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  1. I love seeing peoples photos from Glastonbury but it still hurts not being able to go 🤣 Not got enough likes to even start liking my favourites.
  2. I used to always get tickets when it took hours to sell out, I think it was close to 2pm one sunday when I got them. It felt like your persistence was rewarded.
  3. It's difficult to get a ticket because Glastonbury is one of the best places ever, I've not been able to get ticket since 2015 but I can't think of a more fair way of selling them than what we have.
  4. Lots of people still seem to be enjoying them play live so why call it a day.
  5. Thanks everyone, I will start working my way through the suggestions.
  6. My thought on being clean at Glastonbury is you will notice the smelly people more.
  7. I used to enjoy them kicking about, it was always fun watching them target people in a fun way when someone did something wrong.
  8. I've not had a chance to see as many performances as I normally would over the weekend, I usually work my way through most sets but don't really have the time to watch much over the next few weeks. I'm wondering what's everyone's must see sets on the iplayer?
  9. I had that issue last tiime I was at Glastonbury, it was good when there were only a few but the amount now must spoil it for thousands of people.
  10. I'd stop having big names on the Thursday as it turns into a nightmare a lot of the time. Maybe have one or two of the big stages dedicated to BBC Introducing or or something along those lines, give some more bands a chance of exposure.
  11. I'm not going yet again, I did about 8 Glastonburys in a row but this is the 7th year in a row I've not got tickets. Well done to all those that secured tickets I'm so jealous. Even though I can never seem to get tickets I can't think of a better way to distribute them fairly. I did seem to get them when it took hours to sell out because it felt like I was always rewarded for my perseverance.
  12. I'm in a few Bootleg pages on FB were we share stuff via Mega and other services. Maybe someone could set up a Glasto Bootleg page, I have loads I could share but also have a lost quite a bit due to a hard drive failure.
  13. I had the same problem lost a lot of my Glastonbury sets I had saved on a hard drive.
  14. dicka

    BBC Coverage 2022

    Record figure for Glastonbury on the iplayer https://www.musicweek.com/media/read/bbc-reports-record-breaking-digital-figures-for-glastonbury-2022-coverage/086083
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