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Guest razz1e

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Anyone seen "Perfume"? my uncle just highly recommended it, and he's usually pretty good with movie choices. its not a new film, but it sounds really good.

apparently this dude is born with an incredibly acute sense of smell, but develops a taste for murder one way or another, it appears from the trailers to be since in pre revolution paris. its also a long 'un, at over 2.5 hours.

no spoilers please.

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Anyone seen "Perfume"? my uncle just highly recommended it, and he's usually pretty good with movie choices. its not a new film, but it sounds really good.

apparently this dude is born with an incredibly acute sense of smell, but develops a taste for murder one way or another, it appears from the trailers to be since in pre revolution paris. its also a long 'un, at over 2.5 hours.

no spoilers please.

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I thought Perfume was ok, visually it looks brilliant but in terms of story the book is much better as the main character doesn't come across as interesting as he should of. I read the book (which apparently was Kurt Cobain's favourite book) before I saw the film so maybe that hindered me.

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Arnie was perfect in it, and it was a perfect film. Vehoven made a fantastic trilogy satirising America's fascist bent (including Robocop and Starship Troopers). Arnie was actually really good in it too.

The new version will suck as much as The Thing prequel sucked. As much as The Omen remake sucked. As much as the Conan remake sucked. As much as the Fright Night remake sucked. As much as the Rollerball, Taxi!, Get Carter, and The Wicker Man remakes.

And yes the new Highlander remake will suck just as much too. ;-)

Edited by Spartacus Mars
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It's got a 72% on Rotten Tomatoes at the mo and I'm taking my baby brothers to see it at the weekend but I haven't really got high hopes for it.

The main complaint seems to be it's very samey as the last Spider-Man flicks with it being more of a remake than a reboot despite it being bigged up as an untold story and taking it into a new direction. Not surprised really, it took Batman 6 years of development to decide the best way to reboot it and Spider-Man was given a year & half advance release date before they even started work on it.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Doesn't anyone else feel intellectually emasculated by discussing the individual merits of virtually-identical sex-fetishist vigilante Republican masturbatory dream-fodder?

About six years ago the major studios decided to pull funding on most $20-60m adult-minded films, concentrating mainly on cheap romantic or teen comedies and huge superhero action flicks. And you know what? We lapped it up and I mean absolutely lapped it up, said "thank you", and asked for seconds.

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