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Guest razz1e

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I belong to Lovefilm, on their cheapest plan! If I buy a dvd I hardly ever watch it more than a couple of times anyway, so it's better value for me to rent, also Lovefilm is great because you don't have to worry about late fees and stuff, just watch it when you have the time/feel like it. Also I find it's good to browse through the site for odd films you might not find out about otherwise. It suits me really well.

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But the kids are at school now? :huh:

My favourite part of Crazy Heart is when he is fishing with Robert Duvall, and the shot pans out and Duvall sings "raise your children right/don't let the darkness take them/don't let them feel forsaken/lead them gently to the light..."

Not sure if it was written for the film or if it was written already, but that part gave me shivers, i loved it. It sounds soppy but it wasn't.

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Watched I Love You Philip Morris tonight, really good, much better than I expected. Somke really funny moments and some real heart wrenching moments. It made me realise how under-rated Jim Carey is as an actor.

Well enough of that, now I'm gonna have a few beers and watch The Warriors.:D

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Watched I Love You Philip Morris tonight, really good, much better than I expected. Somke really funny moments and some real heart wrenching moments. It made me realise how under-rated Jim Carey is as an actor.

Well enough of that, now I'm gonna have a few beers and watch The Warriors.:D

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I just watched The Last Airbender. It would have been utterly dire if it wasn't for all the unintentional gay sex references.

"I knew from the moment I saw you that you were a bender".


I hope this doesn't make me a homophobe.

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Sort of watched Wild Hogs the other day. Was mostly failing to get Glasto tickets but was staying at a friends and they had it on. Jesus thats a bad film. knew before it was bad, but I didn't, couldn't realise how bad. But it actually ends up kinda interesting. You keep thinking it cant get any worse but then somehow it does. Its terribleness became weirdly compelling.

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