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Guest razz1e

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We were on about New Order, not Joy Division. Pinback had already said that about Joy Division. He was saying that's why New Order don't get a film you see - because no one killed themselves. I added that it was also to do with them being shit, whereas Joy Division aren't.

We like our cultural jousts you see. Happens when clever people are bored. It's called wit.

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I have a copy of "The Changling" in my hands. Well not actually in my hands hence I would be unable to type. I have extremely high expectations and I hope I am not let down. Got "The Kite Runner" as well.

Tomorrow I am off to see "Monsters versus Aliens" on the iMax :)

Edited by Planet Dave
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not sure which is the right version? the one i got is dubbed in english, can you pm me a link to the correct one if this isn't it.

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not really, unless you simply cannot watch a subtitled film. PM'd you the links.

the dubbed version is dubbed using the original subs. it all gets a little bit confusing, but read the article I linked to in my original post about it (be careful to avoid the spoiler, dont read the page after the line "Matte, time to go home!")

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