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Guest razz1e

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Inglorious Basterds. Half an hour too long, dialogues quite hit and miss. However, casting is very good, Christoph Waltz puts in the best acting shift I've seen in years. When the dialogue is good, its very good but most of the scenes with the basterds are a bit pointless.

Mike Myers

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Inglorious Basterds. Half an hour too long, dialogues quite hit and miss. However, casting is very good, Christoph Waltz puts in the best acting shift I've seen in years. When the dialogue is good, its very good but most of the scenes with the basterds are a bit pointless.

Mike Myers

was very good in it too.

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Watched The Thing and Children Of Men on Blu-Ray. Children of Men is stunning (probably the best image quality next to Hellboy II, I think) and the remasterring work on The Thing makes it look like it was made yesterday.

Briiliant films!

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I seem to recall far too much of Children Of Men relying on coincidence - moreso than most films. Also wasn't there some ridiculous shouting/singing/bad acting from a dreadlocked bloke - cringeworthy IIRC.

Hazy on the details, but I didn't think it was a good film.... probably why I can barely remember it.

Good concept though.

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Yeah the boat that rocks is a great film, love the soundtrack, in fact i downloaded it straight after watching the film.

I really don't know if i should watch s darko, donnie darko is one of my favourite films and having read some reviews it's put me off

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Watched The Thing and Children Of Men on Blu-Ray. Children of Men is stunning (probably the best image quality next to Hellboy II, I think) and the remasterring work on The Thing makes it look like it was made yesterday.

Briiliant films!

Edited by worm
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Funny People.

Brilliant first half, absolutely mesmerising performance from Adam Sandler.

Was nailed on to be the best film I've seen this year- then, he (Sandler)

gets better (from his illness) and the film goes downhill rapidly with a ridiculous plot involving his increasingly annoying ex and an unbelievably stupid character played by Eric Bana - not that I blame him

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Eventually saw Inglourious Basterds tonight. first film i've seen large size for ages- cineworld card has gone to waste this month!

I thought it was truly a masterpiece. Up there with pulp fiction in regards to QT. Nothing to do with hype or praise from critics, it was simply just an outstanding piece of film.

Pitt was superb (as I think he is in most things. As QT said a few weeks ago, he's now iconic. And I think he often gets written of purely because of his fame which is a disgrace, because he's been flawless in several films) To someone who doesn't understand the films (or arguably the single film :)) of QT, then I think Pitts performance could easily seem like a terrible piece of acting. But if you do 'get it', then he's perfect.

Mélanie Laurent was also near perfect. Her reaction at the end of the apple struddle scene was straight from reality.

Christophe Waltz.. :lol: Oscar then. Probably one of the most accomplished acting performances i've seen in a film. Up there with Cazale and Caan in the Godfather or De Niro in Taxi Driver. Was amazed how on edge his character of Landa managed to keep you, even though 95% of his on screen time envolved him being utterly charming. I suppose it was the reminder of that 5% that was shown and suggested that did it.

Favourite scenes have to be the opening sequence and the basement tavern scene. I won't go into detail about them - if you've seen the film then you may or may not agree.

Have to point out the part of the tavern scene when the german officer walks out from behind the wall though. QT had every member of the audience thinking he had cut to a separate scene until the camera tracked to reveal his position. Suuuperb.

And lastly, the two 'name and arrow' fx, so brief and unnecessary that any other director would get shot down for them, but typical QT once again.

Overall.. most definitely in my top 5 or 6 films of all time, which is saying something. Was really quite remarkable.

mr director/producer/writer needs to do a Bond :)

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