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Guest superficial_guy

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totally disgusted by the behaviour of some people on the last night. This is only unfortunately gonna get worse.

I'd like to think it was just because of the line-up that a lot of the regular goers couldnt get tickets and so a new more easily led crowd came this year...however im not naive enough to think thats entirely the case.

spoiled an otherwise great weekend for me and im sure many other festival goers.

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In a way it's a fascinating study of how quickly people can descend into primitive tribalism. It's like once they've become animalistic gaining simple pleasures from drumming metal bins to starting huge fires. There must be a part of the brain that normally represses the caveman in people that gets suddenly released with the combination of a lot of people + beer + night-time. I've been going to Reading for 6 years now and although Sundays are always the most wildest and people willingly start burning tents - this was the first Sunday I actually went to bed feeling scared. I worry for next year. If I go next year, that is.

Edited by Eddache
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I just watched these for the first time (in my lunch hour). What absolutely sickening behaviour. Makes me glad I didn't camp this year.

This needs sorting out. I don't want to tempt fate, but with one year someone is going to get killed with all this going on. And then it'll be goodbye Reading Festival - for good.

"Burn more shit..."

"f**k off back to Scotland..." (aimed at security I assume.)

What a bunch of morons.

Perhaps it would be a good thing if more stuff like this makes its way onto YouTube. It's hardly a good advert for the festival, and maybe it'll put a bit of pressure on Festival Republic to do something.

If I hadn't been to Reading before and seen the good side of the festival, I certainly wouldn't be going after seeing those vids! It's hardly the way to attract the people the festival needs to survive.

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Christ and I thought there were some right monkey face glimptons at V this year :P

I'm from Reading I'm sorry to say, and today I'm ashamed to say so.

If this sort of behaviour continues then I think that Reading Rock (or should I say 'Festival') is definately on borrowed time now, especial after what the local news in Reading are saying.

This just basically feeds more ammunition to all of the people in Reading who petition every year to get the Reading festival stopped / banned:angry:

I'm glad that I decided not to go now....let's all just stick to Glasto and the better ones people. B)

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The only way I can possibly see the riots ending is if the security really step it up a gear with a total no tolerance approach. It'll probably exacerbate the riots for a year or 2, but at the moment security was simply pussyfooting around the jerks, telling them to move on and then leaving them to do something somewhere else. They need to be as strict on trouble makers as they are on people without wristbands. If it carries on the way it is then Reading will have to be written off within the next 5 years. I guess they could try and totally rebrand the festival, but then again if people see the new festival as the replacement for Reading then it'll probably continue.

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the sunday night riots are definitly getting worse. I think because the festival culture is now so big it attracts a lot of knob heads...putting it bluntly :D

I saw loads of groups of lads camped by the main track, just sat there pissed hurling abuse to passer bys......WHY? if you want a fight, go into a major city on a Saturday night.....you'll find one there.

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The second video which does show some of the stupid and dangerous going ons has been made in a way which makes it seem "cool".

I think that while the "riots" put people off going to the festival which it shouldn't. it also encourages the idiots who attend to go and join in and it just snowballs.

what festival republic need to do is highlight the dangers and play it on the big screens again during the day and stop making false statements we had a CAT team come up for a chat in our circle and asked if we were going to keep or donate our tents cause they were having zero tolerance on tent burning but didnt stop the group next to us on saturday night doing so.

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The second video which does show some of the stupid and dangerous going ons has been made in a way which makes it seem "cool".

I think that while the "riots" put people off going to the festival which it shouldn't. it also encourages the idiots who attend to go and join in and it just snowballs.

what festival republic need to do is highlight the dangers and play it on the big screens again during the day and stop making false statements we had a CAT team come up for a chat in our circle and asked if we were going to keep or donate our tents cause they were having zero tolerance on tent burning but didnt stop the group next to us on saturday night doing so.

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firstly - i love reading festival, i mix between it & glastonbury & they've both got a place in my heart for different reasons.

unfortunatlely the only way I can see the nightime campsite trouble changing is, i think that someone / people are going to die as a result of the increasing trouble on a sunday night - and / or the festival will lose its license (just the same as Glasto, but for different reasons) as a result of the campsite trouble in general & then the festival will have to improve security, no matter what, or the whole thing will end - history or not.

it sounds really harsh & i for one definately dont want it not happen anymore. but something needs to change.

I'm considering going next year, but will be driving home after the last act on sunday.

Hope you all had a good one - the line up looked awesome. part of me is jealous that i couldnt go. a small part of me is glad i didnt because of above.

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"Above" ha ive just posted the same thing in another thread. You are right i have heard on another forum that their licence is up for renewal next year for the future of the festival i hope that the council denies it as it will finally wake up FR from neglecting this issue any further. I go to both reading and glasto every year and love them both for different reasons, but like many people think that the rioting is out of control and needs to be dealt with. The problem is until something major happens like above or it does not sell out due to the rioting FR can continue to skirt around the issue

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Do none of them realise that singing 'f**k you I won't do what you tell me' makes people just laugh at them?

f**king pathetic.

I just don't get the people who cause trouble at Reading, it beggars belief. Here's hoping cancer or some kind of serious accident hits a few of them pretty soon. And I genuinely mean that.

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Because if it continues to be a problem then they will stop it.

This year was just as bad as 05 from the desecration i saw. Not as bad as download 07 but then that doesnt forgive the carnage because its not as bad as somewhere else. Thats like saying Auschwitz wasnt as bad as Chernobyl.

And locals dont complain? are you even serious? do you not know what the people of Reading and Caversham are like? im sure there were hundreds if not thousands of complaints! Why was the mainstage so quiet on friday? because the sound was being carried futher by the wind and the locals complained about elevated noise levels, so the council sent out a man with a sound meter who told them to turn it down.

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Thats probably correct, as i've previously mentioned in another thread any continued breach of noise regulations will result in the issuing of fines by reading council, which apart from the original licence issuing is one of the major ways for Reading Council to make some money back from the festival. However, that doesnt mean to say residents didnt, and will not complain in the future.

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Thats probably correct, as i've previously mentioned in another thread any continued breach of noise regulations will result in the issuing of fines by reading council, which apart from the original licence issuing is one of the major ways for Reading Council to make some money back from the festival. However, that doesnt mean to say residents didnt, and will not complain in the future.
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