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Guest razz1e

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<p><br />

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Saw it on Saturday. It was, and forgive the hyperbole, fucking amazing.<br />

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Restored my faith in big budget action blockbuster movies, it was such a good fun movie. Fairly long but the time flew by, every scene was fun to watch.<br />

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The Hulk and Mark Rufallo steal every scene.<br />

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That&#39;s what happens when you put a man in charge who knows his shit. Whedon really has shown Michael Bay and the like for the hacks they are by putting together an action blockbuster with ten times more impact and weight than the turgid crap we are fed by the likes of Hollywoods so called A-List. Same resources, triple the talent - oh look what happens!<br />

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So looking forward to Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Captain America 2 and the inevitable Hulk movies starring Mark Rufallo. For once I am smiling at box office sales figures - for once I&#39;m looking at something hugely successful and mainstream and well known and enjoying it. I hear Ant Man (aka Giant Man) has the green light with Edgar Wright in charge. Sounds lame as fuck to the average person, just like Captain America and Thor I guess but if you&#39;ve ever read The Ultimates you&#39;ll know that Ant-Man is a key member of the Avengers and his story is very, very good. His ability to change his size has an effect on his perspective and personality which has all sorts of horrible ramifications, it gets pretty grim in places. Like, rape grim.<br />

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Also, it redeemed Industrial Light and Magic as those effects, particularly on Hulk were stunning. I loved how he was both completely terrifying and utterly charismatic and likeable. First time I&#39;ve ever seen Hulk in a movie and thought &quot;Now that&#39;s the fucking Hulk!&quot;. Rufallos Banner was so good.<br />

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I loved Caps lines too. Shall be looking forward to more fish out of water stories with him. I like how they made his dissapointment with the way America has turned out pretty clear, as that&#39;s why I found him such a great character in the books - he&#39;s a good soldier up to a point and in the comics he&#39;s disobeyed orders and led revolutions.<br />

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They nailed everything that made people fall in love with those characters in the first place. I&#39;m still shocked this movie even exists at all.<br />

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I have been waiting for this film since I was a child, and to come into it with so much personal expectation and leave completely satisfied with everything made me feel giddy. I haven&#39;t felt like that since I saw Empire Strikes Back for the first time the kind of movie I immediately wanted to watch again....last time I felt like that was what.... Fifteen years ago? And this is at a time when superhero movies are ten a penny and arguably suffering franchise fatigue. All it takes is something like this to make you go from &quot;Ok stop&quot; to &quot;give me MORE&quot; in the space of a couple of hours.<br />

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I&#39;m biased, to me this was like a Star Wars fan going to see The Phantom Menace and it actually living up to over twenty years of anticipation. It&#39;s on that level for me, and I think because Joss Whedon is a massive Marvel geek and has probably secretly had this all worked out in his head for years proves that you should always put someone who gives a shit in charge.<br />

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If I was a kid - Avengers would be my Star Wars. I&#39;d be off my tits on that movie.</p>

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. I hear Ant Man (aka Giant Man) has the green light with Edgar Wright in charge. Sounds lame as fuck to the average person, just like Captain America and Thor I guess but if you&#39;ve ever read The Ultimates you&#39;ll know that Ant-Man is a key member of the Avengers and his story is very, very good. His ability to change his size has an effect on his perspective and personality which has all sorts of horrible ramifications, it gets pretty grim in places. Like, rape grim.<br />

If I was a kid - Avengers would be my Star Wars. I&#39;d be off my tits on that movie.</p>

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