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Guest jenayr

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Did anyone else get anything stolen?

In the early hours of sat morning someone sneaked into my tent and stole my shoulder bag which was lying beside me when I was sleeping. Had my wallet with my bank card, bout sixty quid, digital camera and my ipod.

Went to the poilice to report it and they were saying loads of folk had stuff stolen. I went back on the sunday and they said they had arrested 5 folk who were due in court yday and they had recovered some stuff so I am hoping my stuff has bene recovered need to give them a call!! They said there were 70 thefts within the space of a few hours with alot of folk giving the same descriptions.

The girl in before me woke up while some guy was in her tent and she asked what he was doing and grabbed his arms. He said he was looking for Andy but still managed to swipe her bfs wallet. Apparantly there was alot of that if someone woke up they said they were looking for someone.

The girl after me had 100 pounds stolen while she slept.

I hope these feckers get done for it!

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I mentioned in another thread that my friends had stuff stolen from their tent while they were sleeping. They didn't have much luck at Rockness because while they were packing up someone managed to nick their tent and cooking equipment. (I haven't heard the full details on how that happened).

I have to say though I thought there was a huge police and security staff presence at Rockness and compared to a lot of festivals (especially Connect 2007) the organisation seemed good. Unfortunately there are selfish a**eholes where ever you go these days!

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I have to say though I thought there was a huge police and security staff presence at Rockness and compared to a lot of festivals (especially Connect 2007) the organisation seemed good. Unfortunately there are selfish a**eholes where ever you go these days!
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My mates got £120 stollen and all their bank cards etc!

it was such a downer to the start of the weekend.

ended up catchin some1 stealin next to our camping area so we got them and then got security!!

the guy was a right jake!!

overall the weekend was gr8!!!!!!!!!!!! look 4ward to next year!


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It always seems to be the first night of a festival that the majority of thefts take place - that's when people are likely to have the most money obviously + after thefts on the first night people are maybe more aware to take precautions about it. (+ maybe the first night is the one people go maddest on and more people are totally out for the count and wouldn't be woken up by someone in their tent)

I always think festivals in general could do more to tell / remind people about looking after their stuff - hand out a leaflet as you come in with the kind of tips you see all the time on these forums - eg put your purse, whatever, in your sleeping bag when you're sleeping in it and my favourite, just make the tent look as though it's been turned over already. I think most probably have something in the information sent with the tickets about looking after valuables but that's in the small print and most people probably don't read it (I do because I'm sad) but leaflets and posters, preferably with a few simple words and lots of pictures, might help. (People stealing your gazebo while you're sleeping, not sure what you can do about that though - I'm sad about that Treacle, you were very fond of that gazebo :lol::P )

Hellish to get stuff stolen tho' - especially someone coming in to the tent when you're sleeping. It's not so much even the loss but the idea that someone's done that to you.

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I called the polis today but the guy that is dealing with this is off for next few days but the guy i spoke to said there were over 100 reported thefts.

I've been to loads fo festivals and I've never had anyone come in to my tent while I was sleeping and steal stuff. Whoever it was must have climbed right over me to get my bag as my bag was lying beside the top half of my body. If I had left my camera etc in my tent while I was in the actual festival then I would have kicked myself for being so stupid. I had my camera ipod and wallet on me all day. I've still got quite a few to go this year but I'll defo be putting my wallet in my sleeping bag with me from now on. And any other valuables I have with me!

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luckily i was totally knackered on sat night an went back to the tent early to get mi head down but after about an hour I had this totally random guy with a torch just unzipped the tent an but then i jumped up an asked wtf he wanted, he just said if i jad some smoke but who goes round unzippin tents witha torch if he wernt on the rob,dodgy tw**.

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A guy came n2 my tent. My m8 was asleep but i was struggling to get to sleep. Thot it was my m8 coming inside but then i realised that whoever it was wasnt talking so i just turned round and said "What the f**ks goin on?" then the dickhead shone the torch in my eyes and bailed out. Ended up just nikin my m8s phone, and managed to nick £150 from my m8 next door

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Does nobody stick their wallet/valuables either down their balls or at the bottom of their sleeping bag?

I know its wrong but its f**king crazy to think somethings safe just cos youre sleeping beside it.

If someone's hand is down your balls at least you know youve got a 50 percent chance of getting lucky... :lol::P

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We were camped in the purple zone almost directly in front of the Carling beer amnesty. We had absoloutley no problems with thieves but one of the groups next to us had various shit stolen. Would have had sympathy for them had it not been for the fact that one of them pointed out a guy in our crowd as the thief.

