts the ticket price in to perspective.

    I would also happily pay another few quid to keep the sponsors out!

    Roll on June! :unsure:

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