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Guest razz1e

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Watched Cashback this evening. Really enjoyed it. Made me think about what I would do if I couldnt sleep and had an extra 8 hours a day.

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Watched Dark Knight again yesterday, first time since the cinema. It is really, really good but we all know that.

Suprise of the year so far is You Don't Mess With The Zohan...had some proper laugh out loud moments which i didn't expect at all. For people who think Sandlers last good film was Big Daddy (not many of us, most don't think he's ever made a good film) then this is certainly one i'd recommend.

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I watched Star Trek this afternoon and enjoyed it. I happened to catch Star Trek: Insurrection on a movie channel last night, and I enjoyed that too.

I think to someone who has little knowledge, or has avoided ST, then the new film would be a lot better than the others. To someone who has grown up on ST, it is a good film but not necessarily better than the others (first contact etc).

Regarding the timeline. They've been very clever in that if they do take this film forward, they are not bound by the heaving history of ST past.

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I think it's great, funny, with lots of subtle star wars references as well as the obvious ones. they do try to put a serious slant on the storyline which doesn't work at all, but if you ignore it and go with the flow, it's a really good star wars comedy.
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Finally got round to seeing Yes Man over the weekend - and what a let down. As a film in it's own right, it was okay, but how they had the gall to say it was 'based on Danny Wallace's book' is beyond me.

They should have said 'vaguely based around a very faint passing resemblance to one of the theme of a book by Danny Wallace'.

If I was DW, I'd be fuming at the producers, because it totally and utterly missed the point.

My problem is this:

The book:

Danny Wallace is dumped by his girlfriend (who had drags through the mire during Are You Dave Gorman? and Join Me). Her reasons were that he was too obsessed with 'stupid boy projects' - she had a point to be fair, but he keeps in touch with her (she even features in Friends Like These - his next book). He then met Lizzie during Yes Man, who loved the fact that he did these spontaneous - though admittedly rather childish - pranks. But he really had to make the effort to keep it going, as Lizzie lived in Australia. By saying yes more, the opportunity arose to make it work and when Lizzie finds out about the Yes Man game, she liked him more because of it.

Edited by Langdale Wolf
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Finally got round to seeing Yes Man over the weekend - and what a let down. As a film in it's own right, it was okay, but how they had the gall to say it was 'based on Danny Wallace's book' is beyond me.

They should have said 'vaguely based around a very faint passing resemblance to one of the theme of a book by Danny Wallace'.

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In it's defence, it's got Zooey Deschanel in it.

Anyone heard about Mega Shark vs Giant Squid? Straight to DVD, being touted as this years Snakes on a Plane, it looks truly and superbly terrible. I'd post a trailer, but youtube doesn't work properly at uni.

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