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  1. Seems like time to start ramping up the hope again in anticipation of the next ticket sale. Been reading this forum for 14 years now since my first glasto in 2008 - back when losing out on the ticket rush wasn't a thing and everyone who wanted to go got a ticket. I have tried for tickets every year since and have manage 3 more glastos but more disappointments than celebrations. Glastonbury is a big part of my year though whether i get to go or not and it's bitter sweet reading the happy postings here of the lucky people who have been successful on years that i have missed. 2008 was just as a couple and the other 3 have been with kids as they have got bigger. I genuinely consider glastonbury as part of who we are as a family. Missed out this year which was hard but like i say its time to allow myself to be hopeful again. Hope to be able to contribute here from our previous experiences. .
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