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Guest razz1e

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Watched The Children on Saturday. It was... interesting, I can't decide if it was good or not! Essentially it was a zombie film, with all of the usual cliches associated with such films, except there were no "zombies"

Basicly family get together for christmas/new year, the kids start getting "sick" rather than going for the much used "bitey" zombie the kids are organised and use weapons such as knifes and rakes and a rather nasty pencil through someone's eye.It had the usual "that's my child they won't hurt me" "oh shit they have and all" stupidity associated with the zombie genre, but it was kind of cool. Especially at the end

where it's revealed it's not just the children in this family as loads of kids surround the car the survivors are fleeing the scene in

only drawback was no real explanation of why the kids were doing this - but there's room for a sequel that I would watch :huh:

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KM31?? was that on tonight. My digibox is FU'd so I don't have a guide. A brilliant film, and Mexican for it. It may sound odd but I prefer foreign films in the spanish langauge, then French and then Russian. It just feels nice on the ears.
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I'm a big fan of Spanish film and film in the Spanish language. Those films I listed were Mexican, German, Korean, Chinese and American. All about different subjects too. Independent film is definitely were its at these days. I haven't been interested in a mainstream film for some time now. The 00's have brought about some great independent and foreign cinema though. Thank f**k.

It's on now. 'Bout half way through. I'll try it again.

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My love of trashy action movies knows no bounds. Really enjoyed Fast and Furious... I might even bother my arse to watch the 3rd one now.

Away from that, last night I watched Adventureland. Watching the trailer I was expecting a forced, awkward comedy. Was pleasently surprised. It's a wee bit of a chick flick, but big thumbs up for this one!

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just got Heckler, and there is an advertisement for a movie called Stuck at the start....

apparently its based on a true story of a woman hitting a guy, hes half through her windshield and she TAKES HIM HOME WHILST HE'S ALIVE?!?!?!


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Some great mind-numbing films coming out that I want to see - Transformers 2 and the new Harry Potter film. I do like a bit of Potter.

Looking forward to it - the mother-in-law is babysitting and I'm going to take the wife out for a nice meal before the film, and head to the pub afterwards. Our first proper 'date' since the little 'un was born. :ph34r:

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My mate got a Blu Ray player. I was curious to see what it looked (and sounded) like so I went round one night and the film we picked was Blade Runner (the 'no seriously, this definitely is the final, final cut' version).

Looked and sounded amazing, but I still think the film is a bore overall.

It has a stunning opening 20 mins and a stunning end 20 mins, but the middle hour is dull and plodding.

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My good lady loves dreadful action films so when I found Time Cop in Tesco's for only 1 quid I decided to get it for her - can't turn down the opportunity of earming such cheap brownie points. Anyway when I got it back I noticed it was in one of those half thickness DVD cases. This got me wondering what the point of them is? The only reason I could think that they'd put a film in one of those covers is to save money by not printing a spine? Surely though it can't save them much. Just how bad do they expect the return on Time Cop to be that they think it's worth saving 1p (my estimate) a copy? :ph34r:

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So its not just me then? Thats exactly what I thought. It does look and sound amazing though, especially for a film from 1981 or whatever it was.
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I don't know why I put certain films on my Lovefilm subscription. I wanted something light this weekend instead they sent.

The Children : Now that was creepy. It was nice to have a "horror" with no real graphic gore, in comparison to many others, and I did find the children quite disturbing. It really scared my 17 year old daughter, and even on the second viewing. I quite enjoyed that.

The Midnight Meat Train : Shit

Amusement : Really shit.

That is all....

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My good lady loves dreadful action films so when I found Time Cop in Tesco's for only 1 quid I decided to get it for her - can't turn down the opportunity of earming such cheap brownie points. Anyway when I got it back I noticed it was in one of those half thickness DVD cases. This got me wondering what the point of them is? The only reason I could think that they'd put a film in one of those covers is to save money by not printing a spine? Surely though it can't save them much. Just how bad do they expect the return on Time Cop to be that they think it's worth saving 1p (my estimate) a copy? :ph34r:
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Who's going to see Antichrist then? Sounds like its got some pretty shocking scenes in it. They were debating if any film should be refused classification due to its tone and content on the radio today prompted by the film release.

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Think I might, am into the disturbing horror thing at the mo.

Reading "Let the Right One In" at the moment, in anticipation of finally watching it on DVD, and it just took a turn for the disturbing after the first 4 or 5 chapters (acid/face/Swimming Pool Changing Room bit)

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The Children : Now that was creepy. It was nice to have a "horror" with no real graphic gore, in comparison to many others, and I did find the children quite disturbing. It really scared my 17 year old daughter, and even on the second viewing. I quite enjoyed that.
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Watched Gran Torino tonight. Brilliant film, beautifully shot, great story and Clint is great as the grow to love him grumpy of git :lol:

The ending reminded me a lot of the Takeshi Kitano film Brother. The great sacrifice, family etc.

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The new Harry Potter is really disappointing.

I'm not too happy with it, they really digress from the book

they also put in two completely random scenes. There is no mention of Bill and Fleur, they make too much of the relationships at the school, the girl who plays Lavender is ridiculously annoying! Also they don't show Dumbledore's funeral, and as far as I remember in the book, Bellatrix Lestrange ISN'T at Hogwarts!

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aren't they all? :lol:

I must be one of the few people that can't stand harry potter, how does anyone think daniel radcliffe is a good actor?

He might have got away with it in the early films as he was only a kid but my god, he's bad.

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Ended up going to see Bruno last night. It's not a great film, but it is so extreme and disgraceful that it makes it quite funny. It's cringe-worthy stuff, but I do have a lot of respect for Sacha Baron Cohen for making it, no one else could get away with it.

The rocking the cradle bit kept me laughing for about 5 minutes

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