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Guest razz1e

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John Connor was waaaaaay too serious in Terminator Salvation.

I miss the little dipshit from T2. Why does John Connor become so militant? That's clearly not what Cameron had in mind - the idea was that he was a little bastard renegade who could not be regimented or controlled, who was the rage against the machine that would run rings around the robot hive mind because he was outside of that.

And the humans were proving to be utter shits as usual, yet no questions were asked about why humans deserved to live.

And dammit - reliance on a "prophecy"? I'm so sick of that shit, America.

Missed a trick there.

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I wonder if they did "A Brief History of Time" in comic Graphic Novel format, I would be any closer to understanding it.

Anywho films. Off to the cinema on Sunday. Was thinking of going to see some Baysplosions (boom, crash, kaboom).

What does the panel recommend?

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Drag Me To Hell, Public Enemies or Sunshine Cleaning.

There's a lot of stuff on for the International festival too. Adam Curtis has a new one that's had some good reviews; 'It Felt Like A Kiss' that I'm planning on seeing at some point. Music by Damon Albarn, about the American Dream since the 50's.

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I watched Teeth last night on my own. I quite liked it, though it was a bit cheesy. To whoever it was who said it was a worrying concept though.....she only let the teeth bite blokes who were trying to harm her!!!
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Only if you wish to harm women ;)

She was, she was a known virgin and people wanted a piece of the action....

one bloke pretended to love her and be willing to wait for her, then smashed her head against a rock when she said no. Another bloke drugged her then when she found out he's bet his friends he could sleep with her she unleashed the teeth. The doctor who saw her was sexually abusing her so she bit his fingers off and the film ends with some bloke who has given her a lift locking her in his cab and wiggling his tongue out at her. She smiles and looks at him sexily....she's no longer the victim.

However, if a bloke is nice to her, and she wants him, she doesn't bite.

I personally think it's a great concept!!! ;)

For the reasons you have given, although he obviously never saw the end (neither have I, but I quite like the film....I think).

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Watched The Children on Saturday. It was... interesting, I can't decide if it was good or not! Essentially it was a zombie film, with all of the usual cliches associated with such films, except there were no "zombies"

Basicly family get together for christmas/new year, the kids start getting "sick" rather than going for the much used "bitey" zombie the kids are organised and use weapons such as knifes and rakes and a rather nasty pencil through someone's eye.It had the usual "that's my child they won't hurt me" "oh shit they have and all" stupidity associated with the zombie genre, but it was kind of cool. Especially at the end

where it's revealed it's not just the children in this family as loads of kids surround the car the survivors are fleeing the scene in

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just got Heckler, and there is an advertisement for a movie called Stuck at the start....

apparently its based on a true story of a woman hitting a guy, hes half through her windshield and she TAKES HIM HOME WHILST HE'S ALIVE?!?!?!


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I may be late to the game, but just watched Juno - fantastic film. Played very well by every actor and the comedy is well balanced with a real story, emotions, and the feeling of being a teen mum (when I was 17 I was the "friend" who just took the piss)

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Really enjoyed The Hangover. Nothing special but it made me laugh.

I'm watching Rock n Rolla for about the 10th time just now..... Still don't get it.

(must watch when sober, :huh: )

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Watched The Children on Saturday. It was... interesting, I can't decide if it was good or not! Essentially it was a zombie film, with all of the usual cliches associated with such films, except there were no "zombies"

Basicly family get together for christmas/new year, the kids start getting "sick" rather than going for the much used "bitey" zombie the kids are organised and use weapons such as knifes and rakes and a rather nasty pencil through someone's eye.It had the usual "that's my child they won't hurt me" "oh shit they have and all" stupidity associated with the zombie genre, but it was kind of cool. Especially at the end

where it's revealed it's not just the children in this family as loads of kids surround the car the survivors are fleeing the scene in

only drawback was no real explanation of why the kids were doing this - but there's room for a sequel that I would watch :huh:

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The Chaser and The Wave were good films. Splinter was canny. Very old school 80s horror. They Wait was a bit average cleverly interwoven with crap acting.

May check out The Signal next. May not. KM31 may have to get a second viewing as I've been somewhat distracted by work.

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