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Guest razz1e

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I started to watch Hurt Locker yesterday but I'm afraid I had to turn it off. As close to a reality account of the war in Iraq as you're going to get? Oh really, is that why the Americans made everyone else out to be shit besides themselves and they were drinking f**king Capri Sun whilst in the middle of of a mission?
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Sounds about right to me.

I let Katrina (17) watch Irreversible last night. She came through and said she didn't get it, but it turned out that the DVD was sticking at the underpass scene and then jumping, and I hate to say it but the film made no sense without it. I had to explain it too her, which I found a little awkward. She actually enjoyed it, but I am going to grumble at Lovefilm. I wonder if someone has been watching the scene over and over again. Creepy.

Anywho. I am off to the cinema at the weekend. Any recommendations??

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District Nine - utterly brilliant I thought. Clever science fiction, beautiful allegories, done really well in that documentary style. Flipped between documenatary and straight narrative really well. Excellent effects as you would expect. Film of the year for me so far.

Oh, and don't download it. Go to the cinema for it. Honestly it's worth it.

Edited by sifimaster
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to be fair i'm not a big film buff. but those i do watch, i'll either go to the cinema or get it on bluray if its decent value.

and if i knew where to get bluray quality films for free, i woul :D

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I hate the general public, I hate their inane jabbering and asking "ooh, whats he been in?". I hate the way they rustle their extra crispy f**king sweety wrappers. I hate the way the slurp on their xxxxl f**king sodas. I hate the smell of their plastic cheese on their nachos wafting across my space. I hate the adverts, I hate the trailers for the simple reason that there will be a trailer for some piece of shit "blockbuster" that consists of 100 explosions, some cleavage and a couple of gags that my nan's dog could have written, and some c**t behind me will say "woo, that looks good doesnt it?". I hate the fact that 99% of all films in the cinema are f**king rubbish. I hate sequels, repeating on and on ad nauseum until even the dimmest of the movie going public finally decide that the "franchise" is f**king rubbish. I hate not knowing exactly what time the film starts and finishes. I hate driving 15 miles to see a movie, and that the majority of the movies that I might pay to see at the cinema arent even shown within a 40 mile radius of where I live. I hate all this new fangled 3D bollocks that the studios are convincing us are the only way to see movies nowadays. I hate the studios themselves, all sat around listening to focus groups made up of the absolute stupidest people on the face of the earth and taking their opinion as the mood of the people. I hate being made to wait until months after the americans can see a movie. I hate the fact that Titanic is the highest grossing film of all time (or was - havent checked recently) I hate the way the studios tell us that downloading is killing the medium, when box office records get beaten month after month and actors are asking $m's per movie. And finally I hate the fact that the movie press such as empire and total film used to be good, but are now just propaganda rags for the industry with absolutely no integrity whatsoever and only interested in the payola.

/exhales. phew - where did that lot come from?

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