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Guest razz1e

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No it is definitely Christopher Nolan doing the new Superman.

Superman Returns didn't work because it was a continuation/sequel to the Christopher Reeve version. It was doomed from the beginning because the idea itself was pretty stupid. I still don't know why they botherred. It felt so dated too, there were severeal strong and contemporary Superman comics that were out by that time but they focussed on making a film about the Christopher Reeve (played by Brandon Routh) Superman fighting Gene Hackmans Lex Luthor (played by Kevin Spacey) over some Real Estate evil plot. AGAIN.

It sufferred from the same problem as the Joel Schumacher Batman movies in that they were also "sequels" to the Tim Burton movies, but were so different in tone and cast they would have been better off doing their own thing rather than try to follow or mimmick what was done previously.

Hopefully Nolan will realise Christopher Reeve's Superman is best left in the 70's/80's. That whole boy scout "Truth Justice and the Amercian Way" act hasn't been in the comics for ages now so it shouldn't be in the films either. The whole thing needs modernising. Thing is, studios are using superheroes as cash-cows, pitching their films towards the lowest common denominator - there is no risk. Any post-modern look at any superhero myth will be deemed too unbankable by the bean counters in control.

It's a real shame, because I realy liked Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey as Superman and Lex Luthor - they would have been very good as those characters in a new Superman story.

I still don't think film-makers have portrayed any comic book character properly. The onus always seems to be on the action and "awesurme fightz" so that they can easily hack together a cool trailer with all the shiniest bits in. I think the problem is that in comics, you can still have the story ticking along regardless of what's happening (with thought bubbles and internal monologue) such as during action scenes - which I think is why comic fans are never happy with the film versions - they focus on the action scenes and the superpowers in order to sell to the unwashed masses, but that's not why they became famous or liked as characters in the first place.

Nolan seems to be on the right track. His Batman films aren't perfect by any means but he's definitely advanced and changed how film-makers should approach adapting these wierd stories.

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Can never be 100% sure but the fact he's even talking about it suggests he is involved. He'll probably deny any involvement until he's allowed to legally say. If you read some of the things he says you can tell he is involved somehow - he dodges a question on who the villain will be, why else would he dodge that unless he's involved and sworn to secrecy?


I am dying to see Inception too, looks great!

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