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Tent raiders

Guest Derby_Dave

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Got our tent (top of Dragon) turned over on the SUNDAY night. First time I've directly experienced ANY tent theft since 1994 :D:):) .

Nothing taken -- we had taken all the precautions and had taken all our goodies with us -- but we were pissed off, on getting back there very late and very drunk**, at the mess and feeling of violation.

**We were at Joan Baez in Acoustic quite a bit earlier and we have literally NO memory of her! :):D

I blame that cold spiced ultra strong scrumpy being sold near Pyramid before/during Leonard Cohen by the dready people from the tattiest bus in Green Crafts. Bargain! :D

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I mark everything of any value with my name and postcode with a UV Marker pen so if anything does go missing it has a chance of being returned. www.immobilise.com is a good to have a look at too. :)

When it comes to money well I just tie my wallet to me and wear a money belt under my clothes. Then even if I don't get robbed, I can't lose it myself in a drunken blur! :)

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We got robbed this year. We had two tents and two guys were sleeping in one whilst the rest of us sat around in the other one. When there was only one other guy still awake we heard someone move around in between our two tents and then just stand there for ages until we commented on it and shone a torch at the wall of the tent when they moved away. The next morning the other guys found all their stuff outside and all their money was gone. It's so annoying now knowing that we had heard the guy doing it but just not thought anything of it...

But from what I can tell the guys had taken no measures to keep their stuff safe (put valuables in their sleeping bag etc) so I think if you're careful you have nothing to worry about...

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I got my bag stolen from the porch of my tent whilst i was in it. We'd gone back because it was raining. It must have stopped and someone thought wet stuff would be left out and easy to steal.

Luckily I had taken money/phone/camera out, so as nothing valuable was inside it was dumped nearby.

After that we made use of the free property places. Heard lots of stories about people having things stolen from under their pillows.

I guess the lesson is to be careful, and next year I might invest in some bells to tie to the zip of my tent.

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One option is to clip the zips together with a carabina or something similar (easily undoable in case you need to get out in a hurry) when you're in the tent.

When you're not in the tent just take anything valuable with you. Lockups are always a good idea too.

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We've decided we're going to move into crew camping next year. We preferred Dragon for this time, especially as we could get onsite early and get the pick of the camping spots in that lovely field, but even if the risk is low (which it is, really) we don't want to get turned over again. Plus with crew camping, we get to park much closer to our tent.

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Glastonbury figures, incl 2 Rapes

Just wondered what impact this has on peoples view of the festival. Was it just bad management of the people setting up their tents? Was it inadequate choice of those attending festival? In reality could any of the recorded crime have been prevented? As a mother of 3 "children" who has been asked to join in with a group of friends in attending this next year should I disregard the news report and just go for it or should it make me think is this where I really want to be with my children with how society is at this point in time???

Edited by Px.
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Glastonbury figures, incl 2 Rapes

Just wondered what impact this has on peoples view of the festival. Was it just bad management of the people setting up their tents? Was it inadequate choice of those attending festival? In reality could any of the recorded crime have been prevented? As a mother of 3 "children" who has been asked to join in with a group of friends in attending this next year should I disregard the news report and just go for it or should it make me think is this where I really want to be with my children with how society is at this point in time???

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Aaah, Merci beauqoute, this is the site I used when attending my first festival, TinthePark, and it has never failed me since. I know that common sense is the best preventitive to organised crime but it doesnt stop me being wary of what the criminal element may now possibly be seeing as an easy target more so than yesteryear :P
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  • 1 month later...
Got our tent (top of Dragon) turned over on the SUNDAY night. First time I've directly experienced ANY tent theft since 1994 :lol::D:wacko: .

Nothing taken -- we had taken all the precautions and had taken all our goodies with us -- but we were pissed off, on getting back there very late and very drunk**, at the mess and feeling of violation.

**We were at Joan Baez in Acoustic quite a bit earlier and we have literally NO memory of her! :);)

I blame that cold spiced ultra strong scrumpy being sold near Pyramid before/during Leonard Cohen by the dready people from the tattiest bus in Green Crafts. Bargain! ;)

Edited by SunshineSky
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Definately best to get in with your neighbours, we ended up in the family field this year as when we got to Kidney Mead there was no room to camp (seeing as one mate had brought a 10 billion man tent just for him!) it was really friendly there and everyone was watching out for one another especially seeing as there is a high number of kids there. At one point 2 dodgy looking youths were going between the tents and casing them out, this attracted the attention of quite a few of the 'dads' in the field who started following and chatting to them, asking if they were alright and if they needed any help getting to where they wanted to go and eventually being escorted out the field. On another occasion a couple of young chaps were messing around with the fence at the edge of the field when they up clipped one side, about 6 blokes appeared from various directions shouting at them and demanding an explination to their behaviour. It was great to know that there were a load of people in the vicinity that would challenge any untoward behaviour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to T in the Park last year and although nothing happend to me as i was very careful! I remember reading a story in the paper of a bloke getting stabbed last year and a lot more robberys than usaual.

The lockers that were provided were brilliant! £15 for a piece of mind and a car style plug so i could charge my phone, during the day i only kept my i.d, phone and money on me, things like wallets, keys and other valubles i left in there the whole weekend.

Plus during the day i kept my money in several zipped pockets so if anyone did go into my pocked i had more money in a different one.

Highly recommend the lockers, but if you dont, when you sleep in your tent keep the valubles under ur pillow or whatever you use or at the bottom of your sleeping bag, and sleep with your feet facing the zipper. (So you can give them a boot in the face if you hear anyone coming in!) :lol:

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i agree with lockers, but i didnt use one at latitude last year due to the cost (which is stupid of me really).

instead i kept my cash, keys, passport and fone in a money wallet around my waist at all times with my cam on my wrist.

at night i also slept with said money belt and my cam on my wrist. i disagree with putting stuff under the pillows as people slash top ends of tents... i also disagree with putting stuff at the bottom on sleeping bags, espesh if like me u have to sleep with the side open...

i even put my wellies in my tent as i was scared they would get nicked from my porch! i also put my huge traveller bag (spanned the width of my 2man tent) at the top part so that if my tent did get slashed, my head wouldnt be effected.

however i do agree with the lockers idea.... but they seem a lot of hassle as all ur 'valuables' u need on an all day basis, bar home keys and travel tickets home...

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Is there any kind of strong mesh or netting that you could drape and peg over the outside of your tent to stop people slicing it?

I expect most things can be cut through, but an extra barrier would help put opportunistic thieves off, I would have thought.

Any suggestions? I'm thinking maybe pond netting or chicken netting or similar, but any other ideas?

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