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Guest 18Alex18

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Two girls asked me to let them past about half way through Gaslight Anthem's set, only to stand right in front of me with huge handbags on which then slapped me in the face for the rest of the set to the point where I was leaning backwards to avoid them. :O

You might benefit from some assertiveness training! in other words, learn how to say "FUK OFF"

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My pet hate is the people who stand behind you and have a SHOUTED conversation right next to your ear, all the way through a song, then as soon as the song finishes they finally shut up .... and then clap and cheer really loudly. I mean, how would you know? You weren't even listening!!! I couldn't hear a bloody thing and I was trying! :O

(I've been needing to get that out for a while. Thanks).

But hey, its a gig, not a seated concert hall, so you just move away to stand with the other fans who want to listen to the band. Don't want to be rude, so you tap on the next persons shoulder and say "Excuse me" ... and then you get this look ... :(

P.S. I used to dive through crowds to get to the front when I was younger and less grumpy. :D

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I wholeheartedly agree with the pushing to the front / umbrellas / flags issues raised in this thread.

It totally grates me, the people who do all these things. It also paints a picture of how rude and inconsiderate more and more people are becoming in this country. No awareness of their surroundings, or the impact that their selfishness is having on the people around them.

They just think... "I'm having a good time, so why worry about anything / anyone else..."

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I only dislike it if I move to let someone past and they stand in the space where I was leaving me balancing on one foot.

As for standing at a stage all day to see the headliners: sorry, but people are going to come and stand in the spaces in front of you 10 minutes before the band comes on. They shouldn't push you over to do this but turning up early doesn't guarantee a good view.

I wont go to big gigs with trendy bands any more because of the massive number of people who don't understand gig etiquette.

Terrible things:

Boys taking their tiny girlfriends (who don't really want to be there) into the pit and defending them viciously should anyone bump into them.

Excessive Shhhhhhing at festivals. Someone mouthing off drunkenly during a quiet set is rude but if you can't handle people quietly speaking to one another within earshot of the band then maybe live music isn't for you.

People permenantly on shoulders who aren't little kids.

Hurling cups filled with piss into the air.

People who, when you pick them up after they have fallen down, punch you by way of thanks.

People who punch you repeatedly if you brush against them because the 50,000 people on the other side of you have knocked into you.

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My pet hate is when you have walked for miles to see a band, had to wait a good 30 minutes before the gig starts and then realise you are at the wrong stage because you are so smashed!! You end up hanging around listening to a Vengaboys accoustic session 'cos you are so embarrassed to admit your mistake and move on!!!

Or does that happen to just me?? ;)

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To reserve a place take a fold up chair.

Get to the front as soon as the previous band have finished and the really keen lads arrive to bag their place.

Unfold the chair and sit down.

Chat to the lads then say 'would you mind looking after my chair while I grab a bite to eat/have a pee or something'.

Add 'and by the way you're welcome to sit on it.'

They'll be so pleased to rest their feet and you bugger off for half an hour.

Return later, work your way to the front and there will be you chair, still being guarded by the lads.

Thank them.

Fold it up and you've got a space at the front.

Rarely fails.

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To reserve a place take a fold up chair.

Get to the front as soon as the previous band have finished and the really keen lads arrive to bag their place.

Unfold the chair and sit down.

Chat to the lads then say 'would you mind looking after my chair while I grab a bite to eat/have a pee or something'.

Add 'and by the way you're welcome to sit on it.'

They'll be so pleased to rest their feet and you bugger off for half an hour.

Return later, work your way to the front and there will be you chair, still being guarded by the lads.

Thank them.

Fold it up and you've got a space at the front.

Rarely fails.

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I have several pet hates when at a gig/festival.

The main one is RECORDING the whole f**king thing on a mobile phone. Put it down you asshole - it's not like you're EVER going to watch this back, and even if you did, the quality will be terrible. Enjoy the moment!!

SOME flags are a pain but the smaller ones can be very handy as a marker.

As for pushers, they don't bother me too much WITHIN REASON. I find if you give a bit of manners back (we're talking about the 'excuse me' brigade here, who HAVE used some decorum at least) it's better for everyone. I usually reply with a 'not a problem mate'. If they stand next to you, talk to them. It's very possible that you have something in common - the act you're about to see for a start. Ask them who else they've seen, what they were like, etc, etc. You can really meet some friendly like-minded people by doing this. If they're miserable feckers, they'll either ignore you or - if you persist on talking to them - move out of your way.

