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Guest razz1e

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I've just noticed there is a sequel out to donnie darko.

I'm a big fan of the film but something tells me this is going to be awful, anyone seen or heard anything about s darko??

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I've just noticed there is a sequel out to donnie darko.

I'm a big fan of the film but something tells me this is going to be awful, anyone seen or heard anything about s darko??

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yeah. It's about his sister Samantha. Straight to video film.

I have to admit Donnie Darko is one of my all time favourites, especially the directors cut. I thought Jake Gyllenhaal fitted the role like a glove.

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I'll stick it on lovefilm list. I enjoyed the idea of the "Butterfly Effect" and then I saw the Butterfly Effect 2 and my life turned to tatters B)
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Saw Wolverine today, and I've got to say I didn't hate it. Though quite how they're justifying a Deadpool spin-off is beyond me (it's already been given the green light.)

Also I was pissing myself laughing during the Transformers 2 trailer, largely due to this


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An amazing film I watched recently is called "The Fall". If at all possible, watch it on BluRay as it's the best "to-bluray" conversion I've yet seen.

It took 4 years to film and it's plot spans the globe. It also contains some of the most amazing scenery the world has to offer.

The plot is deceivingly simplistic, but there is a lot of depth to those astute-of-eye.

If you don't like "artsy" type films: avoid.


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I hated Donnie Darko with a passion. Miserable pretentious waffle. IMHO of course.

If we're talking about shit sequels - Jaws 2. Dreadful. Though not as bad as Jaws: The Revenge. That's almost funny - the shark seems to get less realistic as the films go on, culminating in the Hoggle from Labyrinth look.

I have a question for people - what is Angels and Demons like? Book or film. I enjoyed the book of the Da Vinci Code, though I didn't think it was amazingly written, but the film was a bit shit. I'm not expecting much from Angels and Demons but was interested as it's set in Rome.

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An amazing film I watched recently is called "The Fall". If at all possible, watch it on BluRay as it's the best "to-bluray" conversion I've yet seen.

It took 4 years to film and it's plot spans the globe. It also contains some of the most amazing scenery the world has to offer.

The plot is deceivingly simplistic, but there is a lot of depth to those astute-of-eye.

If you don't like "artsy" type films: avoid.


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An amazing film I watched recently is called "The Fall". If at all possible, watch it on BluRay as it's the best "to-bluray" conversion I've yet seen.

It took 4 years to film and it's plot spans the globe. It also contains some of the most amazing scenery the world has to offer.

The plot is deceivingly simplistic, but there is a lot of depth to those astute-of-eye.

If you don't like "artsy" type films: avoid.


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I have a question for people - what is Angels and Demons like? Book or film. I enjoyed the book of the Da Vinci Code, though I didn't think it was amazingly written, but the film was a bit shit. I'm not expecting much from Angels and Demons but was interested as it's set in Rome.
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I saw Taken. You know I quite enjoyed it. Righteous Kill however was a waste of my short attention span, but Death Race was fun.

I am going to take my son to see Star Trek at the iMax for his birthday tomorrow.

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