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Guest razz1e

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Bollocks. Everyone knew what was going to happen in the Titanic, but still watched it. People still read Harry Potter even after knowing Dumbledore was dead. Saying that people won't appreciate a creative work simply by knowing minor plot developments is treating them like morons.

I appreciate how something is created, not what is done.

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Are you for real man?? No-ones gonna watch that shit anyway ... and if they do, it sounds like the type of movie that people go to 'experience' rather than enjoy for its (ahem) plot and artistic values. Those who want to see it will be looking forward to the balls-plank scene now that I've told them about it!

I may be wrong though ... It could be a 'Shining' and if so, I shall eat my hat. But I doubt it. Its probably a turd.

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A fool, c**tchild, and now stupid. :( Impressive.

The extreme content is not for me, and no matter how arty you thought the black and white shots are, I would not be thinking about them when I see a clitoris removed with blunt rusty scissors. The controversy about this film is everywhere, stop being an idiot.

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spoilers shmoilers.

In Star Trek, Spock uses the opportunity to travel back in time to save his future self and the future James T Kirk.

OMG!!! I just ruined the WHOLE movie.

f**k off.

Edited by dakyras
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the iceberg in titanic is unrelated to the actions of rose and jack

the violent acts in antichrist are a direct result of the main characters, so knowing what they will do later in the movie changes how you perceive the movie

the point is, paulevs is acting like a c**tchild by refusing to spoiler what hes said, for whatever reason he seems to have no regard for people who might want to watch something he doesnt

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I think you must live in a hole if you weren't aware of some of the main plot developments in that antichrist film. They've been in and out of the press since Cannes, and have recently been discussed ad nauseam in the papers. Well, the papers I read anyhow. Lars Von Trier, the director, was discussing those very same developments on Radio Four the other night too.

Not that I'm going to watch it. I don't do gore-porn.

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Anyone seen Moon? Gonna go see it on Wednesday, I really can't wait. Sounds like a proper return to form for Sci-Fi.

Bit sad that everyone's talking about this controversial-scapegoat-of-the-month Antichrist instead. Does not appeal - but I'd watch it out of sheer curiosity - like going on a rollercoaster that looks like it'd fall apart and kill me - I'd still go on it just to find out.

And as a rule of thumb I'd just recommend using spoilers so we all don't end up calling each other c*nts.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I am off to see this at the weekend. I saw a snippet clip and it looks really good :lol:

My daughter watched the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre he other night and wanted to sleep downsatairs as she was scared. I just laughed as it is a silly film.

Then I poined out to her that by sleeping downstairs she would be the first to be killed as when a pyscho breaks down it would be the living room they pass first...

I am a loving type of dad :)

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just signed up for ilovefilm.

seems like a decent service but i was wondering if anyone knew that if you order a tv series with more than one disc, do they send them all at once or one at a time?

watched forgetting sarah marshall last night.

thought it was pretty good, but i much prefered knocked up.

Edited by rossmac1987
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