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Guest razz1e

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Rocky 2,3 and 4 are loved by people on an 80s nostalgia kick, but even back then they were regarded as a bit of a joke.

And from what I've read Hangover 2 isn't just very similar, its pretty much the same film, but set in Bangkok.

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Watched Hanna and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't get to go to the movies very often, but this was really worth it - the score by the Chem Bros was brilliant (I didn't know it was them until the credits and all the way through I kept thinking to myself, 'this soundtrack is f**king amazing!'). Miss Ronan is such a good actress and has amazing screen presence - go watch it!

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Just seen the new X Men and it's a great flick possibly the best X film yet, just wished I wasn't hangover.

Love the 60's silver age bond style setting and they let the mutants play around with each other instead of just brooding and it was good to see Xavier actually helping mutants instead of being in a class room. Moira MacTaggert is Moira MacTaggert in name only, Emma Frost is reduced to a prop and apart from Shaw (Footloose guy was great as him) the villains have no personality though.

And Magneto in his outfit at the end looked more gay & less intimidating than Ian McKellen was. I really hope he's not going to be the villain again in the sequels, the new Brotherhood have no personality as it is so he would have to carry it and I would liked to see more of Xavier & Magneto in their buddy days.

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Went to see xmen first class. It's ok I guess. Some rubbish mutants in it like angel (whos power made no sense at all even for the xmen) and the lack of cyclops is horseshit. I won't be happy until they make one with the original line up and then bring in gambit, rogue and wolverine afterwards. The sooner the xmen license goes back to marvel the better.

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Watched LA Confidential (which I got free with my copy of LA Noire), really enjoyed it. Russel Crowe and Guy Pierce are both excellent, don't think Kim Basinger should've got an Oscar for her performance but she was still good and Kevin Spacey was great as usual. I feel the film was rather long (138 minutes) but all in all I found it quite enjoyable.

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Went to see xmen first class. It's ok I guess. Some rubbish mutants in it like angel (whos power made no sense at all even for the xmen) and the lack of cyclops is horseshit. I won't be happy until they make one with the original line up and then bring in gambit, rogue and wolverine afterwards. The sooner the xmen license goes back to marvel the better.

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At least Angel wasn't having insect bird babies.

I really hope they don't make a X Men film with the orginal line up, it flopped in the comics with poor sales untill it was eventually cancelled. It was only until Claremont took over with and made a diverse and intresting line up it really took off, I found Cylops a tedious character and I've only find him intresting recently since he booted out Xavier & hooked up with Emma Frost. I hope Marvel don't get the rights back as X Men has always been seperate from the Marvel universe and they ruined Iron Man 2 with the cross over stuff and SHIELD is completely pointless in Thor and they aren't servicing the roots as some fans like to claim as 2 of the The Avengers founders aren't even going to be in it, if they did get the X Men rights back the only thing I would hope they do is add Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch to a possible Avengers sequel line up and keep X Men as it's own world.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Cyclops is amazing in Astonishing X-Men. Total bad-ass.

I'd be happy with an X-Men that was more like the 80's/90's line-up. I just want to see a decent combination of Cyclops, Wolverine, Gambit, Angel, Iceman, Jean Grey, a flying Rogue, Beast, Frost, Xaviar, Shadowcat, Magneto, a decent version of Sabretooth, Mystique, Juggernaught etc all in the same movie - is that so much to ask for? Maybe not all of them that's a bit much but with all those Premier League characters to choose from they go with B-List shit like Riptide, Azazel, Banshee and some weird f**ked up version of Angel?

I mean, 5 X-Men movies and no Sentinals whatsoever? They are iconic bad guys. That shit at the start of X3 doesn't count. Even Mr Sinister or Apocalypse would be interesting.

At least Avengers will have the main characters in it, at least Captain America will be there. Cyclops is pretty much the main X-Man. That's like doing a Ghostbusters movie without Egon - sure he's not the favourite, not as charasmatic as Pete Venkman but that's no reason to go "boring! f**k him he sucks" and throw him out - he's part of the dynamic, and arguably the glue of the operation - that's exactly what Cyclops is, he's the bloody team leader.

Seriously, f**k comic book movies. (Kidding) :lol:

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Watched the Senna documentary film at the week-end. I've never seeen so many people stay until the end of the credits - literally no-one left until the lights came up, and there were a lot of middle-aged men with very red eyes trying to pretend they had been crying.

I held it together until they showed his mother in tears, for the record.

Brilliant film. I'm going again before the end of the week. The in-car stuff is worth the admission price alone.

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