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Guest razz1e

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having a little skim through some info on v for vendetta I really cant see how it could in any way be related to martyrs? I will obviously have to watch it to find out, but at this stage they seem absolutely poles apart in terms of theme.

ho hum, I'll have to grab it and watch it, maybe this afternoon!

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Martyrs =

A film about people being tortured so that they may gain an insight into life after death. Yes?

Saw =

A film about people being tortured for all the bad things they have done in their lives, in an attempt to bring them out a better person if they survive. Yes?

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Transformers 2...

I have several friends who said they really enjoyed this and that it was excellent.

I am re-evaluating my friends and thinking they are f**king idiots.

f**king dull predictable rubbish. Around halfway through I stopped caring and neither could I figure out what robot thing was on what side (especially when they were fighting the battle at the end).

And as for geographical accuracy.....f**k me...I had no idea Petra was round the corner from Giza, a 10min drive. :D:):blink:

And why is it Hollywood seem to enjoy destroying all the wonders of the world other than the fact the only wonders the twat yanks have are "world's largest ball of string" etc etc.

Graphic Novel. Thats like a BOOK isn't it??
Edited by Atlanteanlost
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Furry muff if others don't see the similarities of Martyrs and V. I found them to be similar, that's all I was saying.

I watched Good Will Hunting again last night, Mr Cheese has never seen it and whinged when he said he'd better not work it out in five minutes and I told him there was nothing to work out, it was just a great film/story. He likes twists and shit you see.

He enjoyed it :)

I told him I love Sean Maguire and hoped he didn't mind.........he thought I meant some bloke off Eastenders :blink::D:)

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Furry muff if others don't see the similarities of Martyrs and V. I found them to be similar, that's all I was saying.

I watched Good Will Hunting again last night, Mr Cheese has never seen it and whinged when he said he'd better not work it out in five minutes and I told him there was nothing to work out, it was just a great film/story. He likes twists and shit you see.

He enjoyed it :)

I told him I love Sean Maguire and hoped he didn't mind.........he thought I meant some bloke off Eastenders :blink::D:)

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Thought 'Knowing' had potential, but was ruined by the alien/celestial beings. Or as someone on IMDB put it, "the Intergalactic Paedos".
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That is the long and short of it, yes.

It's actually not as bad as it sounds, but it's a frightening concept if you're a bloke!

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Ahhh yeah,

he spoon feeds her chocolate as she's trying to tell him where he comes from (not a collection of small statues

:ph34r: ). She stole him as a child. Do we ever find out who his real parents were though??

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