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Guest razz1e

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yeah i realised that earlier today, most new films on imdb seem to get high ratings but slowly move down and most often fall out of the top 250. Although Wall-E still has a good ranking on it, Still yet to see it though, Got it on dvd will need to watch it sometime soon I suppose!
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Wall-E is superb,

true, many go down after the initial reaction, but most pixars either stay in the 250 or fluctuate in and out such is the quality; the only ones that won't are cars (7.5) and bugs life (7.3).

quick look shows from 192-250 is rated 8.0, and toy story 2 and monsters inc are both 8.0 and out, so will be in the top 500 (can only see if imdb pro user).

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Yes. But they're not as good as the other pixar movies in most peoples opinion. So if you judge Finding Nemo, Incredibles, Wall E and Toy Story 1 & 2 all as 9+ it's feasable that Cars and Bug's Life are 7.5s due to the epicly high expectation of a film that, as you put it "has the lamp animation before it"

I couldn't get my head around "Cars" something about that film screamed "Skynet won" to me. Seriously where were the people and who built the cars?! Did the cars kill all the people?!

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:lol: David Carradine has been found dead in a hotel room in Bangkok.


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I have just read about Sly Stallones next film due for release April next year 'The Expendables'

Written, Directed and starring Sly, with Jason Stratham, Jet Li and, Dolph lundgren and a small cameo from Arnie himself (thankfully Sly has neglected to include JCVD, probably due to the fact that the man is very much up his own bottom, excuse, I do appreciate his earlier films but his obssession with himself has lead to to my previous conclusion).

Dolph and Jet Li fight it out, Stratham is going to show us what he can do with a knife and Sly "does the stunt of his life" ....I am so very much wanting to see this film right now. I rather liked the last Rambo and as it did perform well they have given the Sly ofx a much healthier budget for this which he promises to have blew on explosions, blood, guts and hopefully some excellent action. I miss the action films of the 80s and rather enjoy just tuning out to mindless violence. Terminator Salvation was without question a McG film with some good action and nice nods but I dont know, having watched the Transformers 2 trailer just before the film I couldnt help but feel short changed. The fx looked abit shoddy next to it, or maybe my expectations were just too high.

The day after or maybe even on the Monday night on the way home from Glastonbury, I will be stopping at IMAX to see Transformers, the thing is the first one grew on me but I must have watched the trailer for 2 15 times now, do I run the risk of expecting too much...I think not!

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Written, Directed and starring Sly, with Jason Stratham, Jet Li and, Dolph lundgren and a small cameo from Arnie himself (thankfully Sly has neglected to include JCVD, probably due to the fact that the man is very much up his own bottom, excuse, I do appreciate his earlier films but his obssession with himself has lead to to my previous conclusion).
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