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Tables innit

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  1. Could all these Vampire films be a subtle way of telling us that Creeper will be playing at some point over the weekend?
  2. Green Man announcing lineup on 1st March. Wonder if this will factor in to an announcement fro the farm (more/less likely)?
  3. Tables innit

    2024 Headliners

    More or less.....
  4. Tables innit

    2024 Headliners

    I'll confess, I've never listened to her, I'm just desperate for any sort of announcement. Christ, I'd take confirmation that the Goan Fish Curry stall was going to be there right now. Just give me something!
  5. Tables innit

    2024 Headliners

    Dua Lipa on Graham Norton next week. Surely an announcement incoming?
  6. Tables innit

    2024 Headliners

    It needs to be soaked in cold tea, crumpled up and had the edges burnt.
  7. Tables innit

    The churnups

    https://nerdist.com/article/keanu-reeves-reunites-with-band-dogstar-to-play-first-show-in-over-twenty-years/ ?
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