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Guest razz1e

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girl with the dragon tattoo is crap <_<

i've not read the book, but had heard good things about it...

none of the characters were that interesting (apart from the girl, who was fit, but not mysterious is any way)

maybe i'll read the book once the entire shelf of unread books is cleared :P

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I thought Irreversible was a great movie ... disturbing and shocking, obviously. I've only seen it once though and although I have the DVD, I have no real intention of putting myself through it again. I think the final scene had a cleansing effect to it (with Bellucci lying on the grass - everythings cool!) and I don't want to be witness to the extinguisher or subway scene again, and undo it all. (My thought process here are complex, but I'm sure you understand).

A Serbian Film - no thanks! No siree am I watching that! I don't think I could cope ... I heard from someone that the only way to sleep after that is to watch something straight away that is in complete contrast. 'Bruno' was suggested.

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Thats probably where he got it from then ... I'll give it a miss I think.

In what way is your man forced into doing the things he does in the movie? Are the reasons plausible, like at gunpoint or extreme backmail or summat?

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I watched Grown Ups last night, waste of time..wouldn't recommend it at all

I should have known it would be awful, Adam Sandler & Rob Schneider - two people I just don't find funny at all

I was left for most of the film with the constant feeling of 'so when are the funny parts coming'

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I watched Grown Ups last night, waste of time..wouldn't recommend it at all

I should have known it would be awful, Adam Sandler & Rob Schneider - two people I just don't find funny at all

I was left for most of the film with the constant feeling of 'so when are the funny parts coming'

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Four Lions - Whilst funny in places I found it difficult to laugh about terrorism. I didn't like the film as much as other people seem to.

Holes - Never before have I seen a film that sticks so so closely to the book?! Great film but I think if I'd not read the book I wouldn't have understood all the different stories linking together quite so well as I did with the book.

The Expendables - I watched around 2 minutes of this and decided to read my book instead...

I've been trying to get to see Inception for weeks on end now. Fingers crossed we'll go tomorrow and something else won't come up!!!

Oh, nearly forgot, Toy Story 3 was lovely.

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Saw Scott Pilgrim last night, the ending was messy as hell and Scott himself is the least intresting out of all the cast but what a f**king brilliant movie. After the 1st fight I started clapping and quickly stopped once I realised no one else was, I'm very tempted to pay to this again as I never got it when people say they saw Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars etc. 4/5 times in the cinema but I would for this.

If anyone is planning on watching this when it's on TV/DVD don't as f**k Avatar/Inception this is a film that should be seen on the big screen.

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no film NEEDS to be seen in the cinema. I have argued this many times on here.


1. in a rammed cinema surrounded by knobheads eating popcorn and talking / using their mobiles

2. At home, 6 feet away from a 40"+ screen, with DTS surround sound.

I know where I would rather be.

I saw inception at the cinema the other week. It was good. not outstanding.

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Scott Pilgrim looks like a film that'll piss me off. Looks like it's going set the cause of the videogame medium being taken seriously back by about ten years and reinforce the MYTH that videogames are for idiot teenagers with A.D.D.

But I'll reserve judgement until I see it, because I hope I'm completely wrong.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I thought it was great aswell. Enjoyed it much much more than Inception.

It wasnt perfect by any means - the reviewer who said it was a "dog whistle frequency" film wasnt far off. You'll either get it or you won't. Its not a film you can easily recommend to a buddy who hasnt read the books.

Thought Ramona and Knives were fantastic. Ramona in particular really captured the essence of the character.

Scott I have major issues with. Certainly wasnt playing the same character from the books. Either way it still worked out ok.

I disagree with you that the film needs to be seen on the big screen. My take on it is that the layers are crying out to be dissected in the home viewing experience. Its a film you could throw on in the background at any time.

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