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why would that make a difference? a good film is a good film. the size of the screen has absolutely no bearing on it. and Up is actually a great barometer for that test.

me and my mates have had the discussion many times - "ooh you must see it on the big screen" is not something you would ever hear me say!

we went to see Kermode and Mayo live in Hull last week, and I had a seriously loud mouth breather behind me, I couldnt concentrate at all, all I could hear was this c**t breathing. Thats the main reason I wont go to the cinema - eating, slurping, sniffing, scratching, mouth breathing - I simply cannot "zone out" from these distractions.

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I have a very low tolerance of "noisy" people, not just in terms of sound, but people who make their presence felt in an unpleasant and obnoxious manner, basically people who can't think of anyone but themselves e.g. loud talkers, people who chomp their food and smack their lips and slurp their drinks, people who f**king STINK of something you've never actually smelt before (but you're sure it's a varied combination of the usual ingredients; fags, shit, wet dog and vomit). People who buy big bags of sweets in that thick rustly paper and rustle the bag during quiet bits - is having your penny chew so important that you're willing to risk me actually killing you? People who can't help but constantly tap the back of your chair with their foot. People who are so dependant on their iPhone drip-fed life they have the damn light blinking on and off - do they think that people don't find a blinking white light in the corner of their eye in a dark room to be somewhat annoying?

And they always seem to manage to find seats near to me in the cinema.

Kids don't annoy me at all - it's the people who should know better that piss me off. In fact I'm more often than not really impressed with kids' behaviour in cinemas and shocked and appalled more by the "adults" behaviour.

Seriously, sitting still and shutting the f*ck up (unless you're exclaiming at the movie like a laugh or soemthing, which adds to the film) is quite possibly the easiest thing in the world to do and yet a vast percentage of fully grown, educated adults are incapable of this seriously f**king minor task.

This doesn't just go for cinemas either - you find "noisy" twats at things like gigs - the guy who keeps poking his elbow into your back at random intervals, and manages to finally, and predictably, elbow you straight in the face even after you moved away from the f*cker.



Edited by Purple Monkey
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People talking isn't a problem for me. At 2 of the 3 cinemas I go to, I have mates in the management. First sign of talkers I send a text telling them (eg) to keep an eye on screen 4, and if it persists they remove the offenders, without me looking like I've snitched B)

Also means I get free tickets :lol:

Last month when I went to see Adventureland two people answered their phones in the middle of the film! One answered to say (loudly) "I'm at the cinema so I can't talk", and the other said that and had a conversation anyway! They had to go!

Edited by Lithium05
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People talking isn't a problem for me. At 2 of the 3 cinemas I go to, I have mates in the management. First sign of talkers I send a text telling them (eg) to keep an eye on screen 4, and if it persists they remove the offenders, without me looking like I've snitched B)

Also means I get free tickets :lol:

Last month when I went to see Adventureland two people answered their phones in the middle of the film! One answered to say (loudly) "I'm at the cinema so I can't talk", and the other said that and had a conversation anyway! They had to go!

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I have a very low tolerance of "noisy" people, not just in terms of sound, but people who make their presence felt in an unpleasant and obnoxious manner, basically people who can't think of anyone but themselves e.g. loud talkers, people who chomp their food and smack their lips and slurp their drinks, people who f**king STINK of something you've never actually smelt before (but you're sure it's a varied combination of the usual ingredients; fags, shit, wet dog and vomit). People who buy big bags of sweets in that thick rustly paper and rustle the bag during quiet bits - is having your penny chew so important that you're willing to risk me actually killing you? People who can't help but constantly tap the back of your chair with their foot. People who are so dependant on their iPhone drip-fed life they have the damn light blinking on and off - do they think that people don't find a blinking white light in the corner of their eye in a dark room to be somewhat annoying?

And they always seem to manage to find seats near to me in the cinema.

Kids don't annoy me at all - it's the people who should know better that piss me off. In fact I'm more often than not really impressed with kids' behaviour in cinemas and shocked and appalled more by the "adults" behaviour.

Seriously, sitting still and shutting the f*ck up (unless you're exclaiming at the movie like a laugh or soemthing, which adds to the film) is quite possibly the easiest thing in the world to do and yet a vast percentage of fully grown, educated adults are incapable of this seriously f**king minor task.

This doesn't just go for cinemas either - you find "noisy" twats at things like gigs - the guy who keeps poking his elbow into your back at random intervals, and manages to finally, and predictably, elbow you straight in the face even after you moved away from the f*cker.



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I have a very low tolerance of "noisy" people, not just in terms of sound, but people who make their presence felt in an unpleasant and obnoxious manner, basically people who can't think of anyone but themselves e.g. loud talkers, people who chomp their food and smack their lips and slurp their drinks, people who f**king STINK of something you've never actually smelt before (but you're sure it's a varied combination of the usual ingredients; fags, shit, wet dog and vomit). People who buy big bags of sweets in that thick rustly paper and rustle the bag during quiet bits - is having your penny chew so important that you're willing to risk me actually killing you? People who can't help but constantly tap the back of your chair with their foot. People who are so dependant on their iPhone drip-fed life they have the damn light blinking on and off - do they think that people don't find a blinking white light in the corner of their eye in a dark room to be somewhat annoying?

And they always seem to manage to find seats near to me in the cinema.

Kids don't annoy me at all - it's the people who should know better that piss me off. In fact I'm more often than not really impressed with kids' behaviour in cinemas and shocked and appalled more by the "adults" behaviour.

Seriously, sitting still and shutting the f*ck up (unless you're exclaiming at the movie like a laugh or soemthing, which adds to the film) is quite possibly the easiest thing in the world to do and yet a vast percentage of fully grown, educated adults are incapable of this seriously f**king minor task.

This doesn't just go for cinemas either - you find "noisy" twats at things like gigs - the guy who keeps poking his elbow into your back at random intervals, and manages to finally, and predictably, elbow you straight in the face even after you moved away from the f*cker.



Edited by Greeny_Musicchild
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Worst at gigs are the people who will not let you through (i'm preaching to the small here) despite the fact you're a good foot and a half shorter and much more into the band. I swear some people buy tickets just to stand their guarding their own space.

If you're tall, let the small people through! I don't see any good reason not to.

Edited by ampersand
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fair enough. Come on though! For instance, i get it a lot at Rock City here...the place is so small that if you're 6 foot you can see from anywhere, no problem, but it's small so it gets rammed out really quickly. I don't want to sacrifice drinking cause some lofty dude thinks I'll, i don't know, spoil his fun, by standing directly in front of him.

It's more when they stand their rigidly not even acknowledging me. At least at the F1 people turned round and told me no. I'm 5ft 6-7, i just don't see the need.

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Greeny I know what you mean, there are some right twats at gigs. Everyone moves around anyway when the gig starts, but some people give you a look of thunder if dare walk or stop in front of them.

Some people like to think a gig is a f*cking queue. :P

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That's it, exactly. Most of the time people move around and the crowd opens up. The shortness pays off anyway when that happens. I just have this vivid memory of seeing the Chili Peppers in London and some guy who was probably twice my side just blanking me as i asked if i could get through. This was about 20-30 meters from the stage, it's not like he was even close.
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i can see your point, just think the way you expressed it was a bit poor. how can you say you're much more into them than some guy you've never met?

and thats the beauty of jumping at a gig. very easy to jump your way to the front :) (assuming your into that sort of stuff based on your avatar)

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but can you not similarly see why people would be annoyed by someone turning up late with a few drinks in them just thinking they have a right to be at the front cos theyre wee?

as i say, if you want to be there at the front, get there early, or just wait a song or two and you'll be there anyway.

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