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Guest razz1e

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finally got around to watching slumdog millionaire and all i can say is it fully deserved all the accolades it got!

the one thing Danny Boyle has always been able to do extremely well is tell a great story with his films this film is so well put together it's unbelievable it is near on perfection in that sense.

the best performances in the movie were definitely the two kids playing the lead roles early on in the film.


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Watched Gonzo last night - was interesting but far too much Johnny Depp for my liking. I love him in Fear & Loathing (who couldn't) but when he's just being himself he's really really irritating... almost as irritating as when he's being Captain Jack Pointless.

I watched Into the Wild this week as well - what a wonderful film - some fantastic characters and lovely moments and such a sad ending. It has a class soundtrack too.

Watched Half Nelson as well - it was interesting but I didnt find it particularly captivating (Ryan Gosling is perfection though...)

What should I watch tonight? I want something funny.

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I watched the Rocker last night.

Well 45 minutes of it, and I can safely say that if offered a choice between 45 minutes of that or 45 minutes of lying in a bath of ice cold baked beans I would opt for the latter. It was absolute complete and utter shite (though did have a funny chase scene at the beginning. Do not watch this if you value your brain!)

I watched a short as well - by the man behind In Bruges - called Six Shooter - was a cracking little film. Felt like being at the theatre. - which is kind of a nice experience.

I watched Twilight (again) and I just cant help but be a teenage girl over it. He really, really, really, really is good looking. :lol:

The films wasn't all that but somehow... I enjoyed it enough to have watched it three times :D

And slightly off topic I know but I have been re-watching Freaks and Geeks again - it was such a good show and deserved more then one season!

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I watched Twilight (again) and I just cant help but be a teenage girl over it. He really, really, really, really is good looking. :)

The films wasn't all that but somehow... I enjoyed it enough to have watched it three times :)

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It's a good story, just a bit too cheesy for my liking though the banter and dialogue between the different Eastwood and the Koreans is wayyyyy too forced.
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Saw Watchmen last night.

Its fantastic. But the music in some parts baffled me.

Leonard Cohen's hallelujah, great song but watching the sex scene to it was nothing short of hilarious. Ride of the Valkyries as Manhatten is blowing shit up in Vietnam was also laughable.

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i liked watchmen, just kept on nodding off after a heavy night on thursday and barely any sleep. Would go watch it again though, to fill in the missing gaps and it was a film worth the cinema experience, 3 hours is a long time to spend in a very dark room though.

Don't know why, the final fight scene reminded me quite a bit of phantom menace :unsure:

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it was a shame, but as soon as i heard they were making a film i knew they'd never do it.

'Millions dead in New York' seems to have been banned in the cinema. Spread it round and it's ok, but it got the message across, despite my displeasure they blamed it all on Dr Manhatten.


Great choice of actor's, especially Rorschach imo.

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Not watching Watchmen until the initial wave of plebs going to see it dies down a bit. I'm seriously not sharing the same space as the same morons that have been going to big films on release as of late.

I hate crowded cinemas, it only increases the risk of some of them being loud, coke slurping, nattering buffoons. All it takes is one or two pricks, and that's it, I come out of the cinema with the strongest memory of the experience being me spending most of the time visualising the various ways in which to destroy them; suffocate the twats with my popcorn bag or shove the straws of their drinks they seem to have been loudly fellating, up their noses and into their brains?.

I don't tend to risk it with films I've been really looking forward to see. I'm getting more and more unforgiving with these people, who seem to be growing and growing in their number. I don't know what I'm capable of anymore around them; whether or not I'm as restrained as I need to be, simply because I don't care anymore, to the point where I am actually weighing up the jail time I'd have to endure and destruction of my career, versus just completely smashing some annoying cinema plebs face to a bloody pulp but at least I'd get to watch the movie in peace until the police showed up. It's got to the point where I check my pockets for any sharp objects before I leave the house for the cinema, just in case, and I make sure I don't buy any Tolberones on the way in because they are a very dangerous snack if used in anger.


So, er, yeah, not gonna go see it for a while yet.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Indeed. We decided we just couldn't face it with a hang over....in York, where the seats are apparently very uncomfortable. So we opted to stay in with his huuuuuuuge HD tv and some dvds instead. We'll probably see it next weekend.

So instead we watched The Punisher and Training Day. I enjoyed both...

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