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Bruce Springsteen

The Nal

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Yeah - seeing it in Bath tonight meself. Suspicious lack of irony in it from the trailers. Dreading coming out of it with a "I's not as bad as that am I?" feeling and the wife looking at me like her suspicions have finally been confirmed. LOL

From what I've seen and read theres no chance of that happening. Some of these people literally live their life around the man. I'm expecting it to be quite sad actually. Like I'm going to feel sorry for some of these freaks.

And yes, Bruce fanboys don't do irony or humour at all really. They're c**ts.

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but isn't that the otp snobbishness that you despise on places like BTX? What's wrong with not having seen him before 2008?

Theres something about the most recent tours that is attracting a box-ticking oneupmanship that has little or nothing to do with the music. Even a late-comer to the Springsteen mythos like me has seen him before this mouth-almighty... yet the way he was talking you'd swear he had your broad experience mate. All mouth no trousers stuff from the chap.

Granted theres nothing wrong with it... the chap isnt Idi Amin, Tony... but theres nothing right with it either. He's clearly a manical twathead the way he was talking.

Something I noticed Neil mate - you mention to one of these Springsteen geeks that you've been to a few Glasters and watch them pipe down. Absolute Kryptonite to their bullshite.

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There is a real cackhanded condescension in their repartee aswell.

"Oh you saw him in X, did you... riiiiight. Bit of an off night, that."

"Were you there?"

"No. Followed the setlist on Greasy Lake though. Didnt go down too well."

I ask you.

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There is a real cackhanded condescension in their repartee aswell.

"Oh you saw him in X, did you... riiiiight. Bit of an off night, that."

"Were you there?"

"No. Followed the setlist on Greasy Lake though. Didnt go down too well."

I ask you.

I was getting texts from a guy while I was watching him in Stockholm asking about a number they were doing whilst he was still doing it. Sad fucker sitting on BTX.

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Sad fucker sitting on BTX.

are BTX the Bruce obsessive forums, that were saying that he MUST have been playing Glastonbury 2013 because he was in the country at the same time and so they must have booked him, why wouldn't they have booked him?

Just out of interest, did they make any comments when Bruce wasn't announced for Glasto?

And are any of them put out by the fact that the Stones got far more press attention for playing?

(just being nosey)

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are BTX the Bruce obsessive forums, that were saying that he MUST have been playing Glastonbury 2013 because he was in the country at the same time and so they must have booked him, why wouldn't they have booked him?

Just out of interest, did they make any comments when Bruce wasn't announced for Glasto?

And are any of them put out by the fact that the Stones got far more press attention for playing?

(just being nosey)

Yup thats them.

I think they felt a bit sorry for us - that we only got the Stones when Bruce was only a few hundred miles away at the time in Paris.

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Saw Springsteen and I last night. Pretty good all in all. Only one or two nut jobs, didnt lay the Bruce adoration on too heavy (IMO) and some pretty funny stories and clips. Didnt take itself too seriously for the most part.

But why people clap the screens at the end of each of the gig clips is beyond me.

Heading off to the Cardiff show shortly

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Thought Springsteen and I was pretty boring an uninspired for the most part. Couple of funny bits though. The Elvis bit was very funny.

Not sure what you'd get in a film of a load of uberfans waxing on about an obsession they have. The guy who gets dragged along by his wife was funny. Just wanted the shows to be shorter. Mrs totally identified with that.

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Not sure what you'd get in a film of a load of uberfans waxing on about an obsession they have. The guy who gets dragged along by his wife was funny. Just wanted the shows to be shorter. Mrs totally identified with that.

Just thought we'd see some unique characters. Like the Elvis lad. There was way too much "Bruce is amazing, I love Bruce, my kids listen to him, I have his records" etc etc.

The Elvis bit


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Not my style usually, but needs to be pointed out.

If this was a movie about a female pop icon and there were male talking heads on screen talking about teenage visits to her concerts and "becoming a man", her "perfect, taut body" and more or less admitting to getting a big angry one on the go, there'd be ructions.

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Just another sign of the sexist world we live in bro. Us males have no rights anymore. Just pieces of meat for the feminists.

Irony ain't lost on me mate. Course my point is worthless in the broader scheme. But this film was as much about desperate women as it was about geeky men.

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Just getting ready to set off to Leeds now for the gig tonight,,, i know a springsteen fanatic, who's been rollcalling at the venue since Monday Morning at 9am, they go back every 2-3 hours and sign a sheet so they can go to the acoustic pre-show.

I love bruce, but miss 2 days of work to get past a barrier, screw it, i'd rather just gamble and try and crowdsurf over, or just get close anyway!


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Best bits of the film were about getting a quick snapshot of normal people and how they chose to present themselves. At that level it was entertaining and could just as easily been about other big stars...or about fishing. What it (mostly) avoided was overboarding on the "Why Bruce is different from all those other nasty pop stars" or the "Bruce is just a normal bloke" bit which would have been embarrassing - if only cos he clearly isnt on both counts.

The film shows (with a few exceptions) some normal folk saying why they like Bruce and we see a tiny bit of them and their lives because of it. I found that entertaining. Probably as they just asked via an internet link folk to record their opinions rather than seek out the Bruce equivalent of trekkies who've seen thousands of shows or who've named their kids Bruce Patti and Clarence.

They could have just gone on BTX or stood in a pit queue at a show and got plenty of take up from the nuts.

Cracking show at Cardiff last night by the way

Edited by Ted Dansons Wig
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just seen the set list... he's a law unto himself. And this isn't a 90 minute set that's getting mixed up a bit, it's 3 and a half frigging hours. Anyone who thinks that's too long, there won't be a single soul at these shows who would consider it long. Last night looks like one heck of a party. Just the encore alone is great.

I love Tougher Than The Rest and Ramrod... quite a few from The River there. The whole album at Leeds?

Really can't see him playing the whole album. Its too long surely? For the casual I mean.

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I suspect its a possible - but if I was a betting man I'd still go for Born in the USA.

Talked to a group in the Pit last night who were just getting back in their cars after the gig, driving from Cardiff to Leeds and getting straight in the queue before morning. Leeds has been well over hyped - as Wooderson says this isnt going to be a casual audience

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