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Guest razz1e

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Saw usual suspects the other day and its great. really love spacey and his films that i have caught up on so far. anybody know any more i should see by him other than K-PAX and ordinary decent criminal? oh and that 21 was good too.

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Just saw the trailer and...............


Dear Lord, what the f*ck is that? Is that really meant to be Goku? Is it a comedy/parody?

I take it that is Piccolo there being all nasty. Is Vegeta in it? Vegeta was the only interesting character in the show.

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I saw dragonball, absolute shite and insulting for a kid's film. Honestly it's not one of those it's that bad it's great films, it's on par with the mummy 3 bad (and that film set the bar pretty low!). My mate fell asleep, i'd rather take a swift kick downstairs then watch that crap again.

i might give little miss sunshine a go though, everyone seems to rave about this film and i've never got round to seeing it lol.

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