Another tactic - don't WAIT to be asked to move. This is best if a couple are right behind you and one of them is short. I always ask if they'd like to stand just in front of me as the view could be better. Then, more often than not, they really appreciate it and another conversation can follow.

There is ALWAYS a delay before a band starts, which is always the best time to have a natter. It's best to enjoy an act with someone else but if I'm on my own for a particular act (as I sometimes am at Glasto) be sociable - have a natter. There have been times when I'm met random people, we've enjoyed a particular act and then gone for a pint afterwards. That's why I love the Glasto spirit.

Oh, and one other thing - it depends on the stage. I've always found the crowd at the Acoustic Stage to be really, really friendly and any 'pushers' are usually very apologetic. Probably because the type of music is that little bit more chilled, and that reflects on the mood of the audience. To the dude I met during Seth Lakeman last year - it was a pleasure chatting to you.

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I have several pet hates when at a gig/festival.

The main one is RECORDING the whole f**king thing on a mobile phone. Put it down you asshole - it's not like you're EVER going to watch this back, and even if you did, the quality will be terrible. Enjoy the moment!!

SOME flags are a pain but the smaller ones can be very handy as a marker.

As for pushers, they don't bother me too much WITHIN REASON. I find if you give a bit of manners back (we're talking about the 'excuse me' brigade here, who HAVE used some decorum at least) it's better for everyone. I usually reply with a 'not a problem mate'. If they stand next to you, talk to them. It's very possible that you have something in common - the act you're about to see for a start. Ask them who else they've seen, what they were like, etc, etc. You can really meet some friendly like-minded people by doing this. If they're miserable feckers, they'll either ignore you or - if you persist on talking to them - move out of your way.

Another tactic - don't WAIT to be asked to move. This is best if a couple are right behind you and one of them is short. I always ask if they'd like to stand just in front of me as the view could be better. Then, more often than not, they really appreciate it and another conversation can follow.

There is ALWAYS a delay before a band starts, which is always the best time to have a natter. It's best to enjoy an act with someone else but if I'm on my own for a particular act (as I sometimes am at Glasto) be sociable - have a natter. There have been times when I'm met random people, we've enjoyed a particular act and then gone for a pint afterwards. That's why I love the Glasto spirit.

Oh, and one other thing - it depends on the stage. I've always found the crowd at the Acoustic Stage to be really, really friendly and any 'pushers' are usually very apologetic. Probably because the type of music is that little bit more chilled, and that reflects on the mood of the audience. To the dude I met during Seth Lakeman last year - it was a pleasure chatting to you.

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On Saturday night I went to see Bloc Party and on Tuesday I went to see the Gaslight Anthem. As I always do with gigs, I got to each about 30 minutes early (7 for a 7:30 start) to be sure of being near-ish to the front. The problem is, you then feel obliged to stay in your position that you arrived so early to claim and desperately try not to go to the bar/toilet and risk losing your position. :)

Now, I know it's not very "rock n' roll" and all that, but the ignorance of people really does annoy me sometimes. The people who I'm talking about are the people who, push up to you, say "excuse me" and you let them through, only for them to stand right in front of you, clearly having turned up late and still expecting to get a great position. The problem is, they exploit you for not knowing why they are asking to be let through. They could easily have just been to the toilet and are trying to find their friends, so you, being a good kinded person let them through, but it drives me mad when people "excuse me" there way to the front as if they have a right to be there over everyone who's stood through the support acts for hours. :)

I branded these people "excuse-me-ers" after an incident at Gaslight Anthem. Two girls asked me to let them past about half way through Gaslight Anthem's set, only to stand right in front of me with huge handbags on which then slapped me in the face for the rest of the set to the point where I was leaning backwards to avoid them. :lol:

It always seems to be people aged between about 16-20 who disrespect everyone else there to get to where THEY want to be.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? Or am I just making a big deal of it? :D

Is there anything else that annoys you at gigs?

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Oh, and one other thing - it depends on the stage. I've always found the crowd at the Acoustic Stage to be really, really friendly and any 'pushers' are usually very apologetic. Probably because the type of music is that little bit more chilled, and that reflects on the mood of the audience. To the dude I met during Seth Lakeman last year - it was a pleasure chatting to you.
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What a miserable thread. You're right it's not very rock 'n' roll. I always find the crowds at Glasto quite relaxed and I usually start a gig towards the back and move my way forwards as the crowd obviously moves about quite a lot. It's not a supermarket with a queue it's a mass crowd standing in unreserved places with people usually dancing, if you don't want people pushing past you/into you move to the back or join them. Saying 'they should have got there earlier I have paid for my place' it's bullshit man and attitudes like that have no place at Glastonbury IMHO.

