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Guest moss265

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The Smiths are bound to be a bigger draw, they've been split for over 20 years, the fact remains he's had a hugely successful solo career and his new album sounds like his best in years

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what planet are you on?! since when has bad press 'not helped' a musician to maintain their profile?

and noone is trying to compare the smiths to morrissey in terms of whose the bigger draw. i merely used those figures to illustrate that he's as big a booking as he was in 2004. whilst there are other factors that should also be taken into account, surely figures and concerts played are usually the best way to determine how popular an artist is and what kind of festival slot they should play?

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are you mad.....micheal jackson was still incredibly famous. after the first set of allegations his album and followup singles were his best selling ever, and i believe even broke quite a lot of records? even since the second set its not like noone is playing his music.

in fact he was rumoured to be playing a 10-30 (depending what you believe)night residency at the 20,000 capacity o2 arena (http://www.gigwise.com/article.php?contentid=39762, http://www.showbizspy.com/2007/12/14/micha...-the-o2-arena/) which only fell through because hes too ill to perform. that means potentially playing to a total of 200-600,000 people in the UK alone. does that sound like someone whose lost their profile?

with regards to smiths vs morrissey, i accepted that in my original post that there would be other factors tthat determine the draw of an artist (including nostalgia factor) but that sales fiigures/concerts size is still the best way to determine! whilst smiths in 09 may be more of a pull than moz in 09, i think you could make a case that moz in 09 would be more of a pull than the smiths in 1986!

its a stupid arguement anyway, because we're diverting from your original point that morrissey hasnt maintained the same profile since 2004. do you really think that increased sales, larger concerts, and more public exposure has made him less of a draw than he was five years ago? if so youre rather stupid

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are you mad.....micheal jackson was still incredibly famous. after the first set of allegations his album and followup singles were his best selling ever, and i believe even broke quite a lot of records? even since the second set its not like noone is playing his music.

in fact he was rumoured to be playing a 10-30 (depending what you believe)night residency at the 20,000 capacity o2 arena (http://www.gigwise.com/article.php?contentid=39762, http://www.showbizspy.com/2007/12/14/micha...-the-o2-arena/) which only fell through because hes too ill to perform. that means potentially playing to a total of 200-600,000 people in the UK alone. does that sound like someone whose lost their profile?

with regards to smiths vs morrissey, i accepted that in my original post that there would be other factors tthat determine the draw of an artist (including nostalgia factor) but that sales fiigures/concerts size is still the best way to determine! whilst smiths in 09 may be more of a pull than moz in 09, i think you could make a case that moz in 09 would be more of a pull than the smiths in 1986!

its a stupid arguement anyway, because we're diverting from your original point that morrissey hasnt maintained the same profile since 2004. do you really think that increased sales, larger concerts, and more public exposure has made him less of a draw than he was five years ago? if so youre rather stupid

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he's slightly less of a draw than five years ago but only because he'd been away for a while but he's bigger now than he was then so he's still a big draw. His new albums gonna go in at number one and if Radiohead are headlining I wouldn't be surprised if the 2nd slot went to Morrissey with them being such big fans.

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reading festival sold out as quickly in 2004 as it has now, its always been ridiculously popular so hasnt really needed to up the bands it books in order to keep tickets sales. in fact, if you believe that festivals becoming more mainstream has led to morrissey losing relevance perhaps you can explain how he's headlined v festival, wireless, t in the park and oxegen since reading 04?
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thats not what you orginally said, you said he was less of a draw because of the publicity regarding the racism row with the nme! you dont even know what youre arguing haha

i find it hard to think that morrissey will be less of a draw just because other bands are reforming - youre basing that on pure speculation. bands have been and always will reform its not like its only just come into fashion.

reading festival sold out as quickly in 2004 as it has now, its always been ridiculously popular so hasnt really needed to up the bands it books in order to keep tickets sales. in fact, if you believe that festivals becoming more mainstream has led to morrissey losing relevance perhaps you can explain how he's headlined v festival, wireless, t in the park and oxegen since reading 04?

and 'the british people are bored of depressing lyrics' - this is just absurd. where have you got that from?! the fact that his album has sold so well this week completely contradicts your expert analysis

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