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Guest razz1e

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Well, its not possible to judge all films from his perspective. He would probably hate the script, hate the pace but love the subtle and considered use of natural lighting.

He would probably like the appearance of Brand. He's a sucker for an englishman, even more so if it wears a beard.

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"If man merely sat back and thought about his impending termination, and his terrifying insignificance and aloneness in the cosmos, he would surely go mad, or succumb to a numbing sense of futility. Why, he might ask himself, should he bother to write a great symphony, or strive to make a living, or even to love another, when he is no more than a momentary microbe on a dust mote whirling through the unimaginable immensity of space?" ... Stanley Kubrick

Maybe this explains Eyes Wide Shut.

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It does. It explains most of his films. They all relate to finding meaning in the face of overwhelming futility. He's an existentialist, you see. Existential films are generally set in that kind of backdrop and the narrative is always concerned with the protagonist trying to find infinite meaning in an eternally futilile universe, which in itself is absurd. It usually concludes with the protagonist finding him/herself as an other in a vast and absurd structure that they can only escape from through symbolism. The significance of the masks in Eyes Wide Shut. Only, he can't even escape through a symbolic existence. Once exposed as a self, he is thrown out as an other.
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Which would suggest you watched it. It is possible to enjoy different things for different reasons, y'know like!

When I watched FSM in sweet HD, I was sat on the sofa drinking a 9 year old Barossa Shiraz, having just enjoyed a beautiful fillet of beef with pancetta and red wine jus, with the wife sat next to me dressed in her best shoes, best dress and best lingerie. She asked me if we could watch it, I obliged her and we had a good time, laughing in sync and everything! I'd quite happily relive that night over and over.

Its all relative you see.

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When I watched FSM in sweet HD, I was sat on the sofa drinking a 9 year old Barossa Shiraz, having just enjoyed a beautiful fillet of beef with pancetta and red wine jus, with the wife sat next to me dressed in her best shoes, best dress and best lingerie. She asked me if we could watch it, I obliged her and we had a good time, laughing in sync and everything! I'd quite happily relive that night over and over.
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When I watched FSM in sweet HD, I was sat on the sofa drinking a 9 year old Barossa Shiraz, having just enjoyed a beautiful fillet of beef with pancetta and red wine jus, with the wife sat next to me dressed in her best shoes, best dress and best lingerie. She asked me if we could watch it, I obliged her and we had a good time, laughing in sync and everything! I'd quite happily relive that night over and over.
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I thought the score throughout the film was brilliant. Its a bit of a cliche, but Kubricks use of colour and imagery looks awesome. There's more obviously, but its not unusual for a Kubrick movie to divide critics, it pushes some peoples buttons (like mine), others (like yours) not so much. But I doubt very much that he didn't really put the effort into it, like you suggested.

I'm not really that interested (sorry) in trying to explain why I think something is good, to someone who doesn't. Its not going to change mine nor your opinions or perceptions even, of the movie.

Read this, though. Its good.


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:unsure: Yeah fair enough. If you don't like cheese though, there's little point in telling you why I like it, your opinion is fixed - you don't like it, there is little to gain in discussing it. Thats all. We can discuss the different reasons for people using discussion forums in a new thread if you want though. That might be interesting!

I don't like cheese, by the way, so don't start any rumours. :O

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