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Guest razz1e

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Why do people seem so sure it's gonna be the Riddler, the script hasn't even finished being written yet?

It's just as likely he would use Talia (he's mentioned that the 3rd film will close the story's ark so bringing back the daughter of his 1st baddie is possible) or Black Mask to keep the gang problem in the story whilst still having a costume baddie.

Barbara Gordon has already been in the films as a one of Jim's kids, so I doubt she's gonna be the romantic lead.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Why do people seem so sure it's gonna be the Riddler, the script hasn't even finished being written yet?

It's just as likely he would use Talia (he's mentioned that the 3rd film will close the story's ark so bringing back the daughter of his 1st baddie is possible) or Black Mask to keep the gang problem in the story whilst still having a costume baddie.

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I can't wait for his work on The Man Of Steel. Superman is sorely in need of someone doing justice to that character, because I think the comics-fan's understanding and the mainstream's perception of that character is in dire need of some re-alignment. I'm pretty sure the mainstream opinion of what Superman is all about hasn't changed since the f**king seventies, wheras the comics have bubbled away for decades. The next Superman film, fingers crossed, will do for Superman what the Tim Burton Batman movie did for how it alterred the layman's perception of that character. All Tim Burton did with Batman was do a film version of what the comics had been doing for years, all he did was copy The Killing Joke, but that's all it took to transform Batman in the mainstream from Adam West's Caped Crusader into The Dark Knight. All Tim Burton did was say "Hey, you do know that THIS is Batman these days, right?" If that's what this new Superman film does for Superman, I'll be over the moon.

The fact that Nolan is involved in getting the ball rolling means it's in good hands.

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this movie is incredible,

went on wednesday and the cinema was sold out (the first time i've been to a sold out cinema in 9 years) and not a single kid there. Everyone laughed throughout, ALOT

tis also very emotional in parts, so be prepared with a tissue or 5

it's also visually stunning, so smoke a spliff or 5 before you go in ;)

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The actual quote was along the lines of my borther is hard at work at the script and should be done for the date it's due. Wouldn't believe Oldman he's already said Batman 3 is off and it was due to shoot this year before that.

When you say Dark Knight movie do you mean The Dark Knight Returns?

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Are you completely discounting the Singer Superman film then PM? I thought parts of it were great (bullets bouncing off eyeballs / 747s being "caught") but the Spacey performance was complete bongwater as was the whole "son of Superman" angle - the whole ending didnt work. To be fair I think they should leave Superman well enough alone for a few years. Its fair to close to the Singer version to start to re-assess it again.

Is it not his brother that is involved with the Superman film anyway?

- - -

If Nolan wants to take a risk on a comic book film he should take a leaf out of Branagh's or Favreau's play notes. Both took on v tough challenges. The only way I'd sanction yet another Superman movie is if Morrison's All Star Superman was brought to the screen using the Frank Quitely art as literally as possible. I reckon you could get two epic movies from that source.

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Singers Superman had some good ideas but failed because it tried to capture the 70's Christopher Reeve version without Christopher Reeve. They had Brandon Routh playing Reeve, and Spacey playing Hackman - I thought it was a waste of good talent. The Reeve Superman is a classic, but it was of its time, and it didn't work because we had seen it all before (Superman does some amazing saves of public trans, Luthor has an evil real estate plot, Superman is unbeatable so the lame Kryptonite dilemma is wheeled out again, everything is a bit goofy, based in too much nostalgia and fan-service, not progressive at all) done far better. I would discount it, because I thought it was a thoroughly stupid film (even for Superman) that had no identity.

Superman: Birthright is the best origin story for Superman I've read so far.

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just looking back to see what some people have been saying about up. watched it 3 times in 6 days and then watched toy story last week. up is clearly the best pixar film for me. it's funny, a great story and there were 3 bits that i welled up at even on 3rd watch.

going to toy story 3 for my first 3d film tomorrow and i hope it is better than up, but i have my doubts. can't wait though :D

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The Donner feel to the flick was my favourite thing about it and no matter how good the Nolan version is the Donner films are always gonna be Superman on screen, and Routh I thought was pretty good in it. But the problem with it was the f**king awfull plot which completely destroyed the movie, which as you said it just a re-hash of the other films. I'd like to have the look and preformances but have him fight Darkseid or Metello or something more intresting than that.

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Bill Murray claims he only made Garfield cos he thought it was written by Joel Coen. Instead it was written by Joel Cohen.

No! I didn't make [Garfield] for the dough! Well, not completely. I thought it would be kind of fun, because doing a voice is challenging, and I'd never done that. Plus, I looked at the script, and it said, "So-and-so and Joel Coen." And I thought: Christ, well, I love those Coens! They're funny. So I sorta read a few pages of it and thought, Yeah, I'd like to do that.

... Finally, I went out to L.A. to record my lines. And usually when you're looping a movie, if it takes two days, that's a lot. I don't know if I should even tell this story, because it's kind of mean. [beat] What the hell? It's interesting. So I worked all day and kept going, "That's the line? Well, I can't say that." And you sit there and go, What can I say that will make this funny? And make it make sense? And I worked. I was exhausted, soaked with sweat, and the lines got worse and worse. And I said, "Okay, you better show me the whole rest of the movie, so we can see what we're dealing with." So I sat down and watched the whole thing, and I kept saying, "Who the hell cut this thing? Who did this? What the f**k was Coen thinking?" And then they explained it to me: It wasn't written by that Joel Coen.

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I'm not disagreing and saying it's a good movie but I feel it failed simply because they were revisting the Donner films and not building on it. Part of the reason it was set in the Donner-verse was because his wife who worked on X-men with Singer and also worked on it and Singer talked to Richard about it before hand.

For example, Aliens was a sequel with different director, built on the events of the 1st one, flesh out Ridley and increased the threat and that is what I would of liked too see with Superman a true sequel and not a rehash, taking those charachters and building on it not recycling the plot.

Too be honest I always thought Superman is too limited with what he can do, I could only see it working as a sci-fi fantasy or the benevolence god amongst men take.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Seriously? Why? Im surprised it split so much opinion. I thought its one of the best films Ive seen in the last few years.

Pitt was superb. The story was superb and Christoph Waltz gives one of the most unique performances Ive ever seen.

"Oooh, that's a bingo! Is that the way you say it? "That's a bingo?"

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