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  1. Think you’re thinking of 14. 14 was all over the place because of the horrendous storm on the Friday. But the ground mostly withstood it, but there was constantly heavy showers and just never really got going. The Wednesday was glorious. 15 was absolutely fine from what I can remember barring some heavy rain Friday afternoon but it was pretty much dry by the evening. for me, whilst 16 was relentlessly hard work, 14 was worse because it rained off an on the whole weekend and could never really get away from it. 16 was just a bog but it didn’t really rain all that much.
  2. Will swap it for a ticket tbf. 🙂
  3. There’s been no sustained spell of hot weather in this country since the last Glastonbury… apart from a couple of days last September where it was 30 degrees plus and the odd day where it’s got over 23degrees this year. I know this because due to the absolutely wild heat of 2022, I bought a sizeable air conditioner in May 2023… I’ve used it twice. One was to test it was working. Other 1 was that 2 days of 30 degree heat.
  4. They’re annoying but watchable. Some of them went to every gig on the 1975’s last tour and genuinely are their favourite band. Which I instantly just find irritating. they went to Boomtown last year and basically just described every dance genre as EDM which was incredibly annoying but wondered if it was a piss take. I don’t know. I don’t think I’d want to hang around with them (they don’t seem in any way interested in anything other than alcohol to boost their mood which doesn’t help account for a more rounded demographic of a festival vibe - not sure they’d get away with it on YouTube tbf) but they don’t tend to slag festivals off and do focus on the positives on the main. They should really do more of going off on their own at points and exploring different parts - especially Glastonbury.
  5. I remember the alleyways in 2013, were these binned off from 14 onwards? I remember looking for it but didn’t think i was looking hard enough. The alleys were cool. in my first year in 08 does anyone remember a bar/club that was deliberately positioned so the Dancefloor was on quite a steep hill? That was really funny in there but I can even confirm if it was real. Also remember going through a cupboard into a cloak room with fancy dress and then into a main room just with a load of double beds?! Then I saw someone called frank’s anazi in some cabaret tent. I absolutely loved that place in 08 and when I went back it never felt quite the same and it made me wonder whether it did actually all happen.
  6. mikeyb123

    Rick Astley

    I’ve watched a lot of the coverage and the Astley/Blossoms set is the one set of the entire weekend that I genuinely felt sick at not being able to be there watching. It looked incredible. I’d have had no voice left by the end of that. btw I think Blossoms should come out with an enormous amount of credit for that. They’re a pretty established band these days and they (especially the lead singer) just let Rick take all the glory. I haven’t heard a band cover the Smiths as tightly as they did and I’ve seen Johnny Marr twice. If I closed my eyes it was for the most part like the smiths sounded on record (instrumentally). That takes some doing.
  7. Would I be right in thinking the general consensus is that if you were in the front/middle actually there in person. It was good? And those towards the back weren’t arsed/not happy and a lot left and went elsewhere? Obviously based on the tv coverage, it didn’t seem like their finest hour. it would make sense tbh. Saw them in Bristol last month and thoroughly enjoyed it, despite having some issues with the delivery of mainly 505. when I look back I do wonder if the Bristol gig was televised or released on dvd, would it have come across similar to Glastonbury, because I actually didn’t see too much different in how they played on Friday and how they played in Bristol. People have mixed views of their set in 2013 by the looks of it. I was there in probably the first third of the crowd depth and had the time of my life that night.
  8. Same. Went 08 then 13-16. Never had weather like this. Pleasant 13 and 15 and I think 08 in general was fine? 14 was annoying because the showers were heavy and the storm biblical. 16 was just a massive struggle. Glorious since. It actually puts me off trying to get a ticket again as I know the year i go, the weather will be rubbish.
  9. I think the BBC’s coverage of the festival aids this. The coverage is in general, excellent, with so many acts you can watch and enjoy. The camera work is brilliant and there seems to have been a shift in the last few years to focus more on the crowd living every minute. It creates this utopia that you can only feel envious of whilst watching on the tv, and then when you realise that’s not even half of what’s going on, then that creates the demand. So many must watch it and say they want to go again, or for the first time. Who wouldn’t? The biggest party on earth for 5 days. Helped the weathers been amazing the last few festivals.
  10. 2013 was an incredible set. The right mixture between the old and the new Alex with the 2 best songs off AM played and the rest of the stuff was from their best era. It was their peak imo. Same as kings of Leon in 08. Right before Sex on fire ruined them
  11. Teddy Picker the best so far. Probably because it sounded the same as it always did. He does sing in this style now. This isn’t really down to his laryngitis.
  12. mikeyb123

    I feel sick

    It gets easier the more you miss. I went in 08 then 13-16. I loved it. But 16 wrote me off for a full week afterwards. Living ‘excessively’ and the absolute battle of the mud that year really did me and my mates in. I got a ticket in 2017 for myself and someone I knew who wanted to go with her boyfriend. I was the one who always got the tickets. When I look back, I count myself lucky I got them 4 in a row, because I’ve not had a sausage since. I ended up giving the ticket back in 2017 as none of my other mates for various reasons were up for it. by 2019, life had changed and I had a partner and a baby. I still try on the off chance but it’s nowhere near the military precision I used to try with. 2017 broke me not being there, I hated that weekend so much. Gradually I watched coverage. Since then it’s been fine and I’ve looked forward to seeing it on tv. For me, the Wednesday is always the worst not being there, because everyone is so excited and going up the hill doing the things we used to do. Smoking bifters early evening, people watching with my mates without a care in the world at the very top of the hill by the flags is one of my absolute favourite memories of the place and always gives me that knot in my stomach every year the gates open. I think I’d like to try next year and take my partner and son with me. I’m not sure if she’s up to the slog and he will be 5. But I think it would be amazing to experience it in a totally different way and almost through his eyes rather than my bleary ones. It might also motivate me to sort out the old caravan we inherited from my mrs’ grandad if I get tickets before I decide to bin it off. It’s mad to say this but I’m almost put off because every bloody year since I stopped, the weather has NEVER been bad and that has made me quite bitter 😂. It feels inevitable the year I go it’ll absolutely p*ss it down.
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