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Guest razz1e

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Just finished watching Slumdog from last night for the first time. That's a very, very, very good film. Plus the young actors dancing at the end is the cutest thing :P
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Watched for the first time on C4 too. Thought it was very good, not what I was expecting at all, but its no City of God.

Watched Law Abiding Citizen last night, much better than I expected, very enjoyable for the most part, but the ending is piss poor. Really, really shit.

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They may have seen them on preview screenings, as I did 'A Prophet'. I didn't 'berate' you either, just offered a bit of mild sarcasm. It's cool though, you keep on downloading films illegally for free, I'll keep subsidising you by paying for cinema tickets and blu-rays. No worries.
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Very principled of you. You are still asking on a popular public forum for places to illegally download a film so new it hasn't been released on the cinema yet. I suppose everyone else who reads the no doubt imminent answer and follows your lead wouldn't pay to watch it any other legitimate way too?


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1.an industry that bleats about being killed by piracy - and goes about combatting this "threat" by putting unskippable "you wouldnt steal a handbag" videos on front of DVD's that will only be seen by people who bought a legitimate copy is a little backward dont you think?

2.charging nigh on £25 for a bluray that cost £1 to make and distribute

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I have had the "piracy" argument on here many times before, and believe it or not I only recently switched sides - a quick search will find me arguing the exact opposite to the way I now feel, you can scream hypocrisy if you wish, I just dont feel any guilt in downloading movies and TV whatsoever, I feel a little different about games, and very different about music - I pay for about 90% of the music I listen to.

the movie industry is way behind the times, and needs a massive shakeup to bring it into the current century. PPV movies on the day of cinema release would see me paying for a movie - anything short of that is unlikely to see me part with cash. they all make it onto TV eventually, where anyone with a TV license can see it for (relatively) nothing.

I'm not saying I'm right, but an industry that bleats about being killed by piracy - and goes about combatting this "threat" by putting unskippable "you wouldnt steal a handbag" videos on front of DVD's that will only be seen by people who bought a legitimate copy is a little backward dont you think?

An industry that complains it is being strangled by piracy, yet year on year reports record box office takings over previous years.

They were bleating earlier this month that DVD sales are down on last year - and the reasons are many (one of which COULD be piracy) the quality of the output is f**king rubbish in general, charging nigh on £25 for a bluray that cost £1 to make and distribute, and the fact that every few years they bring us the new "wonder format" that is going to replace VHS/BETAMAX/LASERDISC/DVD/HD-DVD/BLURAY - or maybe the fact that the entire f**king globe is in the worst economic depression since the dawn of time.

The movie industry is doing just fine I reckon, churning out shitty sequal after no brainer blockbuster that people queue up for and buy presale tickets, and ultimately preorder DVD's for a movie they sometimes havent seen. We get the cinema we deserve, and the more discerning of us get shat on by having to make a 40 mile round trip to see oscar winning films because nutcases are queuing round the block to see transformers 6.

I wont be shedding a tear for the movie industry next time I download a movie.

on reflection, reading that back - its a bit long winded, and doesnt necessarily address points you raised but I'm still posting it, cos it sums up how I feel about the movie industry, and why I feel no guilt in downloading movies.

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It doesn't address my main point at all, which is that I find blatant public forum discussions of illegal files of copies of films that haven't even come out yet a bit rum.
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