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From the Woods

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  1. I've used Tickersellers to buy for two other festivals this year and yes from 'robot' is how their email appear.
  2. I did keep refreshing and got one adult settlers, another dozen refreshes and option of two adults came up and I got carparking too! Thank you all for your support. Without this forum's encouragement I would have given up.
  3. Thanks Thanks dizzymoo but I can't take the risk - that is a serious amount of money to me.
  4. Yes I plan to attempt resale - fairly familiar with how there were a few around having done the selling process for GM24. With GM now being a guaranteed sell out each year I fear touts may be operating.
  5. I saw 'sold out' for settlement and weekend within 10 secs of 10:00 (had the radio on and heard the pips!). I had my a couple of browsers open on my PC and one each on phone and ipad. The browsers were opened at about 08:20. Surely this does not sound right? Feeling extra low as we had to sell our settlement tickets this year due to my wife breaking her ankle. Bugger!
  6. No it won't cause a problem providing the person you are selling to has a smart phone you can send it to. Just one week until they open for Settlers and I've still not had my Settlers etickets though! Will leave it 'til Wed and then chase them.
  7. Not what you asked for ...but maybe what you'll enjoy: The art installations, in the wooded area between the Walled Garden and Green Man Rising stage often have ambient music/ sounds. If teh weather is good it can be the most terrific space.
  8. Thanks Tommy - last time I had tickets to sell Fanticks did not exist. No selling fees makes it attractive!
  9. As Axel says a normal weekend ticket includes camping … fromThu 15th. Settlers has camping from Mon 12th plus there are food stalls, live music, and lots of activities laid on from the Monday. Also, we enjoy exploring the surrounding area.
  10. Two 2024 Settlers tickets plus car park for sale at face value which, with all the booking fees etc, came to £739.75. We already have the Settlers' car park hanger and digital tickets will be available soon. We sold similar tickets a couple of years ago via Gum Tree, and having been inundated with scammers, it's got to be payment upfront or, more likely, a face to face cash meet up. Also, you need to promise to dance in Chai Wallahs until you get blisters. We are in south Birmingham.
  11. If the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, was aware of the amount of time being spent by the nation trying to secure Oxfam Glasto spots he'd have a fit! 🤣
  12. I'm new and I was on a wait list. Not sure if my willingness/ preference to work post festival may have influenced where on the list I was as I understand it they are not very popular shifts.
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