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Guest razz1e

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I left hessle 3 years ago, I'm now in Brough.

I changed my username purely because some tosser from the official sonisphere board was hounding me because I had the nerve to criticise the piss poor organisation of the festival, it was pathetic - he/she was joining boards I was using just to PM me offensive bollocks.

anyway, I have been to the cinema once this year - to see "In the loop", there were 5 people in the cinema apart from me (I went alone) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

because of the hours I work, and the home situation with the kids - its nigh on impossible for me to sit quietly in a warm dark environment after about 4pm without falling asleep, so I dont go as often as I would like, but for films such as the above I might make a special effort.

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I changed my username purely because some tosser from the official sonisphere board was hounding me because I had the nerve to criticise the piss poor organisation of the festival, it was pathetic - he/she was joining boards I was using just to PM me offensive bollocks.
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I'm sure I can arrange something if you like.

In fact, this could be a bit of a business opportunity. I could act as a middle-man for those unfortunates who haven't had an internet stalker, and set them up with a qualified, professional, tailor made stalker who fits the needs and requirements of the individual with regards to levels of abuse, creepiness of just straight out filth.

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I don't know. I'll have to do some research. I'm quite happy as 10% for my end, less running costs, but it'll really come down to how much the stalkee is willing to go to.

Maybe we should just try a couple of trials, see how it goes. Anyone who wants to stalk Katster, PM me and I'll set it up. Only over the Internet mind. I don't want any creepy real life stalkers here.

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surely a good stalker is one who doesn't let his prey know he/she is being stalked....so katster may already have one. :D:D

....as for cinema. I like going when I can, but the nearest is just over 30miles away, so by the time take petrol, entrance fee, a drink...it's cost me about £15. Which I'm happy to do for a film I really really want to see with the cinema experience....but it's not an expense I can really afford for films out of curiosity, or those that may only be average but that I'd like to see.

As such I'll download a fair bit, but what I enjoy I'll purchase. For £15, I'm much happier to buy 3 dvds and contribute to the industry that way; got over 900 dvds so wouldn't say I'm completely fleecing the industry....If I can find a decent rip, I'm quite happy to sit down with a beer or two and watch stuff on my monitor though.

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As such I'll download a fair bit, but what I enjoy I'll purchase. For £15, I'm much happier to buy 3 dvds and contribute to the industry that way; got over 900 dvds so wouldn't say I'm completely fleecing the industry....If I can find a decent rip, I'm quite happy to sit down with a beer or two and watch stuff on my monitor though.
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Right, I am doing something to eat and I am going to veg on the sofa and watch some DVD's.

I have 1066, Lakeview Terrace and The Day the Earth Stood Still. I was going to see the Day the Earth Stood Still on the iMax, but on the day I had the not too difficult decision of spending my savings on a movie or going to a Beer Festival (thats my excuse and I don't care)

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jamo gear is generally good stuff, I would deffo go to your local audiophile shop and have a listen to some different systems - not dixons etc, cos they dont give a f**k what you buy, as long as they sell you it. one of the biggest considerations is how many inputs of each type does it have, many only have one optical (toslink) input, which is bollocks if you have dvd player / xbox / ps3 / digibox all with optical outs.

definitely check that.

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jamo gear is generally good stuff, I would deffo go to your local audiophile shop and have a listen to some different systems - not dixons etc, cos they dont give a f**k what you buy, as long as they sell you it. one of the biggest considerations is how many inputs of each type does it have, many only have one optical (toslink) input, which is bollocks if you have dvd player / xbox / ps3 / digibox all with optical outs.

definitely check that.

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