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Guest razz1e

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Watched a few films this weekend

Yes Man - If I hadn't read (and loved) the book I probably would've enjoyed it, but I was just left disappointed as I felt like they missed the whole essence of the book. It was a good film in it's own right but the book is just far superior. I did enjoy seeing Danny Wallace's cameo in a bar scene though!

Milk - LOVED it. I didn't know the story of Harvey Milk at all before I saw this but it's made me want to read up more into him and his life. I thought the whole cast was superb, Sean Penn was well deserving of an Oscar, and James Franco and Emile Hirsch in particluar were also great.

Star Trek - I've never been a fan of the original Star Trek but I thought this was brilliant. Zachary Quinto was a brilliant Spock (and Sylar is my favourite Heroes character - I just love that man!). I never tire of seeing Simon Pegg on screen either. Tempted to try and get tickets for seeing it at the Imax now but I have a feeling it'll be all sold out

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Yes Man - If I hadn't read (and loved) the book I probably would've enjoyed it, but I was just left disappointed as I felt like they missed the whole essence of the book. It was a good film in it's own right but the book is just far superior. I did enjoy seeing Danny Wallace's cameo in a bar scene though!
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I bet they'll have Arnie in there somewhere, all CGI-ed up or something lame. Like when they shoehorned the Falcon and Chewbacca into Star Wars Episode III, which fanboys loved for about ten seconds before realising how stupid it was. And a bunch of other cheesy references and shitty one-liners which will make fans all giddy with nostalgia before realising they've actually been duped out of a decent sequel yet again.
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"You still don't get it, do you? He'll find her! That's what he does! It's all he does! You can't stop him! He'll wait for you! He'll reach down her throat and tear her f**kin' heart out!"
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'Listen and understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear.........and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead'
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transformers 2 is gonna be the f**king dogs. have you seen the hidef second trailer? the one where she is bent over that bike with a wrench? f**k me that film is going to rock. robots, explosions and Megan Fox? even Shia LaBeouf cant f**k that up.
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I've got Daywatch and Nightwatch to, erm, watch here - any good?

I'd like both the Sherlock Holmes films to be good, because I used to love the stories as a kid. I'll be disappointed, no doubt.

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Over the past week I've seen:

Angels and Demons: Not bad! Better than The Da Vinci code, but that could just be because I read TDVC before seeing the film and haven't read Angels and Demons. 7/10 - wouldn't buy on DVD

Lost Boys 2: hooked me in by playing Airbourne's "Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast" over the opening credits. Was mildly entertaining, but the ending was a bit gash 5/10

My Name Is Bruce - F*cking hilarious! Bruce Campbell is a legend 8/10

Star Trek: as good as everyone says and more. 10/10

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