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Guest razz1e

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Thumbs up from me. I have seen it twice now, once on the iMax and on a normal screen. When the biggies come out (Star Wars etc) I like to see them twice. I really can see a different take on this franchise.

Transformers 2 out soon....

I'll get my coat.

Edited by spammachine
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transformers 2 is gonna be the f**king dogs. have you seen the hidef second trailer? the one where she is bent over that bike with a wrench? f**k me that film is going to rock. robots, explosions and Megan Fox? even Shia LaBeouf cant f**k that up.

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I am more over excited about Terminator Salvation then I have ever been about any film ever! T3 needs to be made up for and the Bale rarely lets us down (*cough* Reign of Fire, Harsh Times *cough*)

The IMDB rating is pretty high, but a lot of the reviews aren't all that positive (though it still has high star ratings...)

I can't remember if I have mentioned a French film called Jeux D'enfants (or in England - Love me if you dare) on here before. I watched it again the other day - it truly is my favourite film ever - so funny and inventive. I would recommend it to all, though if you acquire it through other means that aren't quite DVD then pm me for subtitles because I have, after a long time searching, found some that do the superb writing of the film justice.

Also, it has Marion Cotillard in it and she is marvelous!

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And T2.

I'm seeing this as the sequel. There should have been no bullshit inbetween. From one world to the next - how it should have been. Need the contrast. I like the sinister element kept from the image seen in the first.

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Terminator 4 will be passable Hollywood fodder, nowt else, I'm sure.

I'll go see it, but I reckon it'll be 90% explosions with about 10 minutes worth of actual plot and character development, with a good deal of the films mystery and intrigue given away in the trailer.

It can't be any worse than T3 but I really, really doubt it'll be anywhere near the level of T1 or even T2.

I bet they'll have Arnie in there somewhere, all CGI-ed up or something lame. Like when they shoehorned the Falcon and Chewbacca into Star Wars Episode III, which fanboys loved for about ten seconds before realising how stupid it was. And a bunch of other cheesy references and shitty one-liners which will make fans all giddy with nostalgia before realising they've actually been duped out of a decent sequel yet again.

I'd actually bet a lot of money on me being right on this one. It's just another soul-less, machine-like franchise, assimilated into the Hollywood collective, I bet James Cameron laps up that irony as he cries to sleep at night.

And I'll still go watch it, just like I went to watch all of the Star Wars prequels KNOWING that they would be shit, because I'm a f*cking retard like everyone else. I just want to see things explode an' that.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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