As for people singing to loudly, they've paid their money and it's music so they're allowed to do what they want. Christ if I was enjoying myself whilte talking to my friend or singing and some chap complained to me I'd be very angry. Moaning sods the lot of yeh!

Edited by glastofun
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I have several pet hates when at a gig/festival.

The main one is RECORDING the whole f**king thing on a mobile phone. Put it down you asshole - it's not like you're EVER going to watch this back, and even if you did, the quality will be terrible. Enjoy the moment!!

SOME flags are a pain but the smaller ones can be very handy as a marker.

As for pushers, they don't bother me too much WITHIN REASON. I find if you give a bit of manners back (we're talking about the 'excuse me' brigade here, who HAVE used some decorum at least) it's better for everyone. I usually reply with a 'not a problem mate'. If they stand next to you, talk to them. It's very possible that you have something in common - the act you're about to see for a start. Ask them who else they've seen, what they were like, etc, etc. You can really meet some friendly like-minded people by doing this. If they're miserable feckers, they'll either ignore you or - if you persist on talking to them - move out of your way.

Another tactic - don't WAIT to be asked to move. This is best if a couple are right behind you and one of them is short. I always ask if they'd like to stand just in front of me as the view could be better. Then, more often than not, they really appreciate it and another conversation can follow.

There is ALWAYS a delay before a band starts, which is always the best time to have a natter. It's best to enjoy an act with someone else but if I'm on my own for a particular act (as I sometimes am at Glasto) be sociable - have a natter. There have been times when I'm met random people, we've enjoyed a particular act and then gone for a pint afterwards. That's why I love the Glasto spirit.

Oh, and one other thing - it depends on the stage. I've always found the crowd at the Acoustic Stage to be really, really friendly and any 'pushers' are usually very apologetic. Probably because the type of music is that little bit more chilled, and that reflects on the mood of the audience. To the dude I met during Seth Lakeman last year - it was a pleasure chatting to you.

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I branded these people "excuse-me-ers" after an incident at Gaslight Anthem. Two girls asked me to let them past about half way through Gaslight Anthem's set, only to stand right in front of me with huge handbags on which then slapped me in the face for the rest of the set to the point where I was leaning backwards to avoid them. :)
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I hate people who can't be bothered to throw their tuppence in, and instead just write +1. Either lurk or contribute!!

Anyway, this thread has made me very happy, am I the only grump that finds true happiness in others being equally or more grumpy than myself? :rolleyes:

On thing that does bother me (seriously) is "beer can throwing". I mean throwing a paper cup of goodness-knows-what is bad enough, but a partially full can on the head could really hurt someone. Don't do it you selfish idiots (though there's no point in saying that here, eFestivaliers are clearly not the culprits).

Anyway, all the other stuff that people have moaned about, yeah I hate it too!!

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I think it's a bit harsh calling the thread starter miserable, and to be honest those of you telling him/her to 'get over it' are probably the main culprits of the ignorance they are complaining about. It's not about being there first and people pushing in, it's the arrogance of people that when they're at gigs to decide that they're allowed to be rude and obnoxious to those around them who are also trying to enjoy the show. Now generally I don't have a problem at gigs, and haven't for a few years, but I know the type of people this thread is complaining about and yeah, they suck.

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I think it's a bit harsh calling the thread starter miserable, and to be honest those of you telling him/her to 'get over it' are probably the main culprits of the ignorance they are complaining about. It's not about being there first and people pushing in, it's the arrogance of people that when they're at gigs to decide that they're allowed to be rude and obnoxious to those around them who are also trying to enjoy the show. Now generally I don't have a problem at gigs, and haven't for a few years, but I know the type of people this thread is complaining about and yeah, they suck.
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To reserve a place take a fold up chair.

Get to the front as soon as the previous band have finished and the really keen lads arrive to bag their place.

Unfold the chair and sit down.

Chat to the lads then say 'would you mind looking after my chair while I grab a bite to eat/have a pee or something'.

Add 'and by the way you're welcome to sit on it.'

They'll be so pleased to rest their feet and you bugger off for half an hour.

Return later, work your way to the front and there will be you chair, still being guarded by the lads.

Thank them.

Fold it up and you've got a space at the front.

Rarely fails.

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Basically, I get annoyed by the way people conduct themselves and their manners. If someone asks to be let past and is honest in this and aren't just thinking "I deserve to be in front of all these people" then I will probably let them through.


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