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Guest razz1e

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I'm dissapointed that the Red Skull isn't wearring a Nazi SS uniform. Where's his red arm band with the swastika at the very least? That's what he's supposed to wear. Why did they design a sodding costume for the Red Skull FFS? A Nazi uniform is an incredibly powerful image just on its own.

The only reason I can think of is that they wouldn't sell as many Red Skull action figures to bovine America if he has a swastika emblazoned on his uniform.

Product first, art second. f**k off Hollywood.

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The new Batman flick is gonna have Tom Hardy as Bane and Anna Hathaway as Selina aka Catwoman in it.

And the 1st image of X-Men 1st Class has been released...


I'm a tad disappointed with Emma Frost, she dresses like her but not nearly as sexy as she should be.

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Tom Hardy as Bane! Clearly chosen for his performance in Bronson then. I can honestly see this trilogy ending on a real downer, where Wayne ends up in a wheelchair like in Knightfall. OR could this be where "Dark Knight Rises" comes from? Could Bane break or severely injure Wayne early on and then when Wayne inevitably heals he rises from his wheelchair? Could go either way :)


Emma Frost suits severe hair like in Astonishing X-Men. A severe blonde bob would have suited her ice queen persona (she looked kinda chavvy/harsh in the books, stoney features). She looks like a Kays Catalog model there.

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It was the offical press release for the flick, it also says Selina Kyle and never mention Catwoman. My money is on the same thing will as they did with Two Face and they make no mention in the build up of her being Catwoman and at the end of the flick she suddenly turns.

I'm still holding out hope for X-Men, but considering it's the 1st big film released next year and there's very little news I'm getting worried. There's also no Darwin in the pic there for some reason.

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Tom Hardy as Bane has me genuinely excited, just as much as when I first saw shots of Ledger's Joker. He's going to be popping clogs, if Bronson was anything to go by.

I have a feeling this ain't gonna end well. Basing it on Prey and Knightfall means we could end up with Bruce in a wheelchair while Selina becomes the new guardian of Gotham (in the comics she isn't really a villain these days, she's an anti-hero).

I think this is going to blow Dark Knight into bits. I hope its more like Begins in tone, and I really hope Bale mellows out the Batman performance this time.

I'd love to see a new Batsuit. I want to see some tonality on it this time, like grey with black detail, not just a black mess of shin pads.

I love this direction anyway. I reckon when all is said and done The Dark Knight could possibly be the weakest of all three.

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I've met Tom Hardy a few times he does my head which is a shame as everytime I see his films he's great in them. I'm just hoping Bane isn't dumbed down like in Batman & Robin and there's also the possibility it may be the Venom story arc where Batman becomes addict to Venom to cope with being Batman or when Bane becomes Ra's new heir to the League Of Assasins.

With the talk of this completing the story of the trilogy there's gonna have to be some kind of conclusion for Batman as a whole which for me is gonna be the most interesting part in the film as the mission to rid crime will never end as and Batman is too good to be killed in action leaving a lot of possibilities of what to do.

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I'm just looking forward to how the end is achieved. Nolan did say that this is very definitely going to be an ending. If I were to bet on anything I'd bet on Wayne being crippled - the weight of his task (to rid the streets of crime and corruption) ultimately consumes and destroys him. He's fighting against human nature, and he's given himself an impossible task, and he'll end up dead or broken before he decides to pack it in.

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I hope no CGI is involved for Bane. There's no need to add any muscle.

If I was Nolan I would be more concerned with putting Bane across as a highly intelligent and strategic character who is at peak athletic condition (albeit on the bulky side).

The less cartoony elements, the more it'll distance it from the awful, awful Batman & Robin character where he was some sort of retarded Hulk-like henchman for Mr Freeze. He even had greenish skin. I'm so very glad that they're seeking to remove that awful memory.

Is Strange still going to be involved? If so then the whole performance-enhancing drug thing could well be his doing.

Would love to see Scarecrow back again, he would easily fit into a drug-based storyline. He could even be a shady agent of Dr.Strange/Bane's operations, spreading venom/drugs in the underworld, much like he was doing with his own mixes at the beginning of The Dark Knight.

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Went to see Tron Legacy tonight, can't say I was too impressed. The story seemed to drag on and I found it a tad boring. The 3D aspect of it was shit as well, pointless really. I did think visually it was stunning and the Daft Punk soundtrack was immense but overall I was quite dissapointed.

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