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Going to Glasto early?

Guest Paul ™

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If I even make to to the train today...

I feel like shiiiiiiiiiiit! All this Glastobating does make you go blind. I feel so sick from lack of sleep now. Supposed to be leaving in around 1,5 hours and I just want to go back to bed...spose I can sleep a bit on the train to London.

Wake me up when the bus arrives...I'll be in my tent catching up on 2 weeks of lost sleep guys! :P

And then add to that the thought of staying up til dawn tomorrow...I just want to cry!

Doh! Pesky Efests..bad donkey!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely Paul! :P

Glad to hear you made it back home ok!

Yep, for sure same again next year...the pre meet was one of the reasons why this year was my best fest yet.

Although we may have to change locations for glastonbury town camping as was discussed at the time...

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I loved it getting down nice and early in Glasto and a few pints in the Riflemans, but gutted I missed out on the Avebury frolics! (couldn't get time off work cos I had a wedding this weekend to book time off for!)

But next year for absolute sure I shall be there! :lol:

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I loved it getting down nice and early in Glasto and a few pints in the Riflemans, but gutted I missed out on the Avebury frolics! (couldn't get time off work cos I had a wedding this weekend to book time off for!)

But next year for absolute sure I shall be there! :lol:

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It really did make so much difference to be down there early, and I like how Glasto is getting a little longer every year :)

Had a great one and especially loved finally getting up the Tor after the Rifleman's on Tuesday night :D

What was wrong with Old Oaks?
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Ah yes - Old Oaks......they will not be getting my business again, I wasn't overly impressed by the generally un-welcoming nature that was displayed to myself and other members of the efest contingent.....

Plans for next year should be roughly the same as this except that the Solstice will be 1 day later, however, I see no reason why we can't camp up at Avebury from the Saturday again.

A bit more organisation on the food side of things might be prudent for next year too - at least for Avebury.

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It was the tame incline of the hill that did me about Old Oaks. We should find somewhere a little steeper to fulfill everyones not rolling down the hill requirements. It's a good introductory slope but for seasoned not rolling down the hillers, something with a little more potential energy would be desirable. I'm not talking mountain goat standards, just something that gives you that rush of not rolling. I'm gonna contact the president of the INRDH comittee to see if there's any intermediate grade hills in the area. The only problem I forsee is that it's slightly out of season, and as with that guy this year at Avebury, we may get some overlap from the rolling down the hill lot. I'm all for sharing the hills with these folks, the snowboarders and skiiers seem to manage it, there's just a few cranks still stuck in their ways who try and ruin it for everyone (most of which are of the actually rolling down the hill type :D )
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