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Guest razz1e

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Havok & Cyclops aren't brothers (my money is they are merging Havok & Corsair) in this, Emma Frost was never actually named in Wolverine (they screwed her up more than Sabretooth) and that was set arond the same time and Havok was never in the other films. I think the ages kinda fit, Magneto & Xavier both aged so could be in their 20's and appear older later on and Beast & Mystique (who's ages slower any way) is hard tell because of their powers.

I really don't care about continuity in comic films, considering comics rewrite them (Spider Man is the totem spider god?) whenever they feel like I feel it's ok to change a few things.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I guess I'll have to wait until the equivalent of Batman & Robin comes along and destroys the franchise, leading to a cooling off period of several years before picking it up again.

I'd like to see someone do what Singer did and just approach it with fresh eyes rather than another bolt-on movie, ideally with just Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel and Beast going up against the Sentinals and running from the government (Cyclops was always at his visual best when decapitating those things), and that's it. By all means have secondary characters like Gambit, Rogue and Nightcrawler join up later but at least get the core team dynamic working without sodding Wolverine first.

In fact I think once the Avengers and Dark Knight Rises are done they should just let superheroes cool off entirely for a while. Won't happen.

Edited by jump
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I never find the original 5 that intresting imo, Cyclops & Jean got really boring and I only liked Cyclops now since he got with Emma Frost and kicked out Xavier and the X Men didn't get big unitll they made the team international and made the team from all walks of life and across the globe. Apparently Halle Berry wanted to do Storm with a Kenyan accent but Singer said no to which sond intresting to me.

I would of preffered a reboot with the existing cast but unwrite the events of the last films using a Days Of Future Past gimmick.

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No great surprises at the BAFTA's tonight then.

Still haven't seen 'The Social Network' but really must as I'm surprised that a film with this subject matter is being so critically well received but I did think considering it's written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher it was bound to be good.

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No great surprises at the BAFTA's tonight then.

Still haven't seen 'The Social Network' but really must as I'm surprised that a film with this subject matter is being so critically well received but I did think considering it's written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher it was bound to be good.

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OK now I'm confused. I thought this was a reboot?

Aren't their ages all messed up. Also - the reason why Xaviar has no hair is because of his ability - what's going on? Would have preferred it if they made no connection to Singers X-Men at all, especially after X-Men 3's anti-climactic end to all of those particular character arcs, and also since Singer himself goofed on key characters like Sabretooth (incidentally is the Wolverine movie even counted? - I saw Frost, Havok and Cyclops in there but they look like adults there). What ages are all the characters supposed to be if this is set in the sixties? Seems a bit of a mess and where a reboot might have worked better where they could concentrate more on being a team rather than it all leading up to what later becomes "Wolverine feat. the X-Men".

I like the yellow costumes though. Much better than the gay biker crap they wore in the other movies.

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Jury's still out on this I'm afraid.

Dunno what it is. Never liked the idea of Spidey being in a high-tech 'OMG dats so kewl' costume. It bugged me in the Raimi movies and it still bugs me now. I also don't know what was wrong with the original design from the comic. This is just another bizarre high-tech costume that tries to fix something that was never broken. With Iron Man, you know he has money and the knowledge to get his kit to work and look serious. Same goes for Batman. Superman wears an invincible Kryptonian uniform and Green Lantern imagines his costume into existence. In their own fiction, they all make some sort of sense, because they at least stick to their own bullshit rules when it comes to costumes. Peter Parker is a broke horny teenager who can stick to walls, where the f**k does he find the time to design, create, fix and then get in and out of a costume like this?

The webbing on his head makes him look like The Amazing Basketball-Man rather than "ol' Webhead". Doh!

Have they intentionally blacked out the silver booties because they know that everyone seems to think they're rather ridiculous even for Spider-Man?

I dunno, hopefully it'll look better once a SHITLOAD of Post is done. God damn it. I was hoping they'd at least give him the big bug eyes on the mask this time. Looks like they're after selling as many action figures as possible :/

Kick-Ass seemed to nail more of the comic book Spider-Man's character than the actual Spidey films....

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If the character list is anything to go by this film is going to be a turkey. If they were going to do a 1960's movie then why not (as you say PM) run with an original group of Clairmont characters and do Sentinels.

In "First Class" we get a mish mash of characters that make no sense together in a plot that looks like complete cobblers.

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Saw buried, great performance by ryan reynolds, didnt think he had it in him. Very claustrophobic and found it funny how they played on the annoyance of being put on hold and answerphones! Also thought the ending was well done, one of those films you just cant turn away from.

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