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Guest razz1e

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Love that film. Will Ferrell is the nuts in it. The part where he's playing Whole Wide World makes me melt. Never found him strangely attractive in any other film lols. I'd have quite happily jumped his bones after that.

Dustin Hoffman is in it too. Outbreak is up there alongside the Alien films and Resident Evil series.

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Haute tension

wow.. just finished watching this.. my second subtitled french horror of the night Was really impressed with it plenty of gore, good story line, i wont give any spoilers, but watch it!!

i wouldn't even read the write up, or the reviews etc, just put it on and give it a chance

Let me know what you thought of it

Heres the link to IMDB anyways - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338095/

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Haute tension

wow.. just finished watching this.. my second subtitled french horror of the night Was really impressed with it plenty of gore, good story line, i wont give any spoilers, but watch it!!

i wouldn't even read the write up, or the reviews etc, just put it on and give it a chance

Let me know what you thought of it

Heres the link to IMDB anyways - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338095/

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Outbreak is just one of those films I can watch over and over again without getting bored of it. Dustin Hoffman is a good actor and one of his better roles in recent years. No idea why I like it so much but yes its one of my favourites but they are all very different films.

Not quite sure why the reaction its hardly like I'd put Grease, The Sound of Music and other stuff and tons of romantic comedies up there. There not my cup of tea normally but I wouldn't have a problem with anyone enjoying them.

I'd have put the Python films alongside the Alien series and Resident Evil's on as well but I'll blame that on my slightly alcohol muddled brain last night.

Would be a very dull world if we all liked and enjoyed the same things.

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