The guy works hard and makes good money and has never stolen a thing in his life. This did'nt stop some of Northern constabularys finest coming into his tent on Saturday night and taking a photo of him. Then telling him he was'nt allowed to leave his tent again until he had their say-so which never happened. Bang out of order.

The f**kers even told the cops that they had seen a bag of "white powder" being passed between him and one of his pals and would happily come down the station to make a atatement which again is bang out of order IMO. especially when we heard one of them on the phone to his mate trying to organize delivery of an "1/8"

Apart from that, I had a cracking weekend and may return next year providing the line-up is a good'un.

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i always take a bag for my purse, tickets, phone etc and i sleep with my head on it, no much chance of it getting stolen then.

it's a shame to hear about all these thefts cause it's a brilliant festival.

i thought there were loads of police and security and where we were camped (top of purple near VIP) there were always security hanging about at the fence near us.

i really don't think anyone can complain about the amount of security and police there, i thought they done a great job and any police officers we seen seemed really nice and friendly and were having a bit of banter with folk.

they can't have a police officer for every tent. and even if they do see someone going into a tent and coming straight out with stuff, it could be their own tent for all they know.

Edited by _rachelbon
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Three folk in my group had tents robbed on Fri night and I woke up with my inner tent door partially unzipped, woke up with the unzipping noise but as soon as I looked out there was no one to be seen.

All my valuable stuff was in a bag in my sleeping bag.

Mine and my girlfriend's chairs were stolen from just outside our tent. One was returned Sunday night and found next to our tent Monday morning, broken!

As with all festivals, the ned/gypo element will always exist unfortunately. The police were really helpful with our group, up taking statements at 4-5am.

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Thought we had one of our money purses stolen (30 quid worth of bar tickets and 60 quid cash)

Went to the lost and found next day... knock me dead there was the money purse all in tact with cash and tickets.... Shocked and stunned. Thank you to who ever handed a clear plastic wallet in. Sorry you didnt leave your details behind.


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Thought we had one of our money purses stolen (30 quid worth of bar tickets and 60 quid cash)

Went to the lost and found next day... knock me dead there was the money purse all in tact with cash and tickets.... Shocked and stunned. Thank you to who ever handed a clear plastic wallet in. Sorry you didnt leave your details behind.


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I don't take a handbag with me. I don't take my purse - all I had was money, cashcard, ID and my Tesco Clubcard (lol). That, my phone and my camera all fitted into pockets. Never left anything valuable in the tent and never had any problems. My husband put his wallet and phone down his sleeping bag when we were sleeping.

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The police just called me there, my wallet had been handed in to lost property with my cards in it but all the money stolen. Obviously just took what they wanted and chucked the rest!

Thanks to the person who handed it in!

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Only just spoken to a mate o mine who was a copper on duty over the weekend.

Few things came from it.

They were an organised gang of 4 from Manchester.

They stole ONLY cash.

They stole up to the limit of £150 so if stopped it didnt seem unreasonable for them to carrying that ammount on them.

They frequently returned to the car park and drop off point to hand over what they got.

They were caught because they busiest of them was a black woman with BRIGHT BEADED DREAD LOCKS BRIGHT GREEN JACKET AND GOLD BOOTS!!! (inconspicuous I know).

The money will NEVER be returned to their owners because it is legally impossible to prove what is their cash and yours!!!!!!!

I asked him what he thought is the future of the fest and they are genuinely considering what we dread and thats one journey from the car park then your in!

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Only just spoken to a mate o mine who was a copper on duty over the weekend.

Few things came from it.

They were an organised gang of 4 from Manchester.

They stole ONLY cash.

They stole up to the limit of £150 so if stopped it didnt seem unreasonable for them to carrying that ammount on them.

They frequently returned to the car park and drop off point to hand over what they got.

They were caught because they busiest of them was a black woman with BRIGHT BEADED DREAD LOCKS BRIGHT GREEN JACKET AND GOLD BOOTS!!! (inconspicuous I know).

The money will NEVER be returned to their owners because it is legally impossible to prove what is their cash and yours!!!!!!!

I asked him what he thought is the future of the fest and they are genuinely considering what we dread and thats one journey from the car park then your in!

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Does nobody stick their wallet/valuables either down their balls or at the bottom of their sleeping bag?

I know its wrong but its f**king crazy to think somethings safe just cos youre sleeping beside it.

If someone's hand is down your balls at least you know youve got a 50 percent chance of getting lucky... :lol::